they both look like they'd give decent succs
although the one on the left looks like she'd complain if you forgot to knock
But she doesn't look autistic anymore.
>relax the eyes
>give better shadows to the eyes
>soften jaw slightly
>suddenly looks good
We human beings are weird
but now she looks like generic female #2644892663 as opposed to a unique individual
>unique individual
Everybody with down syndrome looks the same though.
The point of character modeling isn't to make them attractive, retard.
It's a game about human relationships and she looks like an average human. If she looks like a supermodel it kinda throws a wrench into the gears in a story about relateable human interactions, yahearme.
>photoshopping her to look like a flip
im sorry you made a bad game.
Photoshopping a still image is different to making a game model
You kind of ruin your own "a character needs to look like a disgustingly average human for interaction to happen" argument when you make it over a game with fucking aliens.
My Ryder is already cute
That is a hambeast, user.
lol "she's" a retarded shitskin.
t. blind
Well yeah, it's impossible to make attractive whites in this game
you couldn't have made an uglier char if you tried
Now let's see what user can do in 3d Studio Max or Maya in 15 mins.
typical weeb with no taste
>i'm surprised they didn't just make Lenna Dunham the main character
they have to look like feminists. so relatively sane faces like the right one will be dismissed by western devs at any time
I don't see any problem with the first besides the neck looking too thin, which in turn makes the jaw look weird
Seems a young native american boy without moustache. Very ugly user.
>native american
que? I was going for indian
The color of the skin is similar.
Lets get down to bass tacks, who do we have to kill in some inhumane meme Sup Forums-related way to make that shit go away?
basically man
looks like a 50 yo white male manager with a dark skin color
Not going to defend this awful game and its ugly ass characters, but comparing a 3D model to what is essentially a drawing is retarded.
I read that women don't like good looking girls in games.
Is that true?
Having a decent looking face doesn't make you a supermodel. Back to tumblr, landwhale.
The point is that some fucking nobody could create a better concept than a massive dev team, and as for messing with meshes to make it work, it's not rocket science, and a skilled user could likely do massive improvements if they had access to it.
I thought she was absolutely hideous until I saw that they gave her a fatty. Some one have the sex scene webm?
>Genetic enhancement and reconstructive surgery is on the table
>people choose to look like shit
lmao looks like Malala decided to go to space
Man, this is so easy, where is my check EA?
That kid needs to pick his nose
>Average human is an ugly autistic mutt
Sci-fi should be aspirational, not ugly niggers in space
Mr Bean?
Keira Knightley
wtf I HATE commander shepard now!
Wouldn't photoshoping a 2d inage be way easier than making a 3d model?
>inb4 I'm accused of defending bioshit
>use a Dutch super model for commander shepard
>everyone loves it
>nah mate, we need to create relatable ugly characters
>everybody hates it
>gggmanlives on Sup Forums
Yes, but it's an example of what a tallentless faggot on Sup Forums can do in 5 minutes vs a thousand man "tallented" team over the course of years.
It's not like we're talking about a character you see once and never again so derpyness is sort of acceptable then, this is one of two faces that players will see more than any other piece of modelling in the game.
Not him, but once you have a base model, you can easily fix it before you rig it. OP's example showed that slimming the face and not making the eyes bulge out makes a whole world of difference.
all the females in the game were obviously created by ugly fat women because they all look ugly as fuck
>hurr making a 2d image on photoshop is the same as creating a 3d model y is user so #based
that has nothing to do with the argument of it not looking like a human face
>Taking away her autism, her sexiest feature
Also, photoshoping a picture isn't the same as crafting a 3D model as well as mapping the facial features. If user took an extra 5 minutes to open up modelling software he could've made a better argument.
Models for Ryders weren't ugly, though. It's just that character models were purposefully and intentionally beaten with the ugly stick.
If she was supposed to look average why did they model her on a very attractive woman?
male ryder was actually translated almost perfectly. it's the fuckboy passive-aggressive voice I had a problem with.
astronaut Frank Borman was the irl form of Chad
your argument is shit
That jawline and eye size comparison alone, jesus christ. Male Ryder isn't too horrid though.
>start with Janina and end up with Caitlyn Jenner
She looks miserably sadistic and I mean that in a good way
Male ryder looks pretty close to its model and female ryder just lacks proper lighting, skin tone, camera angle, and mascara (especially eye liner).
That vacant yet hungry gaze.
Suddenly it all makes sense.
>Ryder Rotten
But I thought portraying women without their makeup and fake tan was sexist?
The "average person," bandwagoneers are ignoring the very simple fact that people chosen for cutting edge exploratory missions are required to have peak physical health and capabilities and unfortunately for them that often coincides with pleasing aesthetics.
Let's not pretend FemShep was good, though. It basically took Bioware until ME3 to have something passable as default FemShep design and it was still inferior to male model.
um what
I mean 3D women tend to look like the left.
It's just a case of your audience. And Andromeda was appealing to a tiny audience.
The jawlines and eye size are the same. The model is just pitching her head downwards and looking up, creating a heart-shaped and more attractive face, while Ryder is looking casually head on, so there is no optical illusion going on and you can see the real shape of her face, which is the less attractive oval shape. The same trickery applies to her eyes.
Looks like Joseph from King of the Hill
Face on the left is better without the whore makeup. Jesus.
I made mine look a prepubescent boy.
>dark skin
>green eyes
Slow down, bud.
The faces got fucked up because the person responsible for how the scans got mapped to the models had no photography experience and doesn't even know what focal length means.
I really hope I live to see the day that our modern Western political propaganda is derided and ridiculed for its absurdity. Of course that presupposes (((they))) end up losing this culture clash.
>playermade character 10x more attractive than the official character
really activates my onions
She looks exactly the fucking same sans some makeup/photoshop and a different hairstyle.
Have you ever fucking seen a real life woman, Sup Forums?
They'll lose in the long term because they can't infect China, but they don't know that yet. They still have visions of Zuck's hapa kid as premier of China in 30 years.
ALWAYS the same answer.
ALWAYS the same resetera/neogaf nigger fagot.
Oh so you're in to traps, then?
>implying Sup Forums cares about irl women
where do you think you are?
>Male Ryder
Nobody wants to play an "average" character in these kind of games.
I NEVER visit neofag or reddit so try again faggot nigger
>do I fit on yet xDDD
>literally cannot refute
>i-ironic shitpost
Fuck off resetera tranny, go suck some more EA dick subhuman filth.
Faggot nigger AND resetera tranny, man what a mess.
she looks like she aged 20 years and the way her cheeks have sunk in make her look like a zombie
what fucking shit are you chatting you absolute inept mong
>Ashot Gabrelyanov
Thats mountain nigger, not russian.
lol, an automated app does a better job than Bioware.
Daily reminder that this is what Cora Harper looked like before Bioware redrew her as a transgender Bill Nye.
Someone should do the makeapp on that picture of Sara's model to really see if it's the same just no makeup.
This shit would settle it once and for all.
same with this
The one on the left looks like someone bent his nose like in Mario 64's minigame.
You know he's a 22 year old gay underwear model, right?
At least the OG trilogy chose male models better.