How does it stack up compared to Yakuza 0?

How does it stack up compared to Yakuza 0?

Not as much content, very short, feels rushed. I don't think they'll ever make another game as good as Zero considering 6's story goes back to being absolutely retarded as well.

is kitano in it

I'd assume most development went into upgrading the engine, so Yakuza 7 will likely be better.


>I don't think they'll ever make another game as good as Zero considering 6's story goes back to being absolutely retarded as well.
I think it's hilarious to see the people saying how much they loved 0 because of the intense, serious story and how they can't can't wait to get into the rest of the series, when only like 3 games of this 7-mainline-game series have even passable stories.

>when only like 3 games of this 7-mainline-game series have even passable stories

Zero is the only entry with a good story, with the first game's the only one I'd call passable. 2,3,4,5,6 all have fucking stupid stories.

0 was pretty retarded in places.

I dropped the game when the blind girl's boss talked about killing some girl that looked like the blind girl.

What the fuck stupidness is that.

1 and 2 have decent stories. Rest are shit, especially 5 and 6.

>especially 5
5's story is way better than 3 or 4 though.

2 is getting a remake. Dunno if it'll come out here though.

0 is one of the best entries and 6 is one of the worst.

Hope you love the chinese.

>Beat Takeshi, a man who famously hates video games and designed a video game while he was drunk just to fuck with people, allows himself to be a character in a video game

In fact Kiwami 2 is getting a demo in the japanese PlayStation store soon.

5's story really went off the rails in the second half.

>everything involving Terada


Haruka really did a number on that game.

After 2 it has been steady downhill. I'm actually looking forward to 6 to see how it stacks up to stupid bullshit in 5.
>Kiryuu is blackmailed away from life he loves by some fucking bitch.
>Daigo goes missing again.
>For whole game they pretend like Majima is dead when fucking everybody knows they wouldn't have balls to kill him off.
>Entirity of Saejima's chapter, going to fucking prison again, fighting a bear(cool), kidnapping politician in the middle of guarded live event, KYODAI
>The bitch in Haruka's chapter, acts like bitch to Haruka's trainer and refuses to pay him, then gets killed and they never show the body.
>Since they never showed the body maybe they were trying to fool people into thinking she was dead like with Majima? Nope, gone for good because of some absolutely retarded bullshit.
>"Let's beat eachother up, maybe that will make the bad guy show up!"
>It actually works.
>Even the final boss doesn't know why he is there.
>At the end Haruka fucks up everything that everybody else worked for and decides she doesn't want to be idol, what the fuck was the point of this game.
I liked Shinada's chapter as its own thing, and hunting as Saejima was fun, but Yakuza 5 seriously is some of the dumbest bullshit.

I remember 3 being good.

FLY was a dope song.

>"Let's beat eachother up, maybe that will make the bad guy show up!"
When they pulled that shit in 4 I spit out my fucking coffee.

"Let's move all my money to the top of Millennium Tower and advertise it to the entire city, and anyone who shows up to take it is obviously a bad guy so we'll just beat the shit out of them."

That doesn't end at 5, they pulled some serious fuck you shit in 6 with her. You can tell the writers are so fucking tapped when it comes to the series in the current timeline. 0 was great because they got to explore the world with abandon again, no 40+ year old man "trying" to escape the game, no retarded Tojo fuck it all up again, no Haruka being a damsel to save, Maijima gets more depth.

Only fault was you knew the new characters were going to all fuck off at the end. Series needs a reboot so bad it's not even funny anymore.

It feels like they created the (absolutely fantastic) scene where the four protags arrive by helicopter into a blizzard of money for a trailer, and then told the writers "okay, now make this happen in the story".

Well these are all coming, along with Shin Ryu ga Gotoku. The latter of which sounds like the reboot you're looking for. At the very least, Kiryu finally gets to stop being the protagonist.

ITT:Retards that take Yakuza, a comedy series to seriously.

Dumb Gaijins. This is why you dont get localizations.

>why you dont get localizations.
retard. the dark ages are over


>retard. the dark ages are over
retard. It's only begun

They literally explained it right then and there.
Kill someone who looks like her, cave her face in, and try to pass it off as genuine.

they will get localized tho

not ishin ;_; never ishin


meant for

>implying 2 has a good story
>everyone is secretly related and secretly Korean and there's a secret golden castle filled with ninjas and mounted turrets under Osaka castle

Face it these games are fucking dumb. 3 has best story because it has the best cheesy set up and twists
>kiryu has started a fucking orphanage in Okinawa and just wants to chill with his adopted kids
>he's pulled back into an international real estate conspiracy when his dead foster father comes back and starts assassinating people

4's set up is even better but there's way too many asspulls like rubber bullets and that scene in the end where they drop the gun on the ground only for the bad guy to steal it multiple times.

Just picked that game up today actually. Haven't popped it in yet, but pretty excited to start it when I get home from dinner.

I never got around to playing Kenzan. Hope I don't need to have played it first.

Kenzan and Ishin are completely unrelated.

Y6 is absolute horse shit.

Kiwami 2 is just milking the cow at this point

Yakuza 0 was released in 2015 for both PS3 and PS4.

Yakuza 6 is a 2018 PS4-only game. Of course it's going to be better than Yakuza 0.

>The silly fat washed up old boss hulking out and suplexing a bull
>Wesker (complete with dual pistol gun-fu) is an international arms dealer who's posing as a CIA agent and somehow fooling his fellow CIA agents despite him not actually working for them??
>Comatose Daigo unleashing his true power for the first time
>"Kiryu Kazuma... you have beautiful ass..."
>Big traumatic scene where Mine bulldozes the orphanage (for no reason) and twenty minutes later it's back again exactly as it was
>Mine's autistic screeching whenever someone insults Daigo and then decides to kill him anyway because ???, and takes him up to the roof of the hospital to do so because ???, and leaves Wesker to guard the room where Daigo isn't actually sleeping in any more because ?????

What were Y3's writers even smoking when they came up with all this hilariously retarded shit?

you're comparing different regions' release dates

>Y6 is absolute horse shit.

Can I play this if I only played 0,1 and 2(back in the day on the PS2)? Please I love Kitano

you need to play 5 tho

Ah shit
Thanks man

>woke up in a cold sweat today thinking the Kiwami 2 demo dropped and immediatly went to the jap store to check it out
What the fuck is wrong with me?

24 mins. left before it strikes 12 at nipland

Is 0 really as good as everyone says? Or is it just because it's many people's first?

For someone who's never played the series, can I start with Zero?

zero comes before the number 1.

you might have trouble of getting to know the characters very close to the protagonists since they'll get fleshed out after Zero

It is a good game. Zero has more side content. Gotoku 6 has top notch voice acting and mocap as well. And all the side quests in six are fully voiced. I personally love(d) the game outside of the second mystery. After spending so much time on the Haruka story I thought that I was going to get a second story of equal length, but it just ends abruptly. Also it feels like it has less moves to buy and master. I was going into six thinking that it would have multiple playable characters, so I wasn't bothered that I was leveling up so quickly. All in all it is a fun game and a fitting end for Kiryu. It has a story that is almost on par with Zero,and the gameplay is really tons of fun. My biggest beef is that there isn't more. Kamurocho is locked of in many places as well. I'm interested in seeing the next game in the Dragon engine. I would put Gotoku 6 on par with 0.

I bought and beat 4 forever ago.
Should I play Kiwami or 0 next?

>Kitano's bust taking half the screen.

I mean, I know he's a big deal, but jeez. Like, fucking Haruka's not there.

I really liked his character and was surprised by the revelation that he was killing these guys fucking parents and becoming their parents I like it when he was just a mumbling old comic relief man.

All I know is that the first two games had two writers, Yokoyama and some other guy who wrote crime novels. After that its all Yokoyama I think, and with 5/6 I think he kind of gets a rise out of fucking with people, its like he has 2ch's Sup Forums in another tab while writing the plot to the next game

>Yokoyama's secretly a good writer but he likes shitposting on 2ch and likes baiting
Look at this son of a bitch, he knows exactly what he's doing.

Yakuza 0 is by far the best game in the series. None of the games even remotely come close. Including Kiwami, which uses the exact same city and engine.

Fuck sake, I'm at work now. 4 more hours until I get home.

It's very unlikely that the demo will be up at midnight instead of the normal store update time.

>going from 0 to 6
>shiggy diggy doo
Y'all mind if I copy and paste from an old 6 thread?

>Game is extremely short, platiniumed under 45 hours while it takes over 100 hours to do it since Y3 (meaning Y6 has fuck ton less content)
>Story is trash, Yokoyama is a hack and ruined the series along with few characters
>Maps smaller than in Yakuza 2
>No Champion street, hotel district, Kamarucho Hills and Purgatory
>Can't buy, upgrade or equip weapons
>No training, small amount of upgrades for combat
>No save rooms, no item boxes
>Less variety in shops, Hiroshima is empty and Kamarucho has poppo and hamburgers all over the place
>New combat is very wonky and unbalanced
>Boss fights are weak and boring, they barely attack and just dodge
>No UFO catcher
>Every mini-game is dumbed down or worse
>Silky smooth 28 fps with stutters, screen tearing and horrible draw distance and pop-in
>"FREEDOM" and "SEAMLESS"* *only for those places shown in the trailer (4 of them)
>4 minute loading screen
>Only few interesting substories, rest is "oh you discovered a playspot, go talk to receptionist and sing-up for rizap!"
>"Final Kiryu chapter", most of the content in both story and side stuff is just copied from previous games, feels like they didn't give a shit about this game
>Baseball simulator is time waster to grind and unlock substories
>Snack bar chatting is time waster to grind and unlock substories
>Clan Creator is time waster to grind and unlock trophies (win 100 fucking times, lvl 99 up a guy)
Basically they cut a lot from previous games and changed things for worse and most of the game has no depth