What class will everyone be playing on Classic?

What class will everyone be playing on Classic?
Okay and now that the children have made their characters, what will the adults be playing?

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Nerf warlock

Night Elf Mohawk

I'll be starting undead warlock for the initial rush, then switch into a rich priest alt for the wave following as people rush to farm content.

Just gonna adapt to whatever is low on the server, opportunity = success

Paladin, I hate myself

orc shaman, i really miss the old ghostwolf animation so i pray they don't fucking update it

Paladin and Warlock. Maybe a Shaman too.

ayyy lmao

Mage or Hunter for pre-naxx, Rogue for Naxx

all bout that monay

oh man I didn't even think about shaman.
be a decent grind.

whatever the fuck I feel like when it comes out. basically the opposite of because I'm not going through >120h just to level a class that is wanted.

Orc Warrior - For tanking
Troll shaman - Deleting niggers in BGs

>warrior is for children

Tauren Druid.

Someone needs to keep the hunter filth in check.

senpai I want to level a priest, but I want to level it comfy, funded, at a time they are in demand.

I plan to level every class to 60 and just know that is gonna require funds and planning, warlocks being the least reliant on funds for levelling and a blast to play for the initial grind.

I can't decide. I'm actually going through the process of eliminating classes I don't want to play. So far I've kicked out Hunter and Warrior.

I played a human priest ally side. Had a mage and rouge alt already.

Just started a tauren druid on a private server.

I really want to roll a Troll when classic comes. I'm probably going to roll a troll warrior because shaman healing doesn't appeal to me, hunters aren't my thing and mage raiding is boring as fug.

I haven't played warrior much in vanilla, they look like fun though.

Don't know, but keep making daily threads for the next two years.

Troll warriors and rogues are cool.


>the healbot thinks its a person

the forms are fun but those class quests, such effort.


void elf demonhunter

>I'm gonna be a big dick prima-donna tank!
>Oh god levelling is so slow and hard, people told me Blizz loves warriors.
>Man everyone kills me in pvp what the hell? I saw a youtube of a guy in BiS deleting fresh 60ies, why can't I do the same at level 30?
>Finally, I'm at 60... y-you already have an MT? You don't even want more melee DPS? B-but I'm a warrior!
>I guess I could tank 5 mans... oh, paladins do that better? But Sup Forums said they couldn't tank!

This will be you.


>want to play priest but dislike dwarves in cloth
>want to raid as paladin but can't do anything else with him
>want to do dungeon as warrior but FUCK leveling warrior
>want either mage, hunter, or rogue for outdoor shenanigans but good luck getting groups lmao

those are pretty clean yall got an imgur album of all of those?

Nice try, Void Elves can't be demon hunters.

Rogue for soloplay/ganking.
Warrior for group play with friends, maybe pvp.
Fuck you OP



>I guess I could tank 5 mans... oh, paladins do that better?

Guys, i never really played WoW, would this be a good time to start it?

you dont have to be a dwarf to be a priest my dude
fear ward is for casuals

Thanks :)

Mediation is kinda pointless if you have spirit tap. Martyrdom is 100% better. WTF is that random reduced threat talent point. That shit doesn't reduce dispel chance in vanilla.

Probably a mage so i can rape people while leveling

me and my best bud are going to both play dorf hunters

>want to play dorf pally

Oh good. I really wanted to be qt night elf heal slut instead of an ugly dwarf healer.

Paladins do tank dungeons better because they can AoE tank and handle trash mobs, unlike druids or warriors. Feel free to keep eating the garbage memes, though.

+15% mana regen at all times isn't pointless. The throwaway reduced threat talent point is for when you hit 60 because there's hardly anything better, and if you want to be SPriest DPS or heal you're gonna respec anyways.

got talked into starting classic with a friend. i havent really played WoW before, what should i roll for maximum fun ?
we are playing horde and dont like playing DPS that much.
i heard druids get their own clubhouse, that sounds pretty comfy desu.

Use sunder instead of heroic strike unless you are drowning in rage, it's an instant white hit in-between auto attacks that can also generate it's own rage. HS makes your next auto attack a special, meaning you can't gain rage off of it and you lose a swing.

Charge can only be used out of combat, remember that.

Get a swing timer mod, it helps since your attacks and animations don't always line up, you don't wanna clip your auto attacks.

If you have a slow wep (3.0 or slower) you can kite mobs using hamstring, hit them then run away until your next swing then run back in. Most mobs have a swing speed of 2.70 or so and this does go a long way to making you more durable early game when your gear is shit.

Druids are pretty comfy, but you will end up healing a lot.

How do I tank as a Warrior in Vanilla? I've been told to spam Sunder Armor but I'm looking for something slightly more detailed.

1) Charge
2) Thunderclap
3) Sunder Armor
4) Repeat Step 3 until mob is dead
4b) Use Taunt on that one mob attacking your healer

Basic overview.

Aoe is sunder tab sunder tab, single target is sunder sunder sunder sunder sunder
>wasting that much time in battle stance

Priests are pretty fun. Easy to level, shadow spec is strong in PvP and they're great healers. Also not that popular which means you'll get into raids and dungeons very easily (as a healer, only one shadow allowed in a raid)

Dwarf priest probably. I was an undead priest during vanilla will be good to see how the onther side lived during that time period but we are getting ahead of ourselves. Vanilla is never going to happen. There is a 0% chance Blizzard will make a server without a cash shop.

>Playing the meta meme dwarf priest instead of playing what you want to play.

Why do you even play video games. You have the choice of human or nightelf. Play what you want.

Human's get desperate prayer, and feedback. The old feedback where you enchant your weapon was good if you had a fast attacking 1.3 speed dagger. Shit proced every other hit. Great for duels as holy/disc where the plan is to wear the enemy out.

Nightelves had another dot, and 20% miss chance for 15 seconds seems good.

Warrior is literally the shit test class. It weeds out nooblets VERY quickly. If you stop playing before 30 you're a shitter, a 60 warrior is guaranteed to at least not be supremely retarded.
I've leveled a warrior to 60 back in vanilla and once on recent private servers. I know what warrior leveling entails.
>I guess I could tank 5 mans... oh, paladins do that better? But Sup Forums said they couldn't tank!

Spotted the retailbabby.

is that like a quick rundown?

Cute twintail green gnome mage while spamming /train everywhere I go. And if there will be new models, its even better cuz twintails jiggle when she jumps

post the hunter one.


This is the one I got.

Troll Hunter or Undead Warlock with Alchemy/Herbalism I'm not sure which one exactly I want to be

Same desu senpai

Use sunder armor, press tab, use sunder armor. Mark the primary target.
Shouts cause small amounts of AoE threat, use it alongside thunder clap early to make sure the healer doesn't peel targets off of you.
Tell your healer to stop putting renew and power word shield on you pre pull unless it's a boss. They will get aggro otherwise. Shield also stops you getting rage from taking damage (though blizz may change that).
Also tell your healer to stop trying to top you up when you're sitting at 90% health. He has a wand that probably does more DPS than you.
CC where possible, it's why you have a mage.
Rogue sap will break stealth unless they spec into it, most won't because Sub is shit for levelling.
Charge is a luxury, most of the time you'll probably be pulling with a gun.
You don't need to be prot spec to tank pre-raid, just bring a shield.
You will wipe often, shit happens.

Wands hit for like 32 ddpos when smites hit for nearly 200 damage. 25% of 32 is fucking 8 damage. You're getting less than 2 dps per point. You're better of with anti crowd control for world pvp.

The only sane way to level as a priest in a party. You will level at quadruple speed even if you spend not points at all. I pity solo priests. My and my party kill them whenever we see in them world pvp 2v1 or 3v1.

If you are gonna be a hunter, get enchanting because you can solo high level dungeons for easy cash. a raid ready hunter can easily solo dire maul tribute runs for ~4-5 blues that give you the highest level of shards. Pair that with herbalism and you'll be rolling in cash no time.

>Spotted the retailbabby.
Spotted the retard that just parrot's Sup Forums.

Paladins need to drink after every fucking pull, so even if they can hold aggro at multiple mobs they're still slower tanks than warriors.

Smite also has a long cast time, suffers pushback without the shield and costs a load of mana. Wands have incredibly fast swing speeds and let your mana regen. Obviously having a buddy to level with makes things faster but that is true for every class.

>using consecrate more than once a pull
Holy shield, ret aura, Blessing of Sanc, shield spike. Paladin AoE threat is based off retaliation damage from blocking. The only shitty thing is you need to be crit once for redoubt to kick in.

Don't forget about Force Reactive Disc, Paladin tanking is turning up to 11 with that fucking thing.

That's easy with a /sit macro though
If you pay attention to mob swing timers you can make sure the weakest swing is what crits you

is this the endgame? the final solution? The end of the road?

>play mage
>be a millionaire

warriorbull reporting in

while you fuckbois wonder what class is needed the most I'll be charging around fucking SLAMMING motherfuckers left and right.
thristy healsluts will instinctively follow me, holding on to my balls by suction.

I can already hear you going "h-ha, you raped me b-but good luck finding a raidspot l-l-later" moments before you log out and give up.

Human dps Paladin because fuck everything

Holy Priest

>easy as fuck to do
>guaranteed raid spot


>Leveling will be a pain
>getting ganked left and right while doing so

>casts frostbolt at you

>getting ganked left and right while doing so

this will happen with any class though.

find warrior user bull and just keep healing that guy while in P, no problem, exp rolling in.

I'm gunna play a rogue so i can touch everybody's butts

>healslut instantly dispells him
gg no re

>2.5 sec cast time

sorry breh, I'd wait for you to finish your long term project but I got shit to do.

Past level 15 if you're playing solo and not a hunter, warlock, or frostmage I think you're waisting your life. You'll either need to intentionally lower your kill speed or spend half your time in game eating/drinking.

But whatever floats your boat.

Reminder, do not invite druids to your groups!

Orc Hunter

can someone answer me this.

what happens when you finish AQ40?
do you expect blizzard to add new dungeons. it would break the experience people asking for classic servers wanted.

are you going to be doing the same dungeon over and over?

hunters are usually played by children user

Do not listen to this man. Thunderclap is waste of time for tanking in vanilla. I can't find it, but there's a great breakdown of warrior abilities into threat generation for vanilla somewhere on elitist jerks. Basically, thunder clap threat is split among the targets it hits, so it ends up causing about 1/6 of a sunder in threat, not much more than a battle shout, for a full 20 rage. Even cleaving is a waste of time for aoe tanking.

By thunderclapping, you're forcing yourself to stay in battle stance for longer than you should. Your best bet is literally to sunder your main target, and hope the threat holds and your dps isn't idiotic while you get a sunder down on the others in combo with demo shout.
Sunder/revenge is literally your best friend and your only real means of threat gen. generally you will have a dps warrior thunderclapping for you.

Once your at 60, you'll need to weave in shield slams and shield blocks with your threat. shield slam causes less raw threat than a sunder per rage but it's good to get a headstart.

2 options: nothing or move onto bc-

>letting a mage finish a frostbolt

any warrior with two braincells will have already intercepted you, baited your blink, used nifty stopwatch and be mortal striking your soft ass before you finish the cast.

Just spec shadow. Levelling stops being a pain and you can shit on people that try to gank you once you're 40 or so

you do naxx?

Human lock, maybe. I mained an ud lock durin vanilla-tbc, would be fun to see the other side.

You thunderclap for the debuff ya dingus

>what happens when you finish AQ40?
We do Naxx

six demon bag

I hope they finish the stuff they originally planned for vanilla, Karazhan, emrald dream, the rouge epic quest line etc.

I think that is why they called it classic and said they were "a little afraid" when they announced it.


it's a couple hundred hours to get to that point. I think there's nothing wrong with ending it there.

>Be rogue
>sap x3
>sap x3
>Run away giggling