He's going to join the Phantom Thieves in Crimson right?
He's going to join the Phantom Thieves in Crimson right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>mishima clearly knows who the phantom thieves are
>the phantom thieves clearly know that mishima clearly knows who they are
>hawaii trip
Would legit be happy with this. I hate that Potter-kun can shit on him so badly.
That would ruin the entire point of his character arc so I doubt it. His entire thing is jealousy from not being a Phantom Thief himself.
You think they care? People want door-kun brought back too.
nah. to much of a faggot.
>kid gets bullied his entire life
>finally meets someone who isn't a dick to him
>supports him and becomes slightly egotistical
>learns the errors of his ways
>still mostly ignored by his only friend and the group he looks up to
It ain't right.
But Ryuji and Potter-kun had literally no reason to not make him one.
such is Life of a zero.
He's a sycophantic fuckup who's trying to leech off the actually talented people and only gets better after people explain to him what a pathetic asshole he is. Even then, he can't let it go completely.
>Doesn't have a Persona
>Would get eaten alive by Shadows if he wasn't under constant guard and being even more of a deadweight than he already is
Gee I wonder why
>the part where he asks people on the street to sign a petition to get joker freed.
you alright mishima
fuck I hope not, he was a shithead and the only good part about him was that you can bully him
>don't finish his social link
>doesn't cheer in support at the end
>doesn't help get you freed
I know that its social link tied but the fact that the guy running your fansite won't do shit if you're not best friends is pretty dumb
how did the 5 team get thier personas again?
>"he's my best friend"
What were his responses like if you bullied him?
Only after best Daddy joins them
Little to no difference. Auto rank up anyway.
What is this forced meme? No one likes Mishima. This is some Milhouse shit.
Yeah, Ryuji got the short end of the stick.
Keep in mind the pt didn't have personas the first time they entered the metaverse.
Ryuji got his by confronting Kamoshida, who also tormented Mishima.
No chance, Atlus hates Arcana past Death and we will never have Moon party member again.
This. Also, let's keep in mind that Mishima didn't have a shitty suicide attempt like that dumb bitch.
Persona 4 Golden Week where Ai replaces all female party members when?
He is a literal cuck. He led the girl he liked to the rape-room himself.
Who did he like?
Hopefully never.
There's no evidence that Mishima wanted the Shiho.
i dont think he liked her but he was a coward for doing it. so much for wanting to be a "hero of justice"
Do people hate Mishima because they see themselves in him?
I want to protect that smile.
and also savagely fuck him bareback.
He's the team cumdump so it's unlikely
He's not Ann.
I just sympathise with the guy. It feels like he gets shit on no matter what.
This. 100%
that's pretty gay user
But he has some girly hips.
it's still pretty gay
No they'll just give Makoto even MORE screentime for some reason
it's because she's best girl
I said it once, I'll say it again, Mishima is the most powerful non-protagonist persona character. Only character to ever get rid of his own shadow and realize his flaws, and he literally saved the day in the ending, if he didn't remember the phantom thieves and help them, they would have lost.
Absolutely not. Snobby smart girl is the worst archetype.
She'll get more screen time, r-right lads?
God I hope so. Her Phantom Thief outfit makes me rock solid.
I want Shoji girl as a Phantom thief over Mishima
It's half that and half people missing some of his requests, so they don't get to see his arc until the end.
Taken it was main issue people had with Haru, I think so.
I want an extra character done right. Shiho is ripe for a social link, and she could have a post final dungeon that centers around her trauma from Kamoshida. If they don't include her in some capacity I will be genuinely upset.
She was just a plot device. I doubt enough people give a shit for Atlus to make her more than just that
It doesn't matter what she was to the story, she has a whole bunch of untapped potential and I'm surprised they didn't explore that in the base game.
They didn't need to. She serves her purpose well and then is pushed aside as necessary. Any potential you feel she has is just headcanon that nobody cares about
I don't know if I should take this seriously or not
If this is your attitude then almost all of the social links should just be abandoned because they don't have any real significance to the plot
Why did they name a character after a terrorist?
trying to generate false buzz, which obviously didn't work
>people are actually going to replay a 100 hour + game with some minor additions
Wew lad
I can't be the only who thinks the game was overrated? Horrible pacing and length alone mean I'll never play again, most confidant storylines were awful too. Kawakami was literally the only reasonable romance option, along with Sae - if you aren't a child.
I didn't really like Shiho's suicide attempt so I'd rather they not try and do any more with her character. It just felt pretty weightless and tactless.
I'm on my second play through going for the platinum. Absolutely love the game and I'd gladly revisit a definitive version of it years later. I liked most of the Confidant stories and after Yakuza 0's dreadful pacing, Persona 5 felt like it moved along quite nicely.
Oh fuck, I wanted to play Yakuza 0. I'm regretting my PS4 purchase right now, wish Vanillaware would release on PC or Switch already.
It's a great game, but some of it is quite frankly sleep inducing.
Nah, Mishima's gay, dude. If we're getting a new member on Crimson it should be Shinya
But fucking seriously, just give us the female protag already. Lemme me a complete thief slut and bang all my crew and all the confidants, including Shinya
Okay then.
Mishima can go die or something for all I care.
I just want best girl robbed of her screentime Shiho
>tumblr Shiho getting more screen time
>just give us the female protag already
>implying we'll ever get a female protag when Hackshino thinks that women wouldn't be able to be a protagonist because apparently women don't travel and wouldn't be able to stop a rape attempt
Well he's not wrong.
Her motives for a suicide attempt are fine, what's bad about it is that it comes too soon. We barely get to know her as a character, so for some it falls flat
t. Hashino
Unlike ryuji, he knows not to act retarded in public.
This. Well, at least /ourguy/ Mishima didn't pussy out with a suicide attempt.
are you sure about that? Mishima would probably have been as excitable as Ryuji albeit for different reasons
1. it's not the same name
2. Mishima was not a terrorist and is the greatest and pretty much only relevant modern Japanese writer
Mishima didn't get raped while having no one to turn to for help
Was she actually raped or just groped?
Give me Shiho instead.
same thing shitlord
It's never made clear, but from Kamoshida's attitude it's highly likely that she was
>having a tit squeezed is the same as a dick being forced inside you for 15 minutes
according to modern feminist theory yes so keep your shitlord ways for yourself
They should've made her Confidant like Sojiro's and let you start it before she joins the team and just Soft-Lock it at a certain rank before she joins. It would obviously require some minor reworking of the Confidant and plot, but it would solve most people's issues with her.
The Hawaii story would be a great place to start it, especially considering you can see her there. I wondered why they didn't do that.
I'm not condoning either, but there's a difference
>modern feminist theory
Good meme
I guess it was just a general story oversight. It's hard to know what people will/won't respond to sometimes, and with a game as huge as Persona there are bound to be some story points that are just weaker than others.
actually feminist theory is a field of literary criticism, it has little to do with rape or people being groped
nice strawman, though
In a game as story heavy as Persona I think they should have been able to handle things better. You're right in that some story elements will inevitably be weaker than others though.
>actually feminist theory is a field of literary criticism
no it's not, it's a field of political and sociological theory that finds echoes in applied politics around the world
Gays not welcome.
I'm only of the few people who had no issues with Haru, so I guess I'm not the best person to discuss this with.
>feminism discussion in a thread about a weeb game
This needs to stop.
Just ignore the shitposters, as long as they only respond to each other it's not a problem.
Don't get me wrong I'm satisfied with the way the game handled everything with the exception of the ending, I just think things could have been done better.
Oh absolutely. It seems apparent that a lot of love went into it, so I'm sure Crimson (if it does happen) will fix the narrative issues.
>yakuza 0s dreadful pacing
The fuck? I mean sure the first few hours are a bit slow but then it quickly picks up and doesn't slow down all the way through to the end.
Haru's my least favorite character because she's boring. At least with Ann you have an entire game to know her.
>Haha g-good one joker
Or something along those lines
what a pushover, i'll be ultra bully to him when i play it next week
>reach climatic story moment with one character]
>jump to the other character for two chapters ruining the momentum
This hurts my heart.
>Wanting a shitty girl just cause Muh Suicide
>Not wanting best nip chess autist to become a party member the way it was supposed to be.
I want Shiho because she has potential to be a really interesting social link, instead of almost literally sending her to a farm.