>play Overwatch
>get yelled at by angry manchildren
>banned for not playing as meta characters (6 out of 26)
>banned for using voice lines
>banned for teabagging
>banned for saying gg
>banned for being too good
>banned for opting out of voice chat
>banned for not buying loot boxes
Play Overwatch
>>play Overwatch
There's your mistake
>play cs
>call other guy a nigger faggot
>mfw nothing happens
Overwatch played you sonny
I don't understand why people continue to play this game and complain about all the wrongs with it, then continue to play this trash.
Do you all hate yourselves? You guys enjoy frustration and pain? The fun can't have lasted that long if you guys are taking shit up the ass for even playing the game now. The Roadhog nerf was pretty much where I stopped playing and realized it's only going to get worst from there.
This. 2017 is still giving great releases in many platforms and people are stuck at Overwatch cycle
Relax, they don't. It's just the ebin Blizzard hateboner meme thing.
lets just blank out your own name but nameshame the other guy
If you play for fun, then why aren't you sticking with QP and Arcade then?
>still playing overwatch
Switch to Paladins
That's Blizzard telling you that you are a moron for buying and playing Overwatch
>they ban people for not cooperating
>somehow i still get torbs, hanzos, terrible widows with 3 hours igt, and other monstrosities in my plat games
this, i've taken flaming in esea to an artform
This game manages to be much slower, easier and has a shittier map design.
Can't believe people play Overwatch to begin with. Now imagine my shock when I learned people unironically play this trash
>play squad
>scream politically incorrect shit with my Chad teammates
>we all chuckle and have a good time
>some neogaf, free weekend fag gets offended
>messages an admin
>admin types in global chat
>"stop being a whiny cunt and just enjoy the game and banter"
user i want to get squad. i've played shooters my entire life. would i meet cool people ingame?
>watching clip of old moonmoon stream
>he gets enumbre on his team
>calls him the god king to make fun of him because enumbre one time called himself that unironically
>enumbre leaves out of rage
I'd seen that dude post here before and knew he was a child but holy shit lmao
squad is the best fps experience I've ever had. But it's not like most casual shooters. If you're looking for something that is HEAVY on team play, communication, and semi milsim, you should definitely get it. Most people are great. The higher learning curve and slightly limited accessibility weeds out the CoD cunts
why would you watch the dumbest fucking fotm cunt streamer to ever live i dont understand the appeal whatsoever
It was just a clip i saw on youtube buddy
i mainly play bf4 so i feel like it wouldnt kick my ass toooo hard. i'll pick it up
steamcommunity iamoverflow ?
I always find it funny Valve is really hard on cheating but its pretty much impossible to get banned for anything you say.
>I don't understand why people continue to play this game and complain about all the wrongs with it, then continue to play this trash.
This is Sup Forums where people shitpost about games they have never played.
They don't. The people bitching are the ones who never played the game and just want to troll post.
if you're coming from battlefield, you should be okay. Just listen to your squad lead and ASK QUESTIONS. seriously, there's no stupid questions in Squad, just ignorant actions. And trust me, people hate ignorant actions.
I don't know what you're spoiler message means.
Enumbre sperging out is always great serves him fucking right always attention whoring here.
steamid without linking it if you want to play potentially
>play dota
>scream on mic for 30 games straight, feed when things don't go my way
>end up in literal 'shadow pool' matchmaking queue (next step after consecutive low priority) full of other spastics
takes some effort to get in the shadow pool, other than that the low priority system works well.
ah, I see. I'll add you if I remember tomorrow. I'm in bed, shitposting from my phone, about to fall asleep
Ans you know the best thing? CSGO is a lot more open so you can just play on custom servers doing deathrun,bhop, jailbreak etc without giving a shit about anything
My favorite heroes are Soldier 76, Sombra, Reignheardt, Mercy, and Bastion.
Which of those will get me banned from quickplay?
You won't even get banned for those if you play low-level comp, though Sombra might raise some eyebrows. Quickplay is just "whatever".
Sombra, Reinhardt, Mercy and Bastion
honestly why should that even be surprising? Why should you get banned for a little trashtalk?
>CSGO is a lot more open so you can just play on custom servers doing deathrun,bhop, jailbreak etc without giving a shit about anything
It's sad how uncommon this is becoming nowadays. Official matchmaking with an option for dedicated community servers is really how all multiplayer games should be.
>Valve is really hard on cheating
>honestly why should that even be surprising?
I didn't say it was surprising just funny. Dev's are jumping on-board with banning players over trash talking so hard nowadays and Valve is still there like "Yeah you can call someone a flaming nigger faggot but we better not catch you hacking". That's how it should be.
They wanted to introduce a more intrusive vac but people complained.
>Permanent bans with no chance of appeal
>Has a system in place in CS:GO where players can vote to ban someone if they are hacking
>Places a non removable ban message on your profile for everyone to see
How is that not hard on cheating? I didn't say VAC was good there are a ton of hacks that get through but when you actually do get caught cheating they don't fuck around.
beyond the first two
>shit that never happened
post yfw you didn't fall for overwatch meme
You should get banned for posting shit threads.
I still can't discern whether this picture is used ironically or seriously.
Not that it matters, because it has no sense at all.
Overwatch used to be good, I think that's the worst part of it all. It's a shame blizzard created it.
>play a game made by people who are probably pro stuff like affirmative action etc
>expect their policies to be anything but dogshit
I can't speak my mind and have fun in these games. It all stems from faggots who are so thin-skinned they can't tolerate harmless banter even in a competitive environment.
It makes 100% sense. Playing overwatch without a proper team composition is literally the same as playing tic tac toe by scribbling at random on the page.
t. triggered shitter who gets vote banned for being garbage
>playing TF2
>kid speaks on mic
>is votekicked
Today I lost 300 rating in ranked mode due to the retards who couldn't understand that the 2 2 2 is the optimal set up and they were picking only dpsers plus they were spliting rushing alone and ofcourse leaving the game in the end I'm new to the game playing only a month now and I m considering to uninstall it, also is there any hope if I get to the platinum division or is full of shitters like in gold?
You are the only constant
I uninstalled the second I saw this tranny clown
Fuck off everyone who says this. It's entirely possible to be constantly given different shit teammates.
yea you can play the unappealing character for more stats than other chars.
The soyboi numale was never like that in the past when he was playing MMO (a long with many others), only recently he started taking in copious amounts of phytoestrogen and that's what OW turned into.
I love everything about her exept her dumb anime walk pls no bully
I hate her boots. I don't know why OW designers just HAVE to fuck up the boots somehow. Those stupid Winged Victory half-sandals, Sombra's weird boots, Doomfist's sandals. At least Glam/Moon boots are good, just leather boots with studs.
That's objectively wrong because no where in the metaphorical rules of overwatch is it ever stated and enforced that you have to play 'x' character to help 'y' team. The tic-tac-toe analogy doesn't work because theres too many factors in overwatch that your terrible analogy doesn't encompass. You can still win in overwatch if you play "non-meta" characters as where it is objectively impossible to win by scribbling all over a paper you are supposed to be playing tic-tac-toe on.
TL;DR - You're fucking stupid
Keep telling yourself that shitter
>2017 is still giving great releases in many platforms
Such as?
They're inserting literal transexual characters now?
It's harder to find other people to play actually good games with given how much Overwatch has monopolized the MP player base.
Because those have the horrible opposite where nu-Wojak tier "players" drag you into losses over and ovet again and then blame you because the game has no scoreboard with which to display people's actual contributions. This same lack of scoreboard also makes winning a match the only fun and satisfying thing to be had since your individual accomplishments just fall into the ether.
Overwatch was never good.