I genuinely do not understand why this game is so massively popular. Is it purely because it apparently makes great streaming material?
I genuinely do not understand why this game is so massively popular...
That's like asking why are Nintendo games popular. It's extremely casual, it's fun, it's cheap, it's great with friends, everyone from toddlers to adults can play it, you can play one match every once in a while and no need for tryharding, no match is even remotely similar keeping it fresh.
It's really not rocket science.
It's popular because Chinks only play popular games. Anyway, why do Chinks only play popular games? It's fucking strange
Like clockwork
You're autistic if you can't understand why people like it
Its tense, games dont last that long, and winning is a huge thrill. Not hard to understand why people like battle royale games.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand why PUBG. The gameplay is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of strategy and quick decision making, most of the fights will end with you losing. There’s also the players nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into the game-everyone just aimlessly spouting memes in the spawn area, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this game's mechanics and player interactions, to realise that it's not just fun-that it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike PUBG truly ARE idiots-of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the tactics in challenging other players to “Drop into Pochinki” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Brendan Green's genius wit unfolds itself on their monitors. What fools.. how I pity them.
What does that even mean? I said Nintendo because for me it's the definition of tons of extremely casual and extremely fun games, which they are, it's a fact, and there's NOTHING wrong with that.
It was a compliment and you're sperging out. And people wonder why this board is a joke.
I like it. Wasn't expecting much when I got it, the thing is, despite lack of polish in many many areas, gunplay is surprisingly deep and polished, still fucked up sometimes and it shows, but the foundation is there.
play on asian servers for a fun experience.
In the 'describe your ideal game' threads of a few years ago people would often ask for a battle royale style game on a huge map with loads of players.
Now we've got it and Sup Forums hates it, what happened?
PUBG made it to the top of steam player counts even before chinks got into it and shot the player count up another 1 million.
I fucking hate PUBG with a passion, but it's clear why it's popular and well liked.
It's fast to get into a game and every second you spend in the game makes it tenser. Great game for a competitive mind.
It's efficient at creating the same feeling you get when you're the last person alive in counterstrike against the entire enemy team.
How is it extremely casual? Are you just saying that to mean extremely popular or has what 'casual' means changed over time.
It's popular. Even funnier when back then there was the playerunknown's arma 3 BR and Sup Forums complained that it was too complicated to set up the mod.
Obviously it did well enough before, but why do Chinks only play popular games?
Arma 3 BR was even jankier than pubg to be fair, I do miss a lot of the features that got lost in the transition though.
Any game that can make one of the most popular people on the planet yell fucking nigger on livestream has my approval. God bless pubg. Fortnite is better though.
>because it apparently makes great streaming material?
Yes, that's because is an actual fun game.
It can get pretty intense.
Ok i will tell you the secret
Nu bullshit, no memery
It's fun
You simply can't play niche multiplayer games in asia, especially shooter. Either you have to queue on NA and get horrible ping, or wait 15 minutes for asia queue to pop (if the game even has an asia server)
I live in SEA and I don't even bother to look at any multiplayer game that has less than 10k concurrent player.
I keep looking at this thing like it's Daft Punk
It's very casual, there's a huge RNG element, there isn't very much gunplay.
Compare it to something like Quake and they're miles apart.
I see, why are you so angry about a game you've never even played? Just ignore it.
It's casual because everyone can pick it up. It's a "extremely easy to play, hard to master game" type of game. The 10y/o can play on his mom's pc every other day with his 13y/o friend, while the 25y/o gamer can play serious games, with tactics and everything.
And casual=/=a bad thing, there's literally nothing wrong with a game being casual. Sup Forums is the only place where casual means bad.
I'm not angry, it's just a casual game.
So, it's like a gacha? One chance in a million to be worth the hassle?
that helmet really irritates me, why is it slightly pushed up be cant see out of it and its not fully protecting his face whats the point
playerbase is full of soyboys
>it's fun
Yeah it's fun like 2 or 3 times you play it. Better off getting Fortnite, it's free and the devs aren't a bunch of faggots.
Extremely low skill cieling and entry level because of RNG mechanics.
The game would have sold 12 million even without China.
Saw my brother play Fortnite, really not interested in it. Looks decent but meh. And I play only grills in games, my brother told me you get a random character at each match in FN, and you can even be a nigger, no way I'll even bother to download it. My cousin bought me PUBG for my birthday, and I can be a qt grill.
We play 2 games once or twice a week, it's always fun.
Because it's a new concept/genre in the mainstream
. It's a bit like Minecraft, that was only so ridiculously successful since there was nothing else like it at the time
>It's a bit like Minecraft, that was only so ridiculously successful since there was nothing else like it at the time
it's funny you say that, as the genre technically began in minecraft, as early as 2011 albeit as "the hunger games", instead of referencing the much superior 'battle royale'.
Chinks inflated numbers that made non-Chinks think "oh so that's the new meme game". They buy it, realize it's only Chinks, then leave. It's why non-Chink activity is dropping by the day. Roughly 15% of all active players speak English. Chinks buy the game because they bot for money and cheat.
Being new isn't the only thing. Minecraft became so huge because it was tremendous amounts of fun and EVERYONE could play it. Literal babies could just stack dirt block and hit trees with shovels and just walk around being amazing at the size of the world, while hardcore 30y/o turbo autists were making entire lotr castles. A simplistic concept with so much possibilities. At least during the alpha, then it became a fucking RPG.
I don't think it's humanly possible to dislike alpha Minecraft, that's like disliking Disneyland, not possible. PUBG on the other hand, I can totally understand people not liking it.
Although they're vaguely the same concept, the lack of guns, cars and plane dropping in minecraft are what makes pubg unique.
>vaguely the same concept
it is the same concept, there were even modded versions with guns before pubg, not sure about any versions with vehicles or plane dropping, but they tended to auto-randomise your position anyway; there were many variations made and it was extremely popular around 2013-2014 in particular.
The owner of the steamspy website stated that the geographic data was inflated and isn't accurate for the time being FYI.
I rather play COD because it requires more skill and tactical thought than casual trash like PUBG.
China/India bots
>CoD, Battlefield and other "kill mindlessly, death does not matter" shooters swarm the market for the last 10 years
>a shooter comes out and does it differently
Big surprise that people got bored of the same style of gameplay after 10 years.
Battlefield itself hasn't able to get itself past 32v32 and on larger maps. Its gotten worse of the years with more tight mid or close range fights
Because Westacucks are starting to follow Chink treads or to become like Chinks as a submissive hivemind/mob mentality. Westacucks only play games everyone else joins. They havent been able to judge things on their own.
It has perfectly balanced character progression in combination with its one life rule where dying immediately after parachuting in isn't particularly frustrating and you can get into another game almost instantly but making it to the top ten with the encroaching circle always on your ass and a ton of gear on your back and your gun makes you feel like you've got the entire world to lose, it's a genuine adrenaline rush.
This game and Rainbow Six: Siege are the only games in recent memory that can still get my heart thundering in my chest every time I play them.
They got the numale and chink market (biggest markets).
The game would have sold at least 10 million without China.