Health potions lower your stats

>health potions lower your stats

>items have durability
>you can repair them
>repairing them reduces their overall durability permanently

>health potions have a chance to poison

I fucking hate that

what's with the soy memes lately? if I drink this, will I turn into a cute girl (male)?

You'll turn into nu-male(soy)

it's new, so people are getting their initial rush off it like they did with cuck.
It'll calm off and people will decide if it lives long term later on

Soylent has a type of estrogens in it that reduces testosterone to dangerous levels.
It basically turns people into whimpy liberals

>Soylent has a type of estrogens in it that reduces testosterone to dangerous levels.

Can you please provide an academic source that shows hormone levels affect political persuasion please.

>game has different variations of health potions

the only argument against it is people pointing to asian males eating soy all the time but they're all feminine as fuck so I'm willing to buy this one

it will also turn you into a tranny like cosmo


Didn't Cosmo start drinking nothing but soylent shortly before he went off the deep end?

Really makes you think.

there's no such thing as cute girls(male)
you'll be an ugly girl(male)

>phytoestrogens = estrogen

Dumbass. Might as well stop eating apples, carrots and drinking whiskey because they all have phytoestrogens.

It's viral marketing, they know this board is obsessed with feminine traps and half of us want to be girls, so they advertise a magical potion that will turn you into a girl here as if it's a meme deriding nu-males.




At least I truly see.

I don't have those, so I'm all set

>400kcal in 400ml
Imagine having to drink away 2.5 liters of this shit every day to get your daily calorie intake.

Is this what american vegans drink to avoid malnourishment?


Naming a food product "Soylent" should be on the universal no-fly list, like naming a robotics company Skynet. Just a bad idea overall.

What blows my mind is the cost. If you're a braindead moron who eats out every night, it might make sense, but to anyone who cooks the price is laughable.

I feel nothing but pity for people who despise eating so much that they're willing to remove it from their lives. There would be nothing more dull than a liquid diet.

I really wanna play video games with them

my noggin is joggin

>feminine traps
feminine traps are disgusting tho

Nah, vegan diets get the full spread of vitamins except B12, they just need a daily multivitamin. This is for weirdo freaks who "don't like eating," that's what the founder of the company created it as. It used to be these packets of oat flour and vitamin supplements and shit, and a vial of fish oil, but they've rebranded now as this soy-based muscle milk shit. The owner of this is nuts, and he gets a lot of venture capital from people who want to spin it as a diet drink.

>that first sip of the day

There's no such thing as a non-feminine trap.

>consumables make you want to chop your dick off and get tit implants


>Health Potion has an animation process

>If max wanted to be a woman I'd be okay with it xD
this kid is beyond fucked

>magical juice meant to replace all other foods
Am I supposed to not believe this gives you cancer or some shit? I can't believe people are defending this

reminds me of that facebook(?) pic of the chick who started HRT at a very young age. you see some boy and then some pretty girl on her prom night

Why not a yogurt? Fucking banana+strawberry.

>deleveling is encouraged

I mean on paper it'd work, but humans function differently than paper, and it probably fucks up your gut flora over time. The owner of it was living off it for months, but looked a little sickly. That was before they got caught with rat feces and lead in their powder shake model. Recently they've rebranded to this soy milk food product though, could be the original venture capitalists trying to make back their money.

There's a robotics and healthcare technology company named Vecna.

>mfw based technology advancing the attainment of Lichdom

I think that's less to do with chemically similar estrogen and more to do with the complete lack of meat

Everyone knows vegans are nuts. This is just what happens without the ideology

You're unable to absorb soul power from plants since they don't have souls.
Animals, while their souls are weak, leave residual power in their meat and by products.

Not only are vegans physically weak, but their also spiritually weak

"The concerns about the estrogen-like activities of soy have caused some to worry that soy products could decrease a man's testosterone, but clinical studies don't support this fear. There are at least two reports of men who have experienced feminizing changes in their bodies (one of whom had Type 1 diabetes) after consuming high doses of soy, but even at higher-than-average rates of consumption -- higher even than what's typical among Asian cultures -- science has found no evidence to caution men against eating soy. In fact, men may even benefit from some dietary soy, as it seems to decrease prostate cancer risk."

I was taking a walk today and saw a spa/beauty salon called Mileena, made me jej.

>"liberal jew scientists say it's okay for you to drink their overpriced jewjuice"

It decreases the risk of prostate cancer because women don't have prostates

Yeah, listen to them, goy. No dangers at al to our products

Ingesting estrogen doesn't give you estrogen, your stomach breaks it down like all other plant and animal hormones. It's why when people like cosmo in your picture take estrogen it has to be taken through a stick on patch, an injection, or through a little pill that dissolves under your tongue.

>you can get addicted to consumables

Every rapist has drank water.

is there anything wrong with consuming isotonic drinks in plastic bottles if i work out regularly?

If what you eat significantly changes hormone levels does that mean I can start testboosters and become a hairy alpha bear?

that's bullshit, but I believe it