Haha this game sold like shit
Haha this game sold like shit
shut up, nazi
Good. It was on sale recently and I bought it 50% off. Fun game.
Did it actually sell like shit or ''sold like shit'' where they expect to sell 10 millions instantly?
Do you think Battlefront 2 will sell worse? Just hit my local Walmart and there were tons of copies compared to COD WW2 and AC Origins
It sold better then EW2
you paid too much for what you got, the campaign was pretty short and the side missions were just returning to places you had already been to kill a commander.
>Just released
>Already has 50% off sales
eh wasnt bad
I seriously doubt it senpai. Despite the drama it seems like a fine game.
>not even a month in
>already 50%
Damning by faint praise?
Nice try, shill
It genuinely sold like shit, looks like people aren't interested in having agendas shoved down their throats
Not the point of this thread, shut up about Star Wars
So? We're talking about Wolfenstein here
He's an obvious shill
0.05 cents were deposited to your account
That doesn't necessarily mean it's not selling well. Just that they've calculated that they could make more money selling more of it more cheaply. It may be related to it not selling as much as it should have but not necessarily.
Sieg Heil.
How much does Bethesda pay you? Is it a flat salary or a per post type of deal?
You reek of Sup Forums
>le pol boogeyman
hello neogaf
Sup Forums is the most browsed board on this website, the vast majority of Sup Forums users browse it, you'd know this if you weren't a newfag
Dude, I cringed at how much the SJWs loved this game because the stupid, stupid pandering worked.
>HAHAHAHA I'm killing nazis take that Drumpf.
But it's still a fine nazi killing experience. Just not awesome. I'm not a big fan of the new Wolfenstein games. Partly for the same reasons I didn't like Doom 3.
Get out
And you reek of a shill, cunt.
>shut up about Star Wars
>implying Sup Forums wasn't flooded with shitty Cuckenstein threads for a week
You're late
>actually believing this.
Newfags pls, we used to use you fags as bait. Neck yourself
Make me
Also it was obvious this game was going to crash and burn, nobody gives a fuck about story shooter games without some sort of extensive multiplayer going on in it. That's just the reality of modern games.
is neogaf the new reddit? sorry that this board doesn't have le dank downvotes, leftybro
Frog poster, maybe you ought to see yourself out.
>This is what Sup Forumstards actually believe
>he doesn't know how basic numbers work
hello, amerishart
well it's still selling, though last I heard it was only pushing about 60% of the sales the first one got
>the vast majority of Sup Forums users browse Sup Forums
>actually thinking Sup Forums matters
I didn't realize /r/thedonald was so popular in europe
I heard this game got commies, should I add it to the list?
Probably true.
Spotted : soyboys
Don,t worry, the big bad DRUMPF will soon be gone. 7 years is nothing
>thinking Sup Forums matters
how is that common core education going for you, mr. 56% white?
What did TNO do right that The New Colossus failed at?
TNO didn't have communist marxist propaganda designed to cuckpill soyboys
>This many buzzwords
Are all Sup Forumstards mentally ill?
pol can be insanely funny. Pretty sure most people there are just pretending. I sure am. There's still a lot of serious content. But I'm not a fucking nazi kek.
more gameplay to cutscene ratio
I'm certain this comment would've gotten you reddit gold on your home website, Euro. Why don't you get back to worshiping a portly orange skinned American nazi and crying about immigrants stealing your tendie-wendies
No, those are topics in the new Wolfenstein. Ask Bethesda why they like buzzwords so much.
literally everything
>tfw too may words
drink your diet pepsi, american
>Why don't you get back to worshiping a portly orange skinned American nazi
Are we talking about the guy that won?
>muh pol muh drumpf
trump tower deposited 2 cents to your account
More than this game made.
>All the communist tears in this thread
Stop trying to take over Sup Forums. It isn't working. This board is owned by Sup Forums.
Good one, bro
>still defending the trumplykin board
go shill for a piece of shit american politician some more bitch boy, maybe some seppo will take pity on you and spare some 56% cummies your way
make me
>go shill
Why? He already won.
there is too many words in that sentence, you must be a trump shill
Nothing really. TNC's issue is that it didn't change anything and we're in an age where single player games need to be like 20+ hours before it feels like its worth it. The first old sold off of how fresh it was with the more involved cinematography and warrior poet BJ. Overall, both have roughly the same cutscene length too. Doesn't help that we're basically using the same weaponry for the most part too, asking people to pay full price for an expansion pack of 8 hours to their FPS single player game is just not going to happen even for people who do want to watch the story. FPS is like the most unremarkable and plebian type of game, ofc people just watch cutscenes of the game.
Gameplay wise, I still find it annoying that you just don't hoover up weapons/ammo/health and have to spam E like a deranged subhuman for most things like ammo. The game still forces you to play like a pussy which is never fun, stealth is extremely powerful because of infinite summons via commanders and dual wield is marginally useful against big enemies but rarely in practice due to constant ammo shortages on your favorite weapons and just how vulnerable you are on higher difficulties. The gameplay BJ and the story BJ are at total odds and it's just boring. TNO had this issue too.
Nah, I just 2 copies for my wife’s son and daughter.
You're seething. Sad.
good for you, children should be taught how to kill nazis and white people at an early age
don't forget to buy pic related
>Not the point of this thread, shut up about Star Wars
>I made this thread so you'll do as I say or else
too many words, fuck off drumpf shill
I'm not interested in politics, they are boring as fuck and only remotely amusing when wars happen.
No, kids should be taught to kill in general.
Way too many pussified "men" around nowadays.
>it's another "Neogaf refugees ruin a perfectly fine vydia thread by bringing up le pol" episode
Every. Time.
>all these buzzwords
fuck off drumpf
All idealist subhumans should be permanently rangebanned from Sup Forums.
Sup Forums used to be the best board on the site before the election
I agree, fuck white people
Sup Forums was only good when it was turned into /mlpol/
Dr. Umpf ( Definition - Having strength or power.)
No, fuck all people.
I want the Sup Forums that used to ruin the lives of 15 year old girls on the internet and laughed when a terrorist attack happened instead of going into muh politics, muh gotta save the world bullshit.
It's Sup Forums-tier nowadays
This desu
it's half the_donald and half Sup Forums
flags on Sup Forums was a mistake
>soyboys are offended by this photo
>It's another "Idiots try to take credit for a game not selling well and acting like they won a major victory when it's just a fucking videogame" episode.
where the fuck did nazis of drumpf army came from? why did they ruin pol with their nazi agenda?
Not to mention that all those subhumans doing rallies would, for once, be entertaining since they would start shooting each other instead of
Not to mention that the government would have an excuse to send in the military and crush them.
Go back to neofag, crybaby
Thatll teach those cucks to mess with the 4th reich
Welcome to modern idealism, fighting over fictional stories.
We memed Trump into the presidency. How can you continue to underestimate us at this point? Videogames are child's play.
Nobody is trying to take credit for it. It was 100% Bethesda's marketing campaign, they did a great job at alienating potential buyers with their campaign of false political parallels.
the_donald on reddit, and they have no agenda aside from being Trump sycophants
>yes Trump is right let's pull out of NATO and stop wasting money fighting South Korea's wars for them
2 months later
>can't wait to carpet bomb Kim Jong Un!
that's because this game was ruined by white privilege and racist gamers
Nuking North Korea would be much cheaper than an actual war.
>black king
Fuck. Every time it gets me.
Sup Forums just got falseflagged out the ass by this shitpost.
Call me when you do something interesting like sparking a war in western territory.
Up until now the only thing Trump has done is make retards cry on social media.
>We memed Trump into the presidency
>They still believe this
>can't wait to carpet bomb Kim Jong Un!
That would be pretty funny.
kathy griffin, charlie rose, wolfenstein II, the list could go on. This is what happens when you insult our god emperor
The Trump curse will strike every single person in due time. I'm loving life so much right now.
>falling for such obvious bait
>Falling for my reverse bait
Remember when people fought wars for this?
Oh, that's right, western civilization is full of pussies.
Really hope the governments around the world actually start opressing people, lets see if civilians do anything after that.
>reddit spacing
Hillary lost, get over it already
>game failed because CommieGames perverted Wolfenstein into their personal politics soapbox and made the game a radical leftist power fantasy
And it is well deserved.
I wonder if this is the reason why Farcry 5 is nowhere to be seen now, they're reworking it to remove the implied 'you get to kill drumpfkin standins' overtones because of how previous games who went full 'fuck white people and fuck drumpf' like Watchdogs 2 and Mafia 3 did.
Which is a shame because it's actually a great game