You did update to Firefox Quantum, right?

You did update to Firefox Quantum, right?


It didn't even let me have a say on it so yeah, I guess I did

I dunno, but NoScript came out.

yeah i upgraded

glassmyfox pls

where is it?

>hey we made your browser a shitty clone of chrome and got rid of all the extensions that made it worth using
>p.s., just like chrome we added spyware

That looks terrible.

It's better. A lot better. Separate content processes seem to help a lot.
YouTube still seems to be leaking for me though. Dunno if it's just me.

Yeah, but it fucked with greasemonkey and muh Sup Forums scripts don't work anymore.

You need browser diversity. It was horrible back in the days were there was effectively only MSIE. Now WebKit/Blink are becoming the new MSIE.

ccd's 4chanX works for me. Only sometimes it also loads the native extension at the same time, but reloading the tab fixes that.

I used it so I could monitor all my windows while having firefox fullscreen. It's pretty good.

sure did and it buttfucked all my 4chins shitposting meme monitoring extensions along with greasemonkey but i fixed that by switching to tapermonkey. remember kids, exports your settings on the fucking regular.

you too?
i lost my custom stylish design for Sup Forums

Quantum would be a downgrade.

>privacy settings
>"send information about my browsing sessions to mozilla" ticked permanently

Feels good, man

>Automatically upgrades to the latest firefox update
>Noscript stops working and I'm not allowed to use it when it's outdated
>Requestpolicy stops working and I'm not allowed to use it when it's outdated
>Easy Exhentai whatever it's called stops working and I'm not allowed to use it when it's outdated

Fuck this update.

Opposite for me, rather than slowing down to a crawl and hogging more and more resources over a few hours it just starts off slow and gets slower. Might be because I've got really shitty slow RAM.


Are 8-tracks coming back too?

Must be something on my end then, fuck.

yeah, it's not perfect, youtube is still a google site tho so maybe that's why, but I don't know


tampermonkey works just fine.

i've been moving over to vivaldi, but for the time being. now that ff effectively killed what made it unique the move will be much faster.

firefox did it for me and I'm too lazy to switch back

I have that same problem with chromium, I still have no idea how to fix it.

shit broke greasemonkey and Sup Forums X and status-4-evar and downthemall

I installed Waterfox months ago and haven't looked back since

You only need easyexhentai to login once and can remove it afterwards, user.

you know that's literally a chinese botnet, right?

>browser using 3GB of memory
no thanks lol

New noscipt is out
Noscript double or something

I upgraded to Waterfox because nuFirefox is cancer Chrome 2.0 with even worse botnet.

gecko and KHTML(webkit) predate IE, dumbass

Nice videogames here boys

>Not using Chrome

I'd wait for updates from ccd.

browser games are games

It broke NoScript (which has since updated, but the new version doesn't work properly) and Rikaisama. Didn't fix the memory leak though.
If I wanted to use Chrome I'd use Chrome. God fucking damn it Mozilla.

Apparently not, because the site doesn't work for me without it.


>begone botnet!
>downloads another botnet

I have. It's mostly alright, but youtube is wonky and it can't handle opening links from applications or documents.

How fucking hard is it to display a goddamn webpage, for fucks sake.


Waterfox is explicitly privacy and security focused user, it has no botnet either you underage sack of shit

MOOODS Sup Forums is HARASSING us again wft!

Strange, does for me.

I switched to Yomichan instead of Rikaisama.

Alternatively there's Rikaichamp, but it doesn't support EPWING.

Rikaisama's webextension is in the work. In the meantime use Yomichan

>Might be because I've got really shitty slow RAM.
This shouldn't make a lot of difference for things like that. By far the most important thing is to have enough so that there's no swapping. There's so much stuff in web pages now that it's getting really memory heavy. And the OS has a hard time knowing what to keep in. There would probably have to be big changes to how VM systems work to keep things fast. A SSD helps *a lot* though.

I've been on Pale Moon since 13.1

>update firefox57
>cant use my exhentai addon

great had to watch 3D porn for a week fucking disgusting.

Of course. It's the best browser right now.

Thanks. I'm not yet at the point in my studies where I'm adding new words encountered to an anki deck so Yomichan will probably suffice for the moment.

Fireshit is the worst browser. Even Edgelord is better.

What the fuck do you even need an Exhentai addon for?

Just logging in E-hentai worked for me every single time. No addons, scripts, anything.

No, because one day I install Vivaldi and there is no way back. Every other browser feels poor in comparison

>needing an addon
full pleb

They weren't viable alternatives.
KHTML didn't work right on the real Internet. Too many web sites didn't work at all. It was OK for browsing local documentation and rendering HTML emails and stuff like that though. For a long while it was only MSIE or the dying netscape as real options. Then Mozilla revived it. It didn't become the Gecko engine until later.

Try using Tampermonkey instead of Grease/Violent.

For such a bitchy SJW devs, downgrading me to this shit without my consent was pretty hypocritical. Stupid motherfuckers.
At least these is noscript now.

>not using Google Ultron

Do you faggots even adobe reader?

>91 runs/min in ff57
>133 runs/min in chrome


>Easy Exhentai
Why people use this?
It's not hard to log on sad panda

The usual:

All addons stops working.
Interface is messed up again.
It looks like Chrome.

And I cant tell the difference...

does not work for me.
fuck you.

>Sends all stats automatically
>Probably still on windows 7 because "Windows 10 sells my information"

The absolute majority of dumbfucks who complain about windows 10 also use Firefox, so it always makes me laugh.

"I don't want this OS tracking me, but I'll happily let this browser track all my search history, hardware, location, and everything else~"

I just fucking remade my theme on chrome after remaking it on firefox after remaking it on chrome, fuck capitalism

I'm waiting until all addons I need are available

>not running on Firefox 3 from 2009

Will do, thanks.

Heh. I guess the hidden account levels thing is true.

Uh, the window border doesn't really look like Windows 7, sweetie.

>everything just works

>everything just breaks
>used 100% of my CPU and my computer heated up to 60+ degrees with just 3 tabs open

don't fall for the firefox meme

Violentmonkey is a working alternative

Looks like old opera. I'd try it out but switching browsers is a hassle.

Clearing cookies doesn't work for me, for whatever reason.

I understand. You might end up liking Yomichan over Rikaichan anyway. I know I did.

It's a hassle deleting cookies and hopping the loops to make it work, specially when you already have one of your hands busy. The addon is braindead easy and quick, no reason to not use it.


Is it easy to get all of FF's extensions working on Waterfox? Hell, could I get FastestFox working on that again, even though that hasn't been supported in over 5 years? Looking at it, I'm also assuming I can make it not look like a shitty Chrome clone, right, give it the old olf firefox look from like, 10 years ago?

No I use a lot of extenstions and add ons that are not compatible with quantum. Notably turning off switch to tab, classic theme restorer and tabs on bottom.

The biggest thing is tabs on bottom. I can not use any browser with the tabs on top. It triggers my autism.

>All these Google shills

It's not like I had a choice, it made me go down on it's cock like the little whore I am.

Yomichan supports Anki too.

Everyone here knows you can disable automatic updates, right? It's not that hard to do.

>Can't fucking get rid of these
>Can't find the setting to make it so when you left click images they just open, not in a new tab

I don't like the new noscript but I don't want to learn how to play tick the one thousand boxes with umatrix.