Meanwhile, let's discuss our latest playthrough of the FFXII:TZA. What classes did you make everyone? What were your favorite moments or hunts?
Meanwhile, let's discuss our latest playthrough of the FFXII:TZA. What classes did you make everyone? What were your favorite moments or hunts?
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First for Tactics on Steam
Would be dope if they ported all the Ivalice games including VS.
This is up there as being one of my favorite announcements ever, but I doubt it would be tactics. It would be weird to announce an FF12 stream then announce this instead (yes, i know tactics and ff12 take place in the same universe). Maybe revenant wings on steam or ps4.
They said it's a big announcement, heavily hinting it's MORE than just PC port of FF12 announcement.
Something tells me we're either getting FF12-2 (Fortress) or they're making an HD remake of Revenant Wings.
>Something tells me we're either getting FF12-2 (Fortress) or they're making an HD remake of Revenant Wings.
that's your retardation speaking to you
Can't wait to see you BTFO.
You can already play it on Android emulators.
>inb4 why Android and not PSP
Because Android version has higher-res FMVs, slowdowns are fixed and sprites are 4 times higher resolution than on PSP.
Man, it would be nice for them to say ff12 on steam is happening later today, but i think im wishing for too much.
There has easily been enough time to make that happen though....
gonna laugh hard when I wake up tomorrow, thinking that some autist actually thought this would happen.
Tactics A2 was the best FFT game, prove me wrong faggots ;)
I wish square enix would stop. Its just embarrassing now.
Gameplay wise? It was.
Story and atmosphere wise? It was the worst.
viera in FF14?
What could this possibly be? Why is there Vol.5 in the picture? What was announced during Vol.1-Vol.4?
Thread Theme:
that would be a great announcement, but only if we get to see what male viera look like
aint a thing
>but only if we get to see what male viera look like
Here you go.
Thatll be $27.99 because Squeenix are ultimate jews, look how much IX costs
Post realistic but still hype announcements
>DLC for FF12TZA featuring Balthier and Fran on a prequel mission being sky pirates and shit
Please, please be a Switch port. Portable FF XII would be amazing.
What is this?
Prepare to get EXTREMELY sad
A more mature and grittier sequel to FF12 taking place in the north of Ivalice starring Basch as main character.
>What is this?
A cancelled sequel to FF12. It was gonna be an action adventure game similar to either Monster Hunter or Dark Souls and was gonna feature older versions of Ashe (Queen Ashe at this point) and Basch. The main character may have been Basch, under the disguise of his brother Gabranth still. It would explore a northern continent and would have Norse-inspired locations. This sounds cool and all, but it was being developed by a shitty western studio.
And even more info here:
Hello, I am the greatest vidya armor of all time. Nice to meet you.
inb4 it's a Balthier summon for World of Final Fantasy for mobile.
Elegant and mostly functional which is rare for JRPGs.
fuck, this is too plausible
What the fuck was Bahamut?
Why did we need to fight Vayne?
Why didn't we kill those asshole god things?
Why did everyone become irrelevant in the second half of the game apart from Ashe and maybe Balthier?
why did basch not have any dialogue for like half the game
>What the fuck was Bahamut?
Death Star
>Why did we need to fight Vayne?
Because he was Palpatine
>Why didn't we kill those asshole god things?
Because the Balance of the Force must be maintained.
>Why did everyone become irrelevant in the second half of the game apart from Ashe and maybe Balthier?
Because Ashe is The Chosen One.
FFXIV has nice armor like that too.
I don't play MMO skinner box cancer.
>What the fuck was Bahamut?
An airship. All the traditional summons are used as names for airships in FF12.
>Why did we need to fight Vayne?
Because Ashe is a bitch who wants to be ruler of her kingdom and is being manipulated by an eviler god into thinking Vayne is bad. (he's kinda bad I guess, wanting magic nukes and all)
>Why didn't we kill those asshole god things?
You kill one of them at the end, the one who fused with Vayne. The god that controls Ashe is the real villain.
>Why did everyone become irrelevant in the second half of the game apart from Ashe and maybe Balthier?
Vaan and Penelo weren't meant to be actual characters. Fran is basically Chewbecca, she needs to be there to give Balthier a dynamic. Basch is still pretty important up until the end of the game.
I've already platinumed Zodiac Age and beaten the old PS2 version on console AND through emulation, not to mention the hours I spent with the original version when it came out, but I'd be happy to do it all again if Zodiac Age does indeed get a Steam release. I love this game.
I'm just fucking thankful SE is showing Matsuno so much love again.
I play FFXIV and loving the Ivalice shit. Thankful that they brought in a lot of the Tactics Ogre armor too.
>Final Fantasy XII announcement
Steam reveal, thank fuck
I almost bought this on PS4 at one point
Balthier, Ashe and Basch are literally the only story-important characters.
Once you get Balthier, Fran and Basch, you can basically kick Vaan and Penello out of your party.
>love ff12
>ff14 mmo announced
>hope it is in ivalice, since they it has a lot of ready made races and a general world outline
>it ends up just being a reskin of ff11 in world and races
SE only knows how to disappoint
This is likely just going to be ff12 on PC
It's not as much love as them patching up their relations.
ff12 is unironically the best FF in terms of gameplay. its the only FF that's actually a good dungeon crawler.
It is a shame the plot was mangled to include vaan and penelo. would have been a huge hit if they stuck with basch.
This is what I do, I fucking despise those two characters, regardless of usefulness.
Though Vaan with a shirt in the DS sequel was a marked improvement.
Well, that too. But it broke my heart initially when it seemed like they parted ways. Just seeing all the fan reaction when Matsuno was introduced during the live streams for FFXIV made me so happy.
Ideal world:
FF12 HD PC Port, FF Tactics PC Port, FF12 Revenant Wings Remake/FF12-2 announced.
FF12 HD PC Port
Fuck You:
FF12 related event for F2P Gacha game
I hate when people say this. I find Vaan and Penelo to be inspring. Like it's these two poverty oprhans who persrevere through their hardships and they don't give up because they still have each other and I always found that so uplifting
I don't understand all the unfair criticism all the time
huh... i thought it was already out on steamu
I get that it was a big ass fucking airship, but why? I was pretty zoned out at times whilst playing the game, I must admit, so maybe I'm the fool. But when the fuck did they ever bring it up? I feel like I climbed the top of that tower and Cid just went "hey retards guess what Bahamut's here now."
Did they foreshadow it, like ever? I feel like it just popped up without any warning. I also don't even understand what was going on with Vayne and Cid
>I don't want the gods to rule our fates
>Okay they don't
>Let us continue fighting because I'm bad?
I could understand most of the characters, but even though Ashe had the most screen time her motivation made no fucking sense
Wanted to avenge his brother and understand why he died. Then went along with the ride 'cos why not, wants to download movies illegally and share them
Wanted Vaan's dick and to ss with Larsa
Wanted to protect Ashe and maybe Gabranth was his actual brother or something
Magical Negro trope there to explain Mist shit
Wanted to BTFO his dad
Wanted to avenge her kingdom but then she didn't but then she did and then she made us to through that huge fucking dungeon whilst not sure whether to succ or slice the sunshard and then we just kinda went along with it whilst she never said what she was planning. Then she wanted to fight Vayne and set herself up as queen. Even though most of the experiences throughout the game might suggest Rabanastre would be better off without a monarch
I'm out of the loop, what is supposed to be talked about for XII?
theyre just not relevant to the plot. theyre in the game as self inserts for japanese children./
originally the game was supposed to be focused on basch, which would have made sense and been extremely effective since they never had a protag like that since Cecil.
Let me guess, you're a third worlder from a shithole, most likely a sandnigger.
Nobody else can fucking possibly relate to those two anime trope dumb stooges.
>Nobody else can fucking possibly relate to those two anime trope dumb stooges.
you say that while you glorify the sky pirate, the princess, the bunny girl, and the warrior
Square loves doing this "release on consoles, don't even mention PC version" lately so they can then get people hyped up for a separate PC release some time later and get the game mentioned on all the news sites again.
Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca and Obi Wan are all a lot more relateable figures than fucking Aladdin and his dumb monkey.
They didn't say shit about FFX/X-2 on PC until all of a sudden they were like "This is coming next week on Steam" and then FFIX was like the same way
I just wish they treated the pc ports fairly. N:Auto was a travesty.
Patch that adds Gilgamesh as a party member when?
It's R2D2 and C3PO, if you're going for the Star Wars angle
I deliberately made the Aladdin and monkey comparison due to both of them being FF12 Sandniggers.
>FF12 Sandniggers
no, they have actual FF12 Sandniggers, they're called the Urutan-Yensa
honestly it's all the worse for this argument when considering how few people would want SW from those two's perspectives
>This is likely just going to be ff12 on PC
We'll be lucky if it's even that good.
It's likely going to be nothing at all.
meh, what they had of that looked like garbage
>by Grin
No thanks.
i used the GameShark to be overpowered and he still took a solid 2 hours
I don't know, looks like it would have been pretty shit.
Probably a good thing it never happened.
Weirdly, the droid perspective worked for the first 30 minutes or so in ANH if only to allow for the film to breathe and let the audience absorb the atmosphere. I can see it being obnoxious and grating if it went on much longer than that, though.
Vagrant Story remake, with Matsuno
And only for Xbone, PC and Switch, so we can shitpost profusely during the next couple of years.
if its anything that received a lot of investment, why FFXII. Why not FFTactics or reboot Tactics Ogre.
>FF12 Revenant Wings Remake
no fuck that, that's Toriyama's shit that was never supposed to exist
That's why FF12 should've gotten rid of Vaan and Penelo after you get Balthier, Fran and rescue Basch.
And I don't mean get rid as in entirely, but simply remove them from being of any import in the story and have all the town sections played as Basch/Balthier/Ashe.
He's pretty easy to beat in Zodiac Age. Multi-class synergy + x4 speed is enough to let you kill him in like half an hour. I've beaten him like four times. I did the 100 stage trial three times and it only took a couple hours run.
>When you get to stage 100 in the trials and can't win because you didn't bother getting Nihopalao or grinding certain items
1 hour left right?
most of the judges looked nice
How good is FFXII anyway? Isn't it popular just because it's retrospectively not as bad as XIII?
Probably something boring like the remaster of XII getting a port to the PC and/or Switch.
In a perfect world, it'd be another Tactics.
It's literally A New Hope: Final Fantasy Edition set in world of FF Tactics
FFXII has always been on of my favorite games ever since 2006.
it's the thinking man's FF
Star Wars: Final Fantasy Tactics edition
Dragon Age Origins blatantly took their party macros idea from FF12's gambit system, if you played that.
No. I loved XII when it came out and love the Zodiac versions even more. It's easily my favorite game in the series and one of my favorite games ever made. It's not worth boasting about, but I've also played virtually every English-released JRPG and then some, and I still consider FFXII Zodiac Age/IZJS to be among the best of them.
FFXII is probably the most divisive FF game. People either really love it or really fucking hate it.
If you're into exploring and hunting down secret stuff, it's got a lot of surprising depth to it. If you're into story and characters, it's got that and it's handled pretty well. The combat system is divisive among fans for using an AI based combat. But the options also gives you the choice to turn that off and still enter every command manually, so it's not an entirely valid argument against it. And it looks pretty great for a PS2 game, and the music is nice
It's like if Final Fantasy 15 didn't suck balls
FF12 is a flawed masterpiece. To give you an idea of how flawed it is, the remaster literally has a fast forward button to get you through the combat. The story ends a little prematurely I say. But you play this game for its magnificent open world and the 10/10 hunts, which include Gilgamesh voiced by Bender/Wakka.
The Judges literally did nothing wrong
Even moreso than X?
Unfinished masterpiece that got terrorized by nomura so much that matsuno had to leave due to diabeetus. Later got stiched together by what was left of his crew.
At least nomura got his payback by versus being turned into XV
maybe on par
i would play a game with nothing but Judges and Archadian politics
If we're getting a PC port, I hope that it's coming out in a week or two at the latest. I've actually got time in December to give XII another run
X is just medicore and boring.
XII excells in so many ways. It was a true evolution of final fantasy, before XIII came along and shat everything up
>when you bared your sword at his excellency, you bared your sword at the law
Nomura literally had nothing to do with XII.
>Yasumi Matsuno, originally announced as both producer and director, bowed out of both roles midway. The official reason given for his departure was health concerns. On February 25, 2010, Matsuno spoke out on his departure from the Final Fantasy XII project on his Twitter page, stating that while he had been sick, he had nevertheless let down the Square Enix staff, shareholders, and fans who had been looking forward to the game. The game pretty much followed on the same track after Matsuno-san left. There wasn't a huge overhaul or anything like that. The playable version of the game had been shown at E3, and at that point it was really a matter of polishing up the final product. Once he left, it was just a matter of, 'We'll take it from here,' and following the path."
>In Matsuno's place, Hiroyuki Ito and Hiroshi Minagawa took over directorial duties, with Akitoshi Kawazu assuming the role of the executive producer. Matsuno remains credited for "Original Work/Scenario Plot/Supervision". The game continued to follow on the same track after Matsuno left. The playable version of the game had been shown at E3, and at that point it was a matter of polishing up the final product.[1]
>mummers farce
the fucking dialogue in this game man
Fucking thank you. X is so overrated to me, but everyone I know creams their pants for it. Don't get me wrong though, thankful for Auron because of that game.
>that macbeth-ian ambition in vayne consummated in regicide/patricide
>that duty vs justice
absolutely fucking kino
Going to sound like a choad, but in a post-Game of Thrones environment, a sequel to FF12/Tactics with all its political undertones would be great with a lot of newer players. They really ought to do a new Ivalice game.
This is so fucking good. Final fantasy will never be this good again.
Because some of us are just here to suffer.
It's bad. I'd like to feel like I'm just missing something, but all of my attempts to figure out what people see in it just lead me to believe they have terrible taste. Like, maybe it could have been good if it was massively rewritten, but not the game that was actually produced. Most of the 'Ivalice' elements feel tacked on to me, and while it's compared to Star Wars, it seems more 'prequels' than 'original trilogy', especially with it's handling of politics. Though, it's not actually nearly as bad as the SW prequels, the writers for FF12 at least had a vague sense for what concepts mean, unlike fucking that fucking Phantom Menace movie with it's vague trade blockade and shit.