What the fuck were they thinking??
What the fuck were they thinking??
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>tfw no friends to play him with
Cho'Gall is fun.
not when you see him premade with 2 healers in quick match
Playing Cho'gall with a friend has to be some of the most fun experience you could possibly have in a moba.
>quick match
No one else to blame but you. Dude loses to % damage and physical blocks. Tychus, malth, tassadar, leoric.
Do both people need to buy him? Or is he playable with just one person owned
As well as in case: healing reduction, but it's harder to pull off.
>Nano Boost administered
It's borderline impossible to lose a QM if you go Cho'Gall + Ana.
>that image
Oh god I need to clean my flesh.
Just one person.
post youre favorite useless hero
100% wrong
Holy shit, that looks like one of those things from Tolkein movies. Why can't Blizzard make anything original?
thats what they want, to draw groups of people in to make money. people who bring friends are double the cash. they DO NOT GIVE A FUCK about any of you
People don't appreciate original things either.
Actually it’s from warhammer they ripped it
>friend bought him
>play Gall
>MVP every tim
That's a warcraft 2 ogre
Those aren't pimples, those are skin pores excreting skin oil
You don't need to spent money on hots at all and even though making money is their goal, it's not a issue if they bring fun content to the table.
>dude just counterpick lmao
>still 65%~ win rate in every mode other than solo ranked
How long before the fun ends?
When a competent tychus joins
They officially accepted hots isn't making much money when they introduced 2.0 to save it.
You can get pretty much anything you want for free by just playing the game and the whales are crying because they need to sink more money on the lootboxes to get every fucking tint of the seasonal legendary skin or whatever.
Currently Stimpack is the only thing I would even consider spending money on.
I don't know what came out first but this is an ettin from d&d that came out in the 70's
He gets obliterated by a nanoboosted Cho'Gall anyway.
>quick match
This game mode should genuinely be removed. MOBAs are meant to be played in a draft format.
They are re-introducing premium 'buy with cash/diamonds only' skins for new heroes like Alexstraza and going forward. So I guess they are still trying to get SOME cash from it.
Which then got ripped off by the Middle Earth RPG in the early 80's.
The fantasy genre is a stale cesspool of stolen and repackaged ideas.
Yeah it may be, Warcraft was supposed to be an official warhammer game, but games workshop said fuck off and blizzard (interplay I think) said no fuck you and ripped pretty much all their characters from war hammer and d&d
Retards like this need to die,
You still get gems by leveling up.
I hope they at least unbundle those skins to make it less obnoxious.
>an entire game mode should be removed because i don't like it
You obviously haven’t played hots then, QM games are just fast paced fun sometimes you get rubbish other time you can just floor the opposition
>ettin from d&d that came out in the 70's
Ettin a reconstructed English cognate to the Old Norse Jötunn from the Old English Eoten, but the two-headed Giant is from the Bogle (which is the irish Jotunn).
Everything is stolen, nothing is original, all human life should be extinguished.
>Warcraft was supposed to be an official warhammer game
[Citation missing]
>Once you 3v1 him he will get obliterated anyway
>get le balanced toss man in an epic chest
>play nothing but him
I am the scourge of quickplay, the ruiner of fun
An entire game mode should be removed because it's fundamentally broken trash. Unranked perfectly fills the need for a "not ranked" game mode, whatever thing you want to play you are 95% of the time going to get to play.
And in both game modes, you get punished for leaving
There's nothing fun about random team comp nonsense. You might as well play Brawl if that's what you want.
Google you mongoloid
The 3 vikings are a hard counter. They can still push lanes while the rest of the team fights him. Murky with the slow talent will wreck any healers supporting him.
>he doesn’t know that WC: orcs and humans was a pitched to games workshop
Newfag pls leave
>games should follow meta because that’s the only way to play
Please fuck off
>unstoppable dive to the backline
>instantly pop the priority target
>proceed to clean up the rest of the enemy team
Works every time unless they can chain some kind of invulnerability hoping they can at least dent him before it expires.
>cho'gall pre 16
>cho-gall at 16
how's he useless?
now here's a real one
Perhaps it is you who needs to learn how to google. :^)
>finally get fish tank
>enemy assassin runs at me
Don’t need to google, this is common knowledge
>when they pick tychus and leoric thinking they're going to counter you
kek, only anub is a true hardcounter
It is a common misconception that sprouted from rumors. Seriously, look it up.
>interview with the producer of Warcraft 1 & 2 is a rumor
Now, user... let's not make this too hard on you. What is it he is actually saying in that interview?
If you buy one you get both, but both players need to buy him.
Hello, I have the best voice in HOTS.
Rework when??
Is that penis cheese?
>got Infested Tychus in a chest
>thought he'd have some funny quotes because fuck yeah tychus findlay
>"Hope she was worth it...Jimmy."
Not gonna spoil it for you.
Grow some attention span and read it, brainlet.
No. If you're in a party then the person owning Cho'Gall can lock in either of them and then any of the other players in the party can lock in the other. Unless they changed this recently.
Allen adham said the deal fell through but was glad they had full control in the end
Now stfu, you’re wrong
>tolkien movies
No, user. You are wrong. Warcraft was never "supposed to be an official warhammer game". One of the Blizzard team reached out to Games Workshop in hopes to increase sales by brand recognition. Yes, the art was inspired by Warhammer, but this is an entirely different matter.
It really isn’t, you just interpreted it that way, they made the game look that way on purpose to make a deal, you think they made it look like warhammer by accident and then said “hey this kind of looks like warhammer whoops might as well try to get some advertising”
>pitch a Warhammer game to GW
>get rejected
>turn the project into an "inspired" knock-off
Checks out.
And now that the casuals have identified themselves, it's time this failed fucking experiment be scrapped.
>what is your own headcanon
Let's try to stick to the facts, shall we?
>Hey let's make a fun unique Hero!
>How about a Co-Op hero? One player moves them around the battlefield and fights as a tank melee, while the other just rides along and fights as a range DPS mage with abilities to help the two survive.
It's a fun concept that leads to two scenarios depending on the players.
>1. If the two players are friends in voice chat activly working together, they're going to dominate the QP match and probably get MVP.
>2. They don't know each other and aren't in voice chat, and are probably going to lose the game because a slot for a hero is wasted on a co-op hero that keeps dying or just isn't doing good enough, leaving most team fights as 5v3s.
You don't deserve him
tfw you play greymane vs chogall
Best voice acting in any moba honestly. Also just got an announcer.
Ah, spectating are we? How voyeuristic.
>Molten Block
>stun Dread Orb
16 is a fun time, but it doesn't compare to getting Gun of C'thun at 20
>blue demon
he's a pubstomp hero, like the cloaking heroes. useless in actual games.
Hopefully never. He works just fine the way he is, but needs tuning.
>Playing Greymane in general
>tfw you stack blight before 5 min
High damage tanks with nonexistent peeling potential are truly the cancer.
For both teams.
>tfw instagibbing faggots like tracer
>not making gilneas great again
Sylvanas shills get out
His kit reads like shit but he's so much fun to play.
Basically the same idea as Garrosh. Boring-on-paper heroes confirmed for best heroes?
why is his frost blast so useless? Almost no damage, the stun is minimal etc. Long cooldown.
Because he does way too much fucking damage to actually have CC.
america literally beat korea because of her
Played with a friend. Best moments I've ever experienced in any MOBA.
Yeah his kit is fine but his talents suck and he's too weak.
Literally stopped playing because i can't handle fatlextrasza stupid ass mongoloid face and body (inb4 le THICC XDDDFFS) on the startup screen much less the fagottry that is QM
He's outwardly simple with a passive that rewards playing well and landing your CCs with STUPID amounts of damage. It's a real anti-mage coming out of the jungle feeling.
Why would you take frost blast when shadow fissure is so much more fun?
Nice blog
>Log on and play a game for the first time in ages
>see this