We all agree this is the most absolute bullshit area of any soulsborne game?

We all agree this is the most absolute bullshit area of any soulsborne game?

I agree
It's not even particularly hard, just really poorly designed. It encourages just running past everything and getting out of there quickly. Fitting that it's followed by one of the laziest boss fights in ther series as well.

The entire game is bullshit and shouldn't even exist.

It's between this and Izalith.

I thought that the last dlc was pretty good and going around and finding the knights was fun. Just that this optional part was pretty gay.

>put enemy despawns into the game if you farm them too much
>except this area which has permanent horse cock spawns that fuck your ass :))))

Dark Souls 2 was a fucking abomination and anyone who liked it should be fucking shot.

> It encourages just running past everything and getting out of there quickly

This can be said about most areas in DS games

i placed prism stones everywhere like hansel and gretel

While you can do that, it's not encouraged like it is in most of DaS2.

Wait, you can't just clear the area of them all. Why? That's fucking retarded.

At least most areas have some nice drops, story elements, etc. Frigid outskirts can be skipped entirely (including the boss fight) and you wouldn't be missing out on anything at all.

I think they spawn randomly out of the storm.

Not only that, they use a similar mechanic to four kings - don't kill them fast enough one at a time? Enjoy five of them stunlocking you to death.

>frigid outskirts

sounds like my ex wife!


Yes, also most of DS2 was filled with bullshit areas thanks to obnoxious enemies and their placement. I played through the game and its DLCs once and plan on never playing it again.

The Iron Passage was worse. You can deal with the horses easily if you go in solo. The area before Blue Smelter is grueling no matter what.

You know that artificial difficultly meme people used to throw around?


>it's okay when A-team does it

>bullshit areas thanks to obnoxious enemies and their placement
Like what? I see this complaint all the time but nobody backs it up with examples.

Not him but only place that pissed me off was Shrine of Amana with the homing wizards, never had any other major issues.

Story driven, unlike most of DaS2. Why wouldn't there be a lot of towns people in that area? It's not like they take any effort to kill.

Try harder.

The ice horses do despawn like other enemies, if you suck so much you fail enough times.

Iron Passage is less than a minute of running back to Blue Smelter. It's tight as shit but once you got the pattern it's not THAT bad. Frigid Outskirts is like, almost 3 minutes of running in the void. And I can't fucking deal with those fucking cats for the life of me.

Play the game and find out. You're not a special snowflake.

Dark souls 2 is the true pleb filter, no one wants to admit it but they found it too hard and can't play patiently and just want to spam R1 constantly.

Already played it, dumbass, I still don't know where all the crying about "enemy placement" is coming from. Unless you are retarded, I don't see how you could have had much trouble with even the groups of enemies in this game.

The game was fucking filled to the brim with ambushes. Sure other souls games did it too but not nearly as often as DS2. The fact that stamina regenerated slower in comparison to the other games only made fighting multiple enemies even worse. Apparently SotFS fixed some of it but i don't give a shit about DS2 after that, the game is a huge chore to play.

Give me some examples man, I think the "ambush" thing is way overblown on Sup Forums, so I'd like to see some parts you felt were unfair or whatever

I'll take three minutes in the void over several rooms filled with enemies constantly attacking, slowing and shooting me.
The cats themselves are pretty easy too. They're slow, only use like three moves in total and have long and obvious tells. You just have to play it safely, except the time when the second cat comes down, when you have to burst down the first one.
Going in solo also helps with that, because the health threshold at which phase two starts is determined by the number of phantoms you've summoned for help. I did the DLCs on NG+2 for the first time and I killed the boss on the first try, after having multiple failed attempts at simply getting through the area. But back then I haven't figured out the easy way yet.

>everyone else is retarded but me

Sociopaths think very highly of themselves.

One of the two areas I skipped in DaS2, the other was Cool Ranch Smelter's corridor of MAGIC.

What are you going to do? Tap your shoes and fix the game? Fuck off.

No I just think that if you are having so much trouble with a game like DS2 that gives you plenty of tools and opportunities to deal with the enemies it throws at you to the extent you come to Sup Forums to whine about it beig too mean then you might be retarded. I don't know, I didn't think it was such a controversial position.

So you don't have any examples? Nice going dude, it's almost like I wanted to discuss the game or something.

SotFS made it WORSE. There was maybe like a couple of places in vanilla DS2 where you got ambushed unfairly by a large group of enemies. In SotFS that happens constantly everywhere. Remember that room with the giant furnace in the Iron Keep? It was perfectly manageable to carefully pull and divide the knights in vanilla. In SotFS a bunch of them is hidden in the hard to reach room, and when cross a certain line they all pour down from there at the same time because they're scripted to.

I beat the game and all of its shitty DLCs. Try again.

I think brume tower is a good example:
>Multiple enemies popping out of nowhere (the ground in this case)
>Hidden enemies waiting for you to go past them to backstab you while you fight other enemies
>Traps throwing you in the middle of a bunch of enemies
>Rooms where you HAVE to beat every enemy to progress because you need to open a door or pull a lever

Yeah it's shit. Sir Alonne did this right, the co-op gauntlet before the boss. But that thing had a finite amount of enemies and a clear way to go.
Here hosts just fucked around and died, or thought more people attacking the horsies would do anything against their massive health bars and AoEs. And then they didn't have Estus and died to the boss, woohoo.

Yet you are still here whining that it's too hard but can't pull up a single example.

I suppose that's fair. I liked that the Brume Tower enemies seemed to pull some new tricks we hadn't really seen but it was sometimes just a slog to get through, and that's even outside of the Iron Passage.

How's not being able to just run through the levels and actually having to fight more than a single enemy at a time "artificial difficulty" or bad level design? If anything it's good, since you have to play the game the proper way.
Has everyone just bought into the speedrunning fad or what?

I wish DS3 kept the dual wielding system of DS2. I like the free form style of it a lot more.

Its fucking awful when you're trying to get to a boss after dying. See the Alonne fight.

You can shitpost all you want, user. DaS2 will forever be looked at as the bastard child of the series though.

Yeah, the DLCs had some awful runbacks to some great bosses. But overall I didn't find DS2 to have noticeably more "ambushes" or "enemy mobs" compared to the other games in the series. And it's not like Souls games ever particularly prided themselves on honorabru 1v1 combat. They were traditionally designed to fuck with the player and put them in unfavorable "oh shit" situations, kinda like the old school "rocks fall, everybody dies" tabletop adventure modules.

It is bad design when paired with the fact that stamina regenerated a lot slower in DS2, making those fights against multiple enemies a lot less manageable.

Replay the DLC, retard. The enemy placement was bad in DaS2. The DLCs amplified that.

So when people post opinions you disagree with they are shitposting? Maybe you are retarded after all.

I have, and the placement was okay. Try again, retard.

stop saying retard


I completely forgot about that area. Great idea to have enemies that melee characters literally cannot kill

You're a delusional retard then. Congratz.

You can access that area, took me a little while to figure out how.

Said like a true drone retard.

Why is it bullshit? You can stunlock those horses every 3 hits with a 2H longsword, they go down extremely easy.

Even if you get 2 of them at once you can quickly dispatch one and at worst get hit once by the other's lightning balls.

While getting slowed constantly and having retards body slamming you the whole time

Going blind though the storm not knowing when those things would jump up was great, real survival horror vibe to this area.
It had more atmosphere than a lot of the DS3 levels, even if it's very simplistic visually and geometry wise.

>video games are so easy nowadays fucking casual plebs
>why did they make this game so hard?

True for DS3

Ds3 is the best souls game desu

Reminder that 2Cat is easier if you don't summon like a soyboy.
The 2nd cat jumps in when the first is at 30% HP if you're alone and you can quickly just YOLO the remaining health of the first, defectively making it a two 1v1s.

There is a difference between challenging and straight up bullshit. DS2 was the latter through most of the game, as it if was specifically designed to piss you off.

B-But it's artificial difficulty, not real one.
>it's just tedious/annoying/boring not difficult, don't misunderstand me, hehe

DaS3 was objectively a better sequel than 2. What other contrarian shitposts you'd like to show us, user?

Yeah having 20 rolls per stamina bar is awesome, no more need to manage stamina at all.
Just goes to show that everyone that asked for an easymode for souls were served in DS3.

The area leading up to the Lost Sinner is pretty shitty. You can't move fast because of the water, and you have to fight the retarded exploding mummies, and those weird leg-less monstrosities.

The boss fight itself wasn't too much of a problem, but the run up to it wasn't enjoyable at all.

I love that area precisely because it's bullshit. It was a very memorable experience and I always look forward to the reaction of new players stumbling into that area.

Good luck with that since you don't know WHERE to run. Confirmed guide using faggot.

>you don't know WHERE to run
You're a fucking idiot
The storm clears briefly every 8 seconds or so, look for buildings in the distance and run in a straight line

If you grab a key in the Bastille (forgot which one) you can just go through the top level and avoid the water and most of the mummies. Hell, even if you don't you still can, you just have to jump back down before the very exit.

>every 8 seconds

nah it's way more then 8 seconds m8

also you're guaranteed to have rudolph knock you on your ass and mess up your sense of direction

All souls games had bullshit in them. The difference in DS2 is that knowing the bullshit was there didn't help you get through it and a lot of the times it was also unskipable.

Mechanically DS2 is a sequel to DS1 from world structure, non linearity, build varirty.
DS3 is a sequel to BB with DS1 pandering, it has zero identity.

True. I went into that shit blind though, probably would've given up if I hadn't realised you could backstab the big fuckers. Made life much easier.

Mummies die in 1 hit.
And the monstrosities are super vulnerable to bleed, plus you trick the first to fall in the elevator shaft.

They're only hard in a 2v1, and once you cheese one the other can be fought fine in the water, you'll just be slightly slower as circle strafing, rolls are still nearly full speed.

Wrong. World structure was one of the things it did very wrong. Do I have to post that volcano in the sky pic again?

Not if you run and time your rolls, and getting hit doesn't even move your camera. How did you even make it to that point when you're so bad at the game?

I don't know why you're being so hostile, it's clearly a difficult part of the game. Congrats on being good at it?

DSII doesn't even form a proper world, how the fuck is that a sequel to DS?

It's not difficult, just poorly designed, like I said in my first post.

I'm not buying man. You're telling me you arrived in this place for the first time and did not die to the horses or lost your direction even once?

The fact that no part of Bloodborne nor Dark Shit 3 managed to re-capture the same feeling of terror as the Frigid Outskirts remains the reason why DaS2 will never be surpassed.

Checkpoints are for fucking casuals. Pic related.

i bought STFS used for PS3 the other day and after about 10 hours of the cunt i never want to play it again

technical issues mostly like the buggered frame-rate and the blurry weapon animations, but also the game itself plays like smeared shit (after playing DS1 for so many years and beating it with so many builds)

i can almost seamlessly go from DS1 to DeS and be playing fine in a few minutes but DS2 seemed to fuck with everything so much it feels like a completely different game

>tldr lolps3

DS1: 4 valid paths from the start, 5 possible first bosses
DS2: 5 valid paths from the start, 8 possible first bosses
DS3: 1 valid path from the start, 1 possible first boss

DS1 had proper art direction and decent gameplay
DS2 was an abortion.
DS3 was a decent Souls dungeon simulator with little art direction and constant rehash DS1 assets.

They should just go back to eldritch horror mode ala Demon souls for their next game.

I played it on ps3 and never noticed any framerate issues.

Visually inconsistent skyboxes aren't world structure, that's just a clearly rushed detail on how things connect.

I didn't say I never died, though I didn't find it hard to maintain direction. The point is that it's a shitty area that you would never want to go through more than once. It's not impossibly hard, it's an absolute slog in a game that already has a ton of terrible areas.


my god i hated that fucking area.

you literally can't even get from one area to the next by sprinting before getting swarmed by those fucking reindeer assholes and summoning only helps so much.

Bloodborne started this weird tradition of always giving you a checkpoint after you beat a boss. Since there are two bosses back-to-back, you end up with two checkpoints as well.
I don't know why people keep posting that picture as if it detracts from the game in any way.

I'm the guy you're replying to, and yeah, I think I agree. I was never really able to find a reliable way to make it through that bit where it felt like it was what I was meant to do, so I just run past everything each time. I guess the crossbow dudes who can nail you at that bonfire are pretty shittily placed too.

I prefer linear progression with good bosses, enemies and level design to absolute freedom to go to equally bad areas whenever I wish. It's like saying Skyrim is a good game simply because it's open world.

You're quite an idiot.

DS3 does not have good bosses besides the DLC and optional ones like Nameless and Champ.

dark souls sounds like some kind of weird foot fetish

i only noticed it when i'd move the camera but the weapon animations were always blurred and disorientating

ill give the game another go in the future but right now it pisses me off too much

DS3 has the best bosses of any of the games, it's the only thing it did really well. Sister Freida is the best one in the whole series.

This is why a lot of people think DaS1 is the best; It strikes a balance between good design and player freedom. DaS2 is wide open right from the start, but pretty much all the paths have weak design and bad bosses.
Dark Souls 3 has great bosses and enemy design, but is WAY too linear.

Yeah, I'm an idiot because I prefer a game that's like DS1 and DeS that has multiple paths in how to progress through the world instead of a straight line with 99% the same boss and level order every character.

i just kept replaying that area until they despawned. didn't hurt that the lizards in the area randomly dropped human effigies.