Just bought a PS4

>Just bought a PS4
>decided to become a neet (but my parents will give me money not your tax)
>just bought a 24" 1080p monitor
>currently downloading FF Type-0, Nioh, Horizon and purchased Blue Reflection on play-asia
Who real /masterrace/ here?

>real masterrace
>no switch
>instead a nogames multiplat machine

ya .... no.


I bet you're gonna kill yourself.

>3 D S
>R X TooIs with fastest coId boot
>UnIimited games
>CompatibIe with everything
>TotaI cost $150

You fucked up

neet isn't masterrace no matter what

neetdom is the future for all, user

barely a year and already more highly rated 90+ metacritic exclusives than PS4

Type 0 isn't a good game beyond its boss fights user.
Otherwise that does sound comfy. You should strive to not be a neet though.

I feel like you need to believe this.

if i were a neet i would kill myself.

Yo is that from the comic where she's super ripped in tight jeans and has a dick?

>announcing that you're going to becone a neet

Literally just traded my PS4 for a Switch.

>but my parents will give me money not your tax
Good luck not being homeless once they either die or cut you off.

lol /displaylet/ general

what model did you get?

Enjoy those exclusives. You won't get any more this titles this generation. The rest of the world will enjoy third party support :^)

>tfw work at Gas Station
>still live with parents
>dad said he's kicking me out in 3 months
>literally has calendar that he marks down the days on til I'm gone
how do I help him realize this is the lifestyle I chose and I'm happy?

but its his house
Even if you're happy, he probably wants his house

calendar part made me laugh sorry.

Type-0 is better on PC because you have a fast forward run button but otherwhise it plays fine on PS4.

Nioh is 720p blurry mess on base ps4 if you want 60fps. You need a pro to play at 1080p 60fps.

Blue Reflection is piss easy and it runs like shit on everything.

You aren't impressing anyone with your uninformed purchases.

Why does your monitor look like a hand held console?

>not sending bogus job applications out to make your parents think you're genuinely trying to move out but are just falling on hard times
You only got yourself to blame.

selfish son of a bitch. be happy without being a burden on him you're not living with mommy and daddy forever.

Show videos of people dancing and using drugs on the streets.
Show the rotten corrupted world that the earth has become

one of my high schools friends had a dad that did this the day he turned 18, he got a job at a car dealership and kept himself afloat for like two years before he fell apart completely, i always felt really sorry for him because his brother was a huge piece of shit but got points with his old man because he joined the army at 18, so he got like a free pass to stay however long he needed to or some shit like that the other guy is a homeless now, while his brother who has literally beaten a pregnant woman stays at home shit is fucked breh

>be a wagecuck
>job doesn't actually take up that much time
>have money and time to play vidya

feels good, thanks for reading my blog

that's great that you enjoy your lifestyle, but it's affecting other people

>implying beating you wife isn't redpilled

If I was your dad I would aggressively fuck your mom every single night, possibly in your room. If you're over the age of 21 then you're a piece of shit.

hey fuck you bitch they brought me in to this world the way I see it the least they can do is sit support me

they have
for like 30 fuckin years come on

>purchased Blue Reflection
fucking retard

wasn't his wife nerd, dude literally served time for it

pretty redpilled

part time best time

Name ten (10) games for 3DS worth playing that don't include...

Protip: You fucking can't.

they have for how many years now you dumb fuck? your parents are not obligated to coddle oyu and take care of you forever to the point of enabling your lazy behavior. do you know anyone who still lives with their parents past the age of 25 that ISN'T a loser? too late now fucktard the clock is ticking. hope you've been saving money.

>parents force you into existence
>then get to arbitrarily decide when they cut you off to die or be enslaved to the system
nice game earth babies.

Blue Reflection is a good game

name 10 games
I bet you fucking can't


its not arbitrary its your responsiblity as an adult you retarded fuck. its the same deal we all get, not everyone elses fault you can't get it together. fucking hope you suffer in squalor and die a hobo you entitled selfish little shit.

7th Dragon III: Code VFD
Stella Glow
Ever Oasis
Bravely Default
Bravely Second
Kid Icarus Uprising
Project x Zone
Project x Zone 2
Rune Factory 4
Kirby: Planet Robobot

>implying there are only two outcomes

life is not pre-determined

>FF type-0 HD
my nigga


>You need a pro to play at 1080p 60fps.
This is why I ended up double dipping on the PC version, I only buy exclusives on my PS4 so I am not wasting the money on a Pro. Performance is really unstable in action mode and the 30FPS cap on movie mode feels awful for Nioh. Nice to be able to get to run it at 60FPS at 1440p.

I wish more devs would do what Team Ninja did on Nioh, if I could play Bloodborne at 60FPS at a lower res or with worse visuals I would gladly fucking do it.

>life is not pre-determined
This isn't one of your chinese cartoons m8 it's all set.

>its not arbitrary
>an adult
Do you even think before you post? I'm not even that guy btw.

Why the fuck are Americans so obsessed with throwing their children out into the street the second they're 18?

>have good office job, sometimes homeoffice
>demanding but got used to it, not stressful anymore
>can decide if I want to go home early or save up overtime for days off
flexible working hours is the best concept

What the fuck do I use my Vita for I regret it so much. I have 2 games for it and one of them is also on PS4 which I also own. At least I have PC but I'm really regretting the Vita

if the community caught up on hacking it like PSP, to play SNES and ps1 games.

Freedom Wars
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Persona 4 Golden

salary is pretty ok 2bh
there are periods of too much work, followed by dead periods of me leaving early all the time because there's nothing to do

The vita and multiplats is pretty much identical to the switch there is no reason to buy them unless you value portability that much to deal with the massive downgrades.

Do whatever this is with the Vita.

That game is on PC now

>ff type-0
Your priorities are fucked. Also GET A FUCKING THEME. That blue shit weighs hard on the eyes.

Try playing the rubbing sections on PC and tell me how that goes.

Already have p4g but I'll check out the other two. Thanks.

I'm 26, and I tried college but it was just too stressful, ended up just smoking weed all day. maybe I should try and go back. You seem like a fag though.

Does actually being able to touch your screen versus just moving the mouse cursor around while holding left click really make that big a difference?
>that awkard stare the postage guy gave
I'll give you that it might be fun to play this on the Vita in public just for the looks though.

>all that soyboy poor me shit
>You seem like a fag though

practically jacking off the mouse is worse for your wrist. source: that ancient newgrounds game, you know the one.

I literally have no skills, hence why I work at a Gas Station at 26. they'd know I was lying if I applied for jobs.

utriigereedbitch? your just mad and angsty teenager, what poor me shit? I'll fuck you up faggot

>let parents see me go out to look for jobs to not look lazy
>park in grocery store parking lot
>play 3DS for a few hours in car
>drive home

Surely I'm not the only one?

fuck off kike shill

I don't think you even can shill for a flash game from 2000 m8.

>The rest of the world will enjoy the same 3 games (COD, FIFA, BATTLEFIELD) with on-disc DLC, micro-transactions and a life span of 1 year.

i just constantly go in for interviews at places I know won't hire me so I can show them the rejection letter and look like the victim

worked now for 4 years

Your father is ashamed that rather than guide you into adulthood he led you to this point in life. You're 26, went to college and dropped out, and have no life skills. If he had forced you to move out at 18 I'd feel bad, but you've spent the last 8 years doing nothing with your life and expecting your parents to continue to shelter and feed you.

You aren't a helpless boy, you're a worthless human being.

I did this with college
>living at home for university
>go for first week
>get anxious because no textbooks and too scared to ask dad for money to get them and dont wanna ask nobody to share theirs
>stop going
>everyday when dads leaving for work I'd leave
>say I'm going to class
>leave and drive down road to nearby McDonald's
>park and browse Wi-Fi for few hours
>leave and do drive-by of house to see if garage is closed
>If it is then it's clear, if not he's home and have to speed off
>go inside, smoke weed and watch the last airbender
>dad finds out 5 months later and kicks me out and disowns me and tells family I do heroin even though I dont

I am triggered, because I feel bad that your parents hoped their son would grow up to be a decent man, and instead you're the typical pothead college drop out.

That's why you send ones out but filled with nonsense that causes an instant rejection you moron.

OK but what do we do about it? I need a job making lots of cash but it's hard to find one

Do Uber or Lyft. You have a car right?

>but it was just too stressful, ended up just smoking weed all day
Holy shit you're not only a loser but a massive pansy as well.

I don't even have a license.

yeah and your a slave to the system bitch at least live free while you have to slave away for your pay and give half to uncle Sam

You're fucked.

At least I won't be homeless in a decade.

this isn't me
but yeah I don't have a license

If telling this to yourself makes you sleep at night, it's okay :^)

Nah I'll get my dad to come around, been thinking about barricading my room on count down or just faking a mental breakdown to make them feel bad

No, but it's preferable to slaving away for minimum wage.

>get up at 6AM
>get to work for 8AM
>don't get home till 7PM
>feel absolutely shattered by 9PM
>have only 2 hours to myself every day, 6 days a week

It's just not worth it man

That's only going to work for so long. You need to get your shit together and fast because time is running out and I love you but I can't be seen dating a bum.

Stop smoking weed, cut back on video games, go to college, a tradeschool, or the military. Anything to improve your life. You have the potential to do more with your life.

You're literally at someone's mercy to continue to provide for you.

>feel absolutely shattered by 9PM
I work from 7AM-4PM and don't go to bed until around midnight.


I think the switch has only mario and the ps4 has only uncharted 4. So no.

i see youre a socially conscious kind of neet, huh
i think im ok with that

>wake up at 6am
>at work around 7am
>leave when I want, usually at 4pm with 30min overtime
>home at 4:30pm, can do chores or play vidya for 1.5-2h
>cook and eat dinner 6-7pm
>have 3-4hours of free time
>leave early on fridays with build up overtime during the week
>3% raise start of next year, nearly 30€/h (minimum wage is 8.5€)
don't wageslave is the solution


Then get one, and save up enough money for one of those "tax return cars".

Ace attorney 5
Layton miracle mask
Layton azran legacy
Layton mystery journey
Smt IV
Smt Final
Monster hunter 4
Monster hunter stories
Inazuma eleven
Yokai watch

> get up 6 AM
> at work 9 AM
> work 10-12 hours
> go back home at 22:00
> eat, shit, play vudya until 3 AM
> sleep 3 hrs, repeat
> play vidya 2 days straight
God bless 2/2

Fuck off loser

>Not a PS4pro

>switch has only mario
Oh user.