Why does Final Fantasy XV get so much hate?
Why does Final Fantasy XV get so much hate?
It's disappointing and boring.
Because people refuse to believe that a game that came out over 20 years ago was mediocre and overhyped.
because I paid 60 bucks for it
Gameplay is lackluster and boring fast. The story is hard to care about because of the faggy characters and disapointingly bad writing. Its worth 10$ at most. They worked real hard on a dud.
Simple, no Stella no Versus
Because Cidney doesn't get naked.
false or at the very least misleading marketing
Because Aranea will nwver be real.
It's shit sherlock.
mostly because xv-kun lied about it for years
>Why does a bad game get so much hate?
Absolutely garbage tier story. At least how it's presented in the game, I'm not gonna bother with a fucking movie to understand the plot. I'm not gonna care about this piece of shit NPC named Jared whom I have zero reasons remember (but the game keeps name-dropping him as if I was supposed to care). I'm not gonna care about the blonde chick just because we exchange a few messages throughout the game that change nothing. Her characterization is pretty bad. The bros are the best part of the game, but even they aren't that interesting.
Shallow gameplay. It matters not if you're using a sword, daggers, greatsword or spear, or if the enemy has resistances against x or y: It all comes down to link-strikes, which deal an absurd amount of damage and provide i-frames for days, not to mention the ability to spam them with no repercussions. And I almost forgot the mindless "parry" mechanic in the game. There's a tough enemy that's giving you trouble? Just hold Square brah. Are you in a pinch? Just teleport away brah. Do you have no more MP? Just teleport away brah and on and on...
Graphics look good, but 40% of the game is a huge, boring desert, 50% huge, boring grasslands and the rest is comprised of dungeons, none of which held my attention for more than 30 seconds (except for Castlemark).
The soundtrack has a few memorable scores here and there - as every other Final Fantasy, so I don't know what to tell you. It's okay.
The difficulty... good Jesus. You have to artificially cap yourself and refrain from using potions to make the game engaging at all. How easily it gives away elixirs, phoenix downs and etc coupled with having to PAUSE THE FUCKING ACTION every time you wanna use something makes for one of the tritest gameplay I've ever seen.
Constant updates with shit that ALREADY should've been in the game, making me feel extremely disrespected as a consumer, especially since I took the care to buy the game months (1/2)
cause square slearly have no clue anymore, and I blame enix.
It's not a good game.
after release, expecting a complete experience by then. Guess what? I was wrong. This game is a 6/10 at best, and I'm being fucking generous. (2/2)
It somehow, despite all the hype, only managed to be a prettier, slightly evolved version of 13. I mean base 13, not its derivities that did their damnedest to not bore the player to death.
Open world, gotta walk to anything interesting because your fancy customizable sports car is just a really pretty trolley car.
Action packed combat, but everything feels so canned that you don't get to go full CUHRAZY. Ever see a combo webm from this game? Of course not; no shenanigans allowed.
Interesting magic system, but it's crafting based and consumes resources because it's [current year] and that's what's in vogue, and the player has to have something to pick up while they walk to their destinations twenty meters off the road.
Oh, and some how they managed to be worse than Bungie when it came to the game's lore. Relevant informationis tucked away in a smorgasbord of additional media that will fade from relevance as the game ages. Can you imagine ten years from now people shitposting like "If you really want to know all of 15's lore, make sure to watch these two movies, this animated series, read this book, get an outdated browser that supports Flash to play this game about Noctus's dad and his buddies, and hit up a torrent to get the cracked versions of the mobile games to put on your phone, since Square took them off the app store so it wouldn't compete with 17's pay-to-not-wait." Hardly anyone bothered with it today, and goddamn nobody will put up with that down the line.
That being said, the characters interesting enough (together and interacting with each other that is. Thinking about any of them by themselves and they feel lacking), it's really pretty and makes for a pretty alright spectacle. But spectacle doesn't make for good vidya.
Because it's not finished. Because it's a mess. There's good stuff there, I love the open world, but it's like an Alpha demo with another game as the second half.
All the fixes and DLCs have been good, but they're really minor.
Equip Ragnarok, hold R1+triangle and win. Doesn't fix the gameplay, but at least the fights go by faster.
Twash OST.
Twash stowy.
Twash gameplay (most of the game is empty fields)
Seems like most of the hate comes from the story and people not knowing what to expect from the game itself. I personally found it quite fun, but I spent most of my time exploring and doing side quests, and I also didn't get very far into the main story. I'm looking forward to getting back to it but I stopped playing after they announced all the updates and shit they planned to add to the game. I'll probably pick up the PC version when that comes out, since that'll probably be the definitive edition.
I'm not sure if you're a shill or just stupid
because its not at all what people expected upon seeing Versus XIII trailers
Meh game
Threads have some entertaining autism tho
I have a question for those that did buy this already, i've been putting it off since release because it was discovered an entire continent worth of content was never finished and added
did they add it / anything yet? if not this will be -the- first FF I skip not including mmos. feels bad.
real talk though, once this game is bargainbin'd is it worth the buy just for the fishing?
All I want to do is have a fun fishing minigame to play sometimes
Sup Forums is not one pewson.
I enjoyed it. The story was disappointing, but the only good FF story was tactics anyways. I think the bros were fun and the voice acting and music were fine. The open world meme and side quests were shit, but the fishing minigame was fun.
Overall, I put 70 hours into a game I bought for 30 without any of the DLC, so I found it worth it.
I enjoyed it more than both persona V and witcher 3
>being this much of a good goy
So why does Sup Forums hate the story in FFXV?
Because we were all deceived. We thought we were getting a good game but instead got a mediocre one.
XV-kun is.
>and I also didn't get very far into the main story
Just stop there and enjoy the part you played.
They added a monster truck and you can take on multiple hunts now. That's it.
110 minute long movie and 5 episodes of an anime.
how hard it is to watch these?
t. retard who didn't pay attention to years of shitting on the game before it even came out
Better than 13 at least
>tfw now immortalized
I'll attain Godhood soon.
13 had Lightning's armpits.
The game was success because of insanely hype from Versusfag in the first place.
They both equally shit. These games haven't been good since X.
You shouldn't HAVE to watch a movie and an anime just to understand who these characters are and what's going on with the plot? It's a complete failure of story telling when you need a tie-in media just to get what's going on.
Save your money. Nothing will fix the shit gameplay and repetitive fetch quests.
>have to watch a movie and anime for a games plot
people can't call me a jew and a goy, which is it?
cool, dropped, waiting for 16.
It sold well so v has to hate it
Because it represents the west's vile influence on pure Japanese games.
>want to know why you're supposed to care about this story? pls watch kingsglave
>pirate kingsglave
>fall asleep
Its like they didn't want me to play past chapter 2.
>FFX was the last good FF game
>It took these people a decade to elease a shitty game
I think God is telling us something.
It took 10+ years of absolute turmoil to release. Even then it's still incomplete as fuck given all the story DLC that's coming out.
Worst of all are the apologists that pretend this whole debacle didn't lose SE a shit ton of money (hence why they're pushing the XV brand so hard), and pretend anything to do with Vs.XIII doesn't exist because development on "XV" didn't start until the early 2010s.
FF fans are the biggest pussy whipped autists anyways.
They will give square money again for VIIR and XVI even if they suck again.
Pretty sure they were barely working on the game until around 2012 or so.
10 was meh at best. The last good Final Fantasy
was 9
>Relevant informationis tucked away in a smorgasbord of additional media that will fade from relevance as the game ages.
When Tabata does it people whine and complain; but Yoko Taro can hide entire endings in stage plays and books and he gets his dick sucked for it.
People keep parroting this "You have to watch Kingsglaive" nonsense, but you don't need to watch a movie when the game tells you "Hey, shit went down at the signing and the king was killed."
Stories should be self contained, cross media is a retarded idea. Suits always have retarded ideas, they only think about money.
>Fuck Luna, we don't care about you
>Noct is sad about his dad for one cutscene + car ride, never again
>If it weren't for that one loading screen you would have never known anything about the Crystal before after interacting with it
>Ring is sort of explained in the movie, but just by playing the game, you'd never know what it does, even when it does it's thing
>Clear division, in every aspect, between the two halves of the game
>Very obviously some five different scripts, leading to people changing personality, motivations, goals
>Pampered asshole Noct / JRPG bro MC Noct
>Brocules Gladdy / Roid rage Gladiolus
>And "I'm a replicant now" Prompto just to ruin his character too, why not
>Luna's brother is like three different people
>Cor and Aranea plots clearly half finished (are now shoved in the DLCs)
>Bad guy is literally evil for the sake of evil
>Bad guy is nonsensical, actively helping you beat him time and time again, for a reason that's never explained. Let's sleep in the Winnebago, sure
>Even autists aren't really sure who he is or what he did.
>Long scripted events everywhere, plot missions "definitely" weren't made around 2009
>Chapter 13
>Titan, Leviathan, Ardyn "bossfights"
>Forced stealth segments
>Barely visit your home city or any imperial city
>lol 10 year skip
>Can't actually stay in the post apo land
>Perfect example of making you care about a character through gameplay (becoming the caretaker of your caretaker Ignis) vs fuck off Miss Cutscene with your melodrama
this, though I enjoyed 12 and 13 saga personally, it hasn't felt like FF since 9.
>b-but x did this too, it's not fair!
We aren't talking about Yoko Taro or Nier, we're talking about Final Fantasy XV. Don't even try to deflect like that.
>the game tells you "Hey, shit went down at the signing and the king was killed."
But was that all? Because I seriously doubt a 110 mins movie could stretch that minuscule amount of happenings into a full-length movie. What else happened there? The average player doesn't know, and has less reason to care.
It's an awfully directed and written action film anyway. Drink every time there's a cut.
something about the ps2 sucked all the charm out of FF. It's like all the polygons and HQ textures forced a focus shift from 'good-looking and endearing' to 'pretty all the time and LOOK CHOCOBOS! You like moogles, right? Bahamut's here too, dont you just LOVE all these Final Fantasy signifiers?'
They had gameplay and cutscene prototypes by 2011 already. That's 5 years of design/rendering/mo-cap/programming/animation/vocal-work/etc. That's nothing to snuff at, even if it was a small squad chipping away for those 5 years.
>When Tabata does it people whine and complain; but Yoko Taro can hide entire endings in stage plays and books and he gets his dick sucked for it.
There's a big difference:
>We're not talking about Nier
>Taro didn't waste time on pointless features and an open world. He had no budget and decided to put the true ending in a novel as a last result
>Nier and other Taro games still stand on their own without the expanded universe content, FFXV doesn't
>Taro makes good games, Tabata doesn't
and to be fair, whoever was at the helm of XII DID deem to give a shit about quality and I did enjoy it but that doesnt excuse how 98% of the sidequests were just 'kill this hunt'
>be FF fan
>after a medicore but okayish FFX, got pretty much disappointed with FF12
>FF13 gets announced
>they show a summon
FF12 was my last PS2 game and I gave up consoles and the FF series.
Well time to time still playing the old ones. But FF turned to shit
>Taro makes good games
You mean Taro made two good games.
If the game was interesting I wouldn't mind watching the movies and the anime but game didn't appeal to me.
That two more good games than Tabata has ever made, Barry.
A lot of reasons. What a disappointment.
Honestly, the anime is actually decent, but it's awful that it's the only way any of the main 4 characters have a backstory. Without it, they only have quips and chemistry.
Where do I even start.
>m-muh Barry
I'm sorry but I'm not your online boyfriend, please put your dick away.
because they gave us less than half of a game
the amount of wasted potential with xv was nothing short of astonishing
Kingsglaive has god tier CGI and has some sick fights. Brotherhood adds a lot to the boys, especially Prompto. Both are a fun watch.
>Kingsglaive has god tier CGI
>and has some sick fights
Fuck no. When every fight is shaky cam and constant cuts, that's not a good fight scene.
>the amount of wasted potential with xv was nothing short of astonishing
I'll second this. For all the ideas, imagination and wildest dreams we had following the 10+ years since they first announced Vs.XIII, XV fulfilled so little, if not simply crushed most of our hopes.
What's next?
One of many reasons: That fact that 14, the damn MMO of all things, has more "Final Fantasy" heart to it that XV. There's a reason XV began its life as Versus-XIII, a spinoff. It should have stayed that way.
We were given ten years to build up hype for the title. Given little snippets of the game here and there only to find those little bits weren't in the game. For a lot of people, the gameplay was lackluster. The story was tattered and spread too thin across Brotherhood, Kingsglaive, and the game.
We waited 10 years and didn't get what we expected. While I personally was able to enjoy the game as it did have its moments, I can see why others didn't.
12 was great but its also part of the ivalice part of the series and frankly im not sure if it should have been a mainline numbered release because of that.
still it was good, gambits make grinding comfortable aswell which is just awesome.
You're in the minority if you believe that. X was the top selling game in Japan for YEARS.
>good taste
>X was the top selling game in Japan for YEARS
Japs also pump all their money into phone game gachas
>Why does Final Fantasy XV get so much hate?
Really bad combat system
Underdeveloped characters
The worst love story of any FF game because the couple gets fuck all screentime together. You are just told they love each other over and over
Story is rushed in the 2nd half and has DLC which is unacceptable for a game that was in development for 10 YEARS (rebranding the game do not reset the development clock)
Where's (2/2)?
Because it was released about 6 months too early. The patches have made it much better but all this shit should've been included and fixed on release.
It's actually worse than XIII.
Shitting on it guarantees replies
I don't have XV. I'm just really indifferent about it. I hear the DLC made the game a lot better, but the experience I had when it was released just made me lose interest in whatever they had planned. I'm hoping SE decides to move away from this episodic content practice in the future because I don't feel like it works well with the long waits between DLC releases.
I wish I had a friend like Ignis. Not sure how I'd describe his personality but I like it and wish I could be like that.
13 fags spotted
People have become dulled by their oversatuation of products.
No water or air. Just concrete in their lives.
No one simply takes the adventure.
Just learn how to cook really goodly.
>No one simply takes the adventure.
the adventure part (aka the roadtrip with the bros) was good but it felt out of place after the empire invaded.
Speaking of which, outside of random assholes dropping from the sky, it really didn't feel like the empire was an active threat
>adventure across the empty map and..........
very enjoyable
>TFW want to learn to cook really good
>don't know which pots and pans and shit to buy
I wish I could cook a whole Thanksgiving dinner for my whole family, juicy Turkey, ham, some delicious mashed potatoes, etc.
The final fantasy 15 threads are getting so boring now. We all know why we didn't like the game.
>Invasion of offscreen moved to tie in film. We have no reason to care about Insomnia as a result
>Almost completely avoided tying Kingsglaive to the game. Lazy Nyx Ulric cameo for shock value
>Clusterfuck of a battle system when many enemies appear at once, camera goes crazy
>Boring array of magic until ring of the lucii
>Horribly told storyline that leaves you questioning why you need the summons or royal arms to take back Insomnia
>Shafted secondary characters like Ravus, Iedolas, Regis and Verstael get hardly any screentime despite having great potential
>Prioritization of garbage missions like fetching ore instead of something more interesting in the main campaign
>Astral history not explained in game (E.G. I did not know that the Ifrit you fought in chapter 14 is actually a resurrected demon)
>Ardyn and Ifrit relationship not explained
>Fall of Niflheim completely offscreen
>Realise we were lied to in trailers and that Tenebrae and Niflheim are not explorable. Actual evidence of cut content in the game
>Plot relevant scenes like Ignis putting on the ring to save Noctis cut for Jewish DLC practices
To top it all off, they have the audacity to release joke DLC such as the assassins festival and fishing VR instead of fixing the very poorly told plot. It's a fucking insult.
>its average at best
I wouldn't call it hate, it's just kinda mediocre, which isn't really a great thing for a mainline FF. Also it does deserve some shit for the pre release movie and anime and mobile games etc and for the post release season passes, especially the second season pass that basicly only exists because of a poll full of content that should've been in the game to begin with.
It's an early access AAA budget full price game with multiple season pases and random outside media attached to it and mobile games etc.
If it was just some random game not called Final Fantasy most people probably wouldn't even dislike it as much and some people wouldn't love it as much, it would just go down as another 6.5-7/10 open world game with nothing to do.
The game basicly only survived because of the V13 expectations
>>Boring array of magic until ring of the lucii
that wasn't even magic. Those were grenades with different flavors
Reminds me of that song Kashmir actually..
It's an experience.
You are bound to hate some aspects. Otherwise it's not a game or much of an experience.
Not an argument, but yes, 13 is better than 15 in every conceivable way, other than character dynamics.
>other than character dynamics.
to be fair I don't think any JRPG can top the bromance that the main 4 had in XV.
I was more sad that they had to go their separate ways at then end of the game than I did over Luna dying.
>fishing instead of cooking VR shit