
There is only one way to feel about this - those hacks haven't released anything of their own, and those bits that were of their creation were irredeemable shit.

I'm sure there are talented developers there and maybe Gaider is still a true RPG fan deep down, but with their cashgrabby appropriation they can fuck right off.

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NWN is a shitty game too, at least until HotU


What's there to even enhance?
Make lesbian threesome in HotU possible?

All they need to do is make it recognize multi-core CPUs and I'm in.

Beamdog's enhanced editions always come with all expansion packs included.

Uhmm they made Siege of Dragonspear you fucking shitlord? When you're ready to apologize you can find me at the Friendly Arm Inn.

Idk but last time I tried to play on Windows 10 the chat bar was flicking and I was getting a lot of weird bugs. Also I'm hoping they would fix the convoluted and buggy combat mechanics.

Nooooo! The moment I saw the pic in the catalog I knew it'd be Beamdog off to try and ruin another franchise.

>Friendly Arm Inn.
Inns, you mean the places that historically reinforced the perception of women as servants and tools? Spotted the bigot.

I played it and would have ZERO problems with different sexualities if they were naturally woven into the game's narrative.

>I played it
Found your problem.

Still no IWD2 enhanced edition?

Will the graphics be updated?

What can I say, I like the engine and would buy all competently developed expansions even if they were focused on combat.

If you ignore the shitty expansion for Baldur's Gate that Beamdog made all their Enhanced Editions are pretty good, what's the fuss about?

Original game is shit, so the good news is that this will be the first enhanced edition that probably wont be worse than the original game

terrible "improvements" to the ui and horrible filters added on top of the game
intrusive new content that is jarringly out of place and terrible.
So basically everything

This will be pretty fun to pirate and play through again.

NWN is a great game with a shit campaign.

>all their Enhanced Editions are pretty good
Only if you haven't played the originals. That fucking UI rework alone, writing and companions are below even early Biowarian standards, mod compatibility.

If it isn't compatible with existing campaigns and mods then i can't see many people in the NWN community switching. The game runs HD and looks fine on modem hardware. The UI is still great.

What the hell is the point, both NWN still play just fine. The only thing worthwhile would be a full on hd remake with all the assets/lighting/shaders/engine in general. Or nothing at fucking all.

This, expansions and modules are pretty much the only reason people care about this game.

are they going to enchance the boring main quest too?

I tried making a Fallout thing with that old modern resource pack
didn't look very good

No enhanced A Dance with Rogues with sex animations no care.

NWN runs like absolute shit on modern hardware. If they can actually fix that it'll be worth it regardless of what else they do with it.

don't give money to beamdog

Don't make Fallout things. The modern content works best with urban fantasy.

The GOG version runs perfect on my machine.

NWN1 drops frames for no reason on content it has no reason to do so on, has stability bugs, and has an annoying as fuck alt-tab bug, NWN2 has actual engine bugs that make you have to run a third party program or restart your computer if you don't want backgrounds to animate at 2 FPS, tons of gameplay bugs, and will constantly lower the max frames you can get and sometimes shits the bed entirely and runs at 7 FPS until you restart the game.

They said all mods will (read: should) be backwards compatible, so you are getting an enhanced A Dance With Rogues with sex animations if they lift the damn animation slot limit

I have a bad feeling about this.

Stutters as hell for me in Win 10 for no reason. If vanilla Win 10 no patches, works fine. The moment it updates it's fucked

You can turn the filters off and ignore the new companions. The UI is perfectly fine.

On one hand they're a shit company.
On the other hand you'd have a hard time ruining NWN.

Literally the only thing I can think of is them breaking module compability.

Oh my fucking god, no.

I have the Diamond edition. Game runs like shit for no reason at all even when it's limited to a single core.

They promised that there'd be backwards compatibility

I wonder if they're extending scripting capabilities tho

Really? I've had issues with Divine Divinity and NWN2, but NWN1 ran like a charm from day 1.

>bg enhanced
>all mods have to be updated to work with
>planescape enhanced
>all mods have to be updated, no unfinished business because nobody cares enough to update it
>every module in nwn will be compatible, we swear

Yes really. Game ran way better on my computer from 2010 than it ever did on this one.

NWN modules != mods

It's basically a set of game rules, object placements, location tiles glued with some scripts.

If they remaster some parts of the game, but leave the overall logical structure (like they should) and if they will add Aurora Toolset support - I can't see why old modules won't work with the enhanced edition.

Neverwinter Nights looked like absolute ass even when it was new. Unless they plan on buying CDred's graphical improvements that they built the original Witcher using, they have a looooooot of work cut out for them making NWN1 look "enhanced"

christ NWN1 was so shit, to boot. the only redeeming grace would be if it gave modders some gumption to make new mods--the Aurora Toolkit was at least idiot-proofed enough that it let amateurs use it easily enough, something which NWN2 failed to do hence it failed to build up a massive library (although NWN lost a fuckton back when bioware just turned the goddamn NWN Vault off without bothering to inform anyone they were going to do it, THANKS EA FOR YOUR PHILOSOPHY THAT MODDERS ARE COMPETITION TO SELLING OFFICIAL SHITTY DLC)

Bioware didn't do shit, that was IGN.

Bioware made mod contests even. They were pretty based devs once upon a time.

I stopped playing the game after I basically was forced to. Maybe someone here can help me fix the problem.

I got myself a monitor that has G-Sync. But now G-Sync enables automatically and makes the screen tear like crazy, despite me turning G-Sync off in the nvidia control panel. It's like it stutters, while there's 3 different screen tears at the top, middle and bottom. I wish I could show it, but it's difficult.

What do?

This is true, although Bioware closing the official NWN forums that had a decade's worth of scripting techniques and building advice was a sour blow as well.

Uhhh.. don't even know how to feel about it. There's really nothing to enhance here. While BG got stuff like hi res support and some QOL improvements, NWN works really nice on modern systems with the latest updates.
I got a feeling that they'll just end up adding tranny and gay characters.

And the worst thing is that that the Beamdog might go after KotOR next.. (which could use an update for modern systems, but definitely not from them)

Every new patch for nwn tended to be incompatible with half the modules. EE is probably a bit more complex that a mere patch.

When I was a wee kid I working on NWN module inspired by S.T.A.L.K.E.R SoC, but in fantasy universe.

I remember there was a cutscene in the beginning and dynamic quests where you get a quest and a group of ghouls spawns in some location and you need to kill them all to get a reward. Also there were dungeons with bugs and you had to clear them too.

I tried to make the whole module to contain only ranged weapon, so it would play like a fallout or something. These were good times, lads!

Maybe I will try the HD version if there will be an Aurora Toolkit.

Well, I suppose that the game is already patched to the last version and they just change the graphics, the internal systems to make it work with modern hardware, but the main logic is the same - blueprints, 2DA and all this shit I don't remember anymore. We'll see.

All Unfinished Business fixes are included in the game

restored content =/= fixes

Will it have trannies, because not having them is kind of a dealbreaker for me?

You mean content Chris Avellone intentionally left out?

They aren't going to get to fallout right?


>Chris "everyone is stupid except me" Avellone
I'll take Deionarra's Truth, Pendant of Yemeth and other restored little atmospheric quests over his intentions, thanks.

Good for you. I played the original fully modded and recently the enhanced edition and didn't really miss anything

Man, I remember renting this game from the video rental store and use (and keep) the CD key that came with it, downloaded a crack from gamecopyworld and that was it. I spent days of my youth on a persistant world server. My cleric and a couple other people would go and kill stuff in the countryside, but more often than not we'd do this kind of hordemode where you were in a square arena/city areal where you could summon different kinds of monster groups. Good times

Good for you. I played the enhanced edition and recently the original fully modded and didn't really see why they made the EE in the first place.

Is NWN2 worth playing?

Yes, but it's way worse in my opinion.

MotB has one of best evil endings ever made, it's worth playing nwn2 just for it. OC - not so much. Module community was dead on arrival thanks to shitty editor and engine in general, but there are some okay ones, like Path of Evil.

Hope they fix the problematic content. Aribeth role was clearly sexism and a female as the big bad? Totally not cool in this year.

It's a second helping. If you really enjoy the food you get a second service off, then you'll enjoy eating more, even though it's not fresh or new, or quite as filling anymore.

>lame excuse about source code for IWD2 (even though they did IWDEE on the basis of the BG engine) since that will require work
>'enhanced' another game that like torment and IWDEE will be forgotten the next day while removing the originals from gog to benefit from sales of the classic versions
Classic Beamdog

Yes, it's way better.

Time to backup nwn.

they should just remove the problematic lines and it would be ok

Sort of. The OC is shit, MotB is great, SoZ is a fantastic idea for a game with shitty implementation and balance.

NWN1 went free ages ago though. Anyone who was at all interested probably has it.

Benzor. Home.

It was a two day offer or so, it was easy to miss.

Who actually wants this? NWN was pretty much complete dogshit, only saved by the massive mod scene.

The only upside to this is if they set up a stable, no-hassle way to multiplayer.

That said, this is a very old game, and I don't see most people who didn't already play it before getting into it. Old 3d games don't age as well as old 2d games.


The new graphics looks awesome!

w-what did they change?

The OC is great, MotB is greater.

>Dungeons & Dragons was pretty much complete dogshit, only saved by the massive mod scene.
This is what you sound like. Sandboxing and being able to make your own modules was maybe 75% of what the appeal of the game was supposed to be.
Aside from that, the expansions are very solid. (But I agree the base game is extremely boring)

So they've done literally fucking nothing?

>update all graphics
>don't update graphics, just fix UI and higher resolutions

Киpилл Bлaдимиpoвич is right

>Give options for both
Good work guys! That's exactly what I wanted.

If they don't change anything, why even buy an EE? The GoG release of Diamond still works great.

So true! Specially with NWN with those beautiful graphics.

Better than Morrowind tho :smirk:

They textures seem sharper to me.

I know right, it's almost like we don't want those fucks to touch NWN with a ten foot pole or something

Apparently, fonts now scale properly so if you play on 1440x900+ you can actually see shit.

literally a bunch of modders given free reign over IPs they don't deserve

The original looks like ass and it's ui dosen't scale with modern aspect ratios so if they can fix that I'll be happy. Hopefully the added attention will get more people making shit too.

can't wait for NWN with absolutely nothing added except a new gender

>charging you to update the fucking UI resolution

Sounds like the kind of thing that should be released in a free patch you good fucking goy

>does work on a game
>shouldn't get paid for it
The kike who calls the other out for being a jew.

>does minor adjustments
>demands full price
Goldbergerstein detected

Hope they add new trans portraits and rewrite thje game with neutral pronouns.

>thinking you deserve to get paid the full price of someone else's years of hard work just to fiddle the dimensions on the dialogue box
>while breaking the fucktons of mod content that made it worth playing in the first place
>user defends this for free

This is what peak soyim looks like

Pretty much this. NWN as a game was fucking terrible in pretty much every way. It's one redeeming factor that probably saved the entire game was how much it could be modded.

>while breaking the fucktons of mod content that made it worth playing in the first place
Source on this please. After watching the video I'm sure it will be just Diamond edition with better newer hardware support and every module and hak-pack will work just fine.

user pls. Even NWN2 with its barely functioning engine has a free mod that fixes UI, fonts and their scaling. Also HD mods for better graphics. Kaedrin pack for better gameplay. All free. Why should Beamdog get shekels for less work?