*kills you*
*kills you*
Other urls found in this thread:
*gets ult*
I'm already dead anyway
>oh shit they're on me, better just spam mines to do huge ass splash damage and ejecting myself to safety
*walks away*
*gets nerfed to oblivion*
>player who was kicking my ass and making me salty in a previous match is now on my team
>throw the match for revenge
People like you deserve to be shot
*swift strikes everyone in the capture zone*
>throws shuriken
>swift strikes
nuttin' personnel kiddo
*plagiarizes design*
if you look up durga anarchy reigns on Google Images Blizzard's plagiarized design is literally the 7th result
I'm not even the only one who has thought this
Anarchy Reigns was a way fucking better game than Overwatch and deserved to live
yeah I said it
forgot pic
and Durga is a better design than Junkrat
>Durga has fitted military clothes, tacticool boots, a razor claw leg that fucking shoots bullets, a prehensile tail
>Junkrat has a shitty pegleg, ripped tatters for clothes and a "mom says it's my turn to play" grin
Oh hey, YET ANOTHER design copied from Anarchy Reigns!
Jesus fucking christ Blizzard you could've at least tried stealing from a non-"hero-based multiplayer" game
how about we just make this an Overwatch plagiarism thread
theres enough of it to fill a whole thread
maaaaan I REALLY hope Anarchy Reigns gets a PC port. Especially because of the success with Bayonetta and Vanquish. I loved the fuck out of it on PS3. Multiplayer was so fun. Not just the free for all and team shit, but also the coop challenges you could do with friends.
*kisses you*
It sure does
I feel like it would be a small enough project that Sega could be convinced via fan outreach
what they nerf it? i never notice the difference...
Oooh user, dont post pictures like that. I almost hugged my monitor.
I used to play when you had to pay for TF2. I think I have a vintage one.
Does the nerf still take effect if it's vintage?
>Misses all his grenades
>Haphazardly throws his bear trap at you
>Spams two mines in a row to deal 240 damage in a fucking massive radius
>"Heh, Junkrat is a hard class to master"
>*Holds left click and spams jump*
>*HIdes behind a wall and holds left click*
>*Resurrects the enemy tank*
what do you call it when you make a game but rip most of your roster from another game
can't put my finger on it, starts with a p?
>yfw even with health and DPS taken into account most TF2 mercs would be considered OP in Overwatch because they reward skill with high damage output
Blizzard always steals shit from games and blizzdrones try to defend it by saying it's a homage despite it literally just being unabashed theft.
I don't see the resemblance
wait can res actually accidentally do that?
the blizzard designs all look better than the ones from Anarchy Reigns. Those ones actually look like knock offs desu.
She was the main reason I wanted to play anarchy reigns. I wish this would've been successful and gotten a sequel because I don't have a way to play the original version. So many of the characters looked original and boss asf
Junkrat was the only hero I had fun playing in Overwatch.
Doesn't mean I always did the best with him, but he's the only one I truly enjoyed playing as. All others felt like playing just a role.
Come to think of it, I haven't actually played Overwatch since last Halloween.
It still isn't an excuse to just blatantly copy some characters from another game.
Especially is just shameless.
>ITT: People don't understand what an expy is
Newsflash, a lot of characters that exist are similar to another.
Goku's design is "ripped off" from Sun Wukong from Chinese stories, right.
Dante's design is obviously "ripped off" from Alucard, right?
Noctis' design is "ripped off" from Sasuke from Naruto, right?
Superman's design is "ripped off" most of the damn time. Saitama, Sentry, Hyperion, Gladiator, etc all "ape" off of Superman, right?
FFS, you guys sound ridiculous with this shit. Similar designs appear all the fuckin' time.
Here he is just as I said
*spams balls without aiming*
*hits you with 1 big aoe ball*
*throws 120 damage AOE auto detonatable mine that has two charges*
Junkrat requires alot of skill.
>lol guys let's just be unimaginative dumbfucks okay xD
You surely do realize why people don't like these designs which look the same?
>Goku's design is "ripped off" from Sun Wukong
No, Goku is loosely based on Sun Wukong.
Kong is a literal monkey with stone skin that beat up monsters and tricked gods.
>Superman's design is "ripped off" most of the damn time
A generic super powered dude isn't ripping off Superman.
Literally the same fucking guy but black. That's as lazy and jewish as it gets.
Big Bull has about as many design characteristics in common with Reinhardt as he does with Gabriel Angelos or Brawl's King Dedede. They're both big guys with armor and greathammers, but that's where similarities end.
>tfw no Roadhog boyfriend
Some of those designs he listed and simple designs are some of the most popular and iconic in all human history user..
Also it's not similarities that makes something unimaginative. IInnovation and use personal perspective is the basis of creativity.
>And yes allot of things are going to be similar.
Humans generally appeal to the same concepts even if they've never met.
I'm gonna be blunt here, Superman is old.
Old as in there was no such thing as a generic superhuman back then old. Things with powers back then were either a God, a heathen witch or an alien.
>Kong is a literal monkey with stone skin that beat up monsters and tricked gods
Heh, DB Super
Maybe you need glasses m8 the only similarity is the colour palette
fuck off with this shit.
>color pallet
>prosthetic leg
>bandolier straps
Maybe you need to get yer eyes checked son
How is this guy ANYTHING like Junk? He doesn't have flaming hair, he's a cyborg, he's not associated with explosives in any way, he has a fucking tail. He's closer to McRee if anything, because he has a revolver leg and McRee has a revolver revolver.
>*Switches character*
Junkrat has a pegleg, not a fucking mechanical tiger leg
So I heard you like spam
>they reward skill with high damage output
yall bitches forgot about Zer0 from fucking borderlands who looked almost just like that
nigger can you fucking read, i said prosthetic, not mechanical.
Noo delete this
Oh yeah, like there isn't a big fucking difference in visual design between a functional replacement robot tiger leg and a fucking stick.
They made it so it can't pick up ammo.
*plays a good game instead*
man anyone else remember when those couldn't be destroyed by bullets? bad times.
The Junkrat buff was literally what finally made me stop playing Overwatch and go back to TF2. Compare Junkrat with
and it's fucking ridiculous how clueless the design and balancing was when it came to him. Demoman is an example of a risk/reward character, having powerful explosives that can cover wide areas but also easily damage him as well so you have to be careful. The controllable AoE on his sticky bombs is tempered by an activation delay that forces you to be tactical with them instead of launching into a Backburner-style cheap kill.
Junkrat pisses ALL of these principles away with a mine that can blow away anything directly in front of him with no harm to himself. And the update just doubles down on this shit by not only giving letting himdo this twice in a row on a consistent basis, but is now invulneravle to his own grenade spam giving him all the reward with no effort or risk.
At this point I am actually OFFENDED that people still choose to play Overwatch over TF2.
they both allow you to stand up straight, you fucking mongrel. you're literally trying to argue semantics because you can't see similarities worth dick.
Do you have a severe cognitive disability or something?
Hanzo is going to be the first hero they retire
>why are people still playing this new game instead of wasting time playing a 10 year old game that they've already played for years?
I don't know, man.
Add infinite ammo to the mix and you have the main reason why Junkrat is horseshit. Because with Demo you have to at least run away and gather more ammunition. But with Junkrat you can just spam spam spam and spam some more. Low risk high reward character.
It's a homage when you do it once or twice.
When your entire roster is "homages", and most of those don't have any direct references ousting them as a homage, that's when it starts to inch into plagiarism territory.
>have ult
>no one is taking a lot of damage
>pop it anyway because why not
It's been a year now and Overwatch has managed to degrade even more than TF2 did in a full decade. Never mind that OW was already rotten to the core to begin with and it shows no signs of ever improving. There is just no reason to play it outside of pop culture herd mentality and complete ignorance to the entire rest of the first person shooter genre.
>pick r*ddit comp with braindead heroes
>pick a fun hero
can't make this up
is there anything more gay than facing an obvious 5 man group and they literally all say "gr" after each round and "gg" after the game
Show me some other FPS games that are on par with Overwatch at the moment in terms of popularity. I'll wait.
It's a lot better than faggots who spam lenny face and other cringy shit.
This. He's a fucking joke character that Blizzard lowered the skill cap severely on when buffing him to he top 500 viable. So now you have garbage players next to actual good ones on the same team
>your completely clueless team gets cueb stomped in under 2 minutes
Demoman is brainless overpowered shit though.
tfw the game is an awful chore but I feel like I have to get my money's worth
>your completely useless basketball team gets curb stomped
>teams shake hands
Do you have the autism or just underage? GG is not supposed to be a statement.
t. guy who never got his revenge kill
>unironic argument ad populum
What the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums? You know there's a reason we don't celebrate AAA drivel here, right?
There is none. You can either keep playing your meme trash like you're some kind of rebel with a point to prove, or you can move on like everyone else already has. Your choice, weeb.
It's like you didn't even read my post.
Demoman is power at a price, compares to Junkrat who is all power without the price, or Pharah who pays a price for being powerless (suicide ult, sluggish air movement, pea shooter rockets that are a chore to hit and kill things with yet can still kill her).
How, im not a dribbling retard blizzdrone
He's the weakest of the three combat classes. Soldier and scout push his shit in.
Pubbers think he's overpowered because you have to rocket jump/dodge to get past his stickies which is too complicated for your average retard but he's absolutely fucked once you do.
I'm not from Reddit.
By your logic Top 40 is the only good music. Do you even listen to yourself?
We're not talking about music.
So you must be from NeoGAF, then. Even worse.
Whatever the case, you're in for a rude fucking awakening, normie.
And what makes vidya exempt from ad populum fallacy as opposed to other media, Mr. Goalposts?
I'm not who you think I am. If the word weeb offends you so much, then you need to take a step back and reevaluate your life.
>saying gg in any game at all
it has become a meaningless set phrase long ago
>say anything but gr or gg
>replaces what you say with some ebin embarrassing phrase to shame you
so cool bros
>only says gg after winning
Why would I use MUH SALES as if it were a relevant metric when I can objectively prove Overwatch is a bad game based on actual facts regarding the game design itself?
>bad guy picks an easy hero and presses Q and wins
hmmmm makes me think
>*uninstalls trash game*
*randomly crit rockets you and three of your teammates from across the map*
We call ourselves weeb because we are proud in our knowledge that Japanese culture, art and entertainment is superior. Look at the catalog, it is MUCH less biased towards overrated western "entertainment" than nearly any major non-Japanese based gaming forum.
It is only normie westacucks like you who use weeb as a pejorative in the way you attack us for embracing obscure media in a desire to get the most fulfilling experience rather than validation in the corporatized mass market lowest common denominator pop culture sphere that we have the misfortune to inhabit.
People who aren't at least in Master shouldn't be allowed to discuss overwatch tbqh.
A steamroll is not a good game. Regardless of whether you're on the giving end or receiving end.
>tfw barely over 1000 SR
I'm not very good at video games.