Why do fighting games attract so many pretenders...

Why do fighting games attract so many pretenders? People constantly pretend to play them and know about them when they're absolutely retarded on the topic. And not just on here, but IRL too, and just other people I've talked to online.

Like, even /fgg/ barely plays fighters. They just follow streamers and ecelebs and piss and shit on any game that isn't sfv. Even the older street fighter games like ST or 3s.

I think fighting games are probably one of the most polarized communities ever. Like, the people that actually play the games hours a day are 0.1% of self proclaimed "fighting game players". 99.9% are like these secondaries that want the HARDCORE HARD GAMER prestige, I think. Even at locals you see the same people who never want to improve, they just see it as a social outing. The people that were going to get good, you could tell right away. Otherwise it's the same faces.

Why are the serious players such an extreme minority? Why does this genre attract so many pretenders? At least DOTArds play their game a fuckton and every other steam account has 4k hours logged in dota2. I can not say the same for fighters. And nobody PRETENDS to be a good shmup player or starcraft player either, but this is commonplace in fighting games. Idiots that can barely cancel quarter circle specials off of normals saying they're good and can body people etc.

Because the lore is more interesting than the games

Because I'm a God in Tekken.

lol kid you're not even green

to be an enthusiast costs more than just time

you have to dedicate yourself to the practice, and winning all the time doesn't ensure you will be a good player. Look at the tournament professionals, a lot of them are generally bad at fighting games, on the rare exception that they don't suck, they're either Japanese or born in a community which had an arcade. Being a fighting game enthusiast is extraordinarily hard, harder than card games, harder than FPS. It's not just time it's accosting you, it's brainpower, friendships and for a lot of people emotional fatigue.

>Even at locals you see the same people who never want to improve, they just see it as a social outing.

Games are supposed to be fun. Most people already have something they work seriously at: a job. Although maybe not fighting game enthusiasts, if you know what I mean.

>Games are supposed to be fun.

>wasting the most precious years of your life becoming "good" at a game that will eventually die and no one will remember
Yeah dude you sure told those casuals.

Post cfn

If you're gonna do something, do it right.

New fighting games will pop up and you can continue developing your skills there.

Why would you take a dead genre seriously? That's just video game hipsterism.

I know these kind of posts help you justify your failure at life and your only redeeming quality being knowing how to fight people on a console, but you'll have a damn crippling existential crisis by the time you're 30 and realize all you did was for nothing and everyone you know is moving on with their lives.

I'm sorry you aren't able to enjoy competition in any form

Capcom fighters died to me when MVCI flopped. Why should I stick around with a dead genre?

t. soyboy cuck

>modern Capcom games are shit so that means the entire genre is dead
nigga pick a fucking game and play it
>Guilty Gear
>Virtual On
>hanging around playing old games on Supercade
>playing Melty in a parking lot

I don't play jive sorry


Where does all this projection come from? I have a generously paying career in the field of education and academic degrees, I don't play on a console and I have no intention of becoming a professional player.

All I said was that new fighting games will take place of the older ones and you can continue playing there, as a response to the person who implied that there is only one fighting game that will die off. There is no logic in your post, just a delusional rant fueled by insecurity.

striving for perfection is hard, its lonely at the top, what seems to be the most natural progression to you might be beyond impossible for most tards out there.

Not everyone has the willpower, or even simple lust to constantly improve and those people get stuck in a trap of mediocrity, and it's generally a completely acceptable thing.

I wish it wasn't.

I mean c'mon OP, shitting on niggas who go to locals is a bit much. At least they play the game,and care enough to be part of the community. Even if they don't play well. At this point, you're just shitting on people not willing to make FG the main point of their entire lives, and that's just dumb on your end.

Like, shit on posers, sure, but not people actually participates.

Casual don't like fighting games anymore because simply they're too fucking hard.

I've been playing since the Third Strike hey day (I mained Bison) and the game, community is so much better than SFV. I think SFV will finally kill fighting games for good or at least Capcom desire to make another fighting game

I’m a real man! I have a cuck job, provide for my adulteress wife and her black child, have a big house in the suburbs with 90% interest, and a bit TV to watch the big football game.

Meanwhile you dumb nerds are still playing games and watching anime. What losers, doing things you enjoy instead of the venal pursuit for a thin diaphanous veneer of prestige as a conversation starter when other 30 something debt slaves ask you what your hobbies are while the sip on overpriced IPAs and discuss the latest podcasts in someone’s garage.

>I've been playing since the Third Strike hey day (I mained Bison)
Wow, what an OG my friend. You would fit perfectly on /fgg/.


Fighting games produce the best waifus. Waifufags don't actually play games.

I play fighting games all the time even though I'm retarded when it comes to talking about them and average at best at playing them. I just enjoy them. Probably helps that I have been playing them since I was like 5 and still have multiple friends who have also been playing them since childhood, still enjoy them, and are at the same skill level as me, to play couch vs. with.

Fighting games are fun.
Play in lobbies or casual matches when playing online for the best experience.

>guy at locals getting into guilty gear
>claims to be a melty blood OG
>months pass and he does not improve at all
>instead decides to start complaining about the game and his character choice
>talks about how he wishes everyone played melty instead
>brings a setup for it one day
>i barely know how to play
>slap his shit

It's true. That's why I rarely trust anyone who talks about how good their OG game is.

Not at all.

SF4 is the only fighting game I've played seriously, and only two characters at that (pic). I'm hopeless at everything else.

I do play them but I don't understand any of the terms thrown around during discussion

>play Street Fighter with friends
>stop spamming sweeps
>play Marvel with friends
>literally beat them blindfolded
>play DOA with friends
>quit spam juggling combo
>play BB/GG with friends
>why do you always pick the same three characters
>play SC with "friend"
>beat him so badly he stole the game from me and broke it
>play MKX for the first time with friends who had it for a week
>beat everyone in the room til they had to ban me from playing fighting games with them

Feels good when its with people you don't care about. Beating some idiot in cvs2 with terry's fireball/crack shoot while half dead from drinking is some of the most fun I've had at a party

It's a well known fact that Melty boob is for people that don't know how to play fighting games

>thinkin /fgg/ would ever have decent players

I guarantee you it's almost all capcoms marketers. There's a reason /fgg/ lost to fucking dark syde phil.

I mean I play 3S for like 2 hours a day when I have time but I'm still a retarded moron.

They're just hard.

Boy, your friends sure sound like bitches.

>third strike

you belong in /fgg/

>Pick up SFV for dirt cheap
>Go through the story mode thingies
>Unlock motherfucking Guile
>Everyone keeps saying you need a million hours in practice mode before you can even do online
>As a result put the game down and play something else for a while
>The other night get bored and decide to try online
>Barely have to do more than Sonic Boom and sweep to win

I mean I eventually ran into people that knew what they were doing, but for fuck's sake Sup Forums.

People overestimate labwork.

I think it’s more that they’re afraid of losing, and unlike team-based games like mobas they don’t have anyone to blame it on

This. You will start getting the shit kicked out of you the further up the ladder you go though

A lot of people forget that video games exist to have fun and they try their hardest to forget about that too, want to make a living out of it, stream it, be "popular", a expert on the matter, a recognized authority or player...you name it.

And "serious players" are just as bad as the "pretenders" you talk about in your post, in fact, most pretenders are aiming to be the "serious player" that you are talking about, playing 4k hours of the same shit is by no means something to be proud of.

There's also Ougon: it's coming to Steam in 2-3 weeks with rollback netcode, so it should have a half decent population again as long as they didn't fuck up the implementation of rollback.

I started playing SSF2T when I was 8 or 9, and it motivated me to pick up real martial arts. Through middle and highschool I kept playing KoF and SF at the nearest arcade which was shady as fuck. Served as a nice replacement when I was injuried and couldn't practice. Place was chill central for the drugdealers and delinquents, but it was cool having little tournaments of SF + punching machine.
I quit playing these games when I realized the environment I played in was the exception and the main audience is manchildren ranting about purely fictional shit like frames and stun counters, while themselves having never ever set foot in a ring. Dropped that shite.

It's easier to be a shitposting stream monster than a decent player

Fun is subjective. Some people have fun just button mashing with their friends at party ans some people have fun competing in tournaments and going deeper into a game's mechanics.

Yes, and all that's valid, the issue is when they make it so playing games isn't about a game anymore, but their own way of living.

As pointless as it is, you can go deep in mechanics and stuff, enjoying and nurturing your sense of superiority over the game gathering as much knowledge as you can and have a good time while doing it too, hell that way you can show off to your peers and try to be "that guy" and get some degree of recognition, but at the end of the day is still detrimental to your life because it's only a game, and no matter how much people or companies try to make it more than what it is, it just isn't.

And, as per OP point, that's exactly what "pretenders" and more retarded "pro" players do.

>Getting good at vidya is "pointless" and "detrimental to your life"
Why are you even here?

What's wrong with people making their passions their way of living?

If you manage to earn your living doing what you love, no matter how "insignificant" it is, I'd call it a win. I wouldn't call that detrimental to their lives, I'd call it fucking winning at life.

If you're really using the "it's just a game" argument, it also applies to fucking soccer players, NBA players, tennis players, and so on.

Fighting games like Street Fighter are a textbook example of nipshit evolution. As game systems evolved and become more powerful, Street Fighter could have evolved towards more realistic simulation-like mechanics and more intuitive gameplay based on instinct. But no those soy feeding nip betas instead chose to make fighting games about made up bullshit like frame counting, stagger limits, super cancels and other pointless video-game specific shit, with the explicit aim of making their games about manchildren autism contest.
Just think we could have had a world Street Fighter is the fighting equivalent to Gran Turismo, with pro fighters promoting competitions filled with passionate martial artists instead of the hordes of fat cucks we have.

There is no competitive Gran Turismo scene though.
Actually, is there any comp scene based on Sim stuff?

only a sucker works a 9 to 5

guess im a sucker then

too real 4 me

>There is no competitive Gran Turismo scene though.
There used to be Gran Turismo competitions, with several guys who got recruited in actual racing. None of that cancer e-"sports" embarrassment though.
My point is a good game is one which skill is general, like racing, sports, management or strategy, while a shit tier game has skills specific to vidya which make no sense: JRPG, SF, shit.

While Sup Forums has seen better, more fun days, it's still the place to be for marketing research and community insight.

There's nothing wrong with people making their passion their way of living, the wrong thing is "playing games" being your passion and your way of living, if you liked games that much you would create and innovate instead of just enjoying them endlessly, what I mean is, your own enjoyment of the media will evolve and grow with you, not forever stale as being a mere player.

And yes, it also applies to sports obviously, there's no problem having a competitive scene but living for it?, being and existing only for it?, playing football being your raison d'être?, well, there's a lot of problems with it yes, and sadly there's very good examples all around us, but is isn't video games so I won't insist on it, but I'm sure you can just google them up or something.

Dude most FGC members have "actual" jobs outside of gaming. Plus, you don't even need to be extremely good at a game to get noticed in the FGC. Being a entertaining and knowledgeable commentator, knowing how to use streaming equipment, or being a good graphics artist are transferable skills.

>tfw I finally made Green
>tfw I'm probably gonna stay there with Chloe and don't care

>they just see it as a social outing
I-it's not? Fuck I've been wondering how I keep having fun playing fighting games without taking them seriously. Turns out I've been doing it wrong this whole time.

>not developing your fundamentals to a point where you can transfer those to any fuckin fighting game you touch and become good

how does it feel to be bad?

Or people can have well paying jobs, cute loving wives and cool friends with who they like to play fighting games as an amusement, while you waste your life away "practicing" for a fucking video game.

>he has to relearn everything when he plays a new fighter

Casiopea is great, good stuff

As you probably realize, I'm mere talking about the players, not about FGC or any other kind of organization.

I feel like I must make a point here, to avoid further confusion: the issue isn't with the tournaments and stuff, the issue is about "pretenders" and people that take video games way too seriously, sacrificing experiences for the sake of being tryhards or "pro".

I'm glad I've been on this site long enough to know the difference between shitposting and an actual argument

>shitposting (You)
I was 100% sincere though. Why does any opinion you don't have any retort against gets discarded as "troll","bait" or "shitpost" you faggot? Just compare modern jap fighting games with UFC games.

That's right, unless you give everyone death stares and only talk about frame data to other autists you simply aren't having a good time at meets.

I'm not a big fan of SFV, but I still go to the local events simply because it's a good time and interesting to see how far I can go in the bracket.

>randomly decide to play sfv after getting shit drunk
>pop into casual and get 0-2 by some silver ryu
>hes mashing and doing all this weird shit but i cant even remember to hit unga punch when he dashes at me
>nobody in lobbies wants to face a bronze scrub so i go to ranked
>gain 400lp easily and win 5 matches in a row
>my total win streak is at like 15 from months ago

bronze is like the tutorial mode for ranked or something, i dont even know.

i lose interest in playing fighting games very quickly because i always realize that if i want actually play the game it's a near impossibility, what with our connections to everywhere in the world
hell even trying to play with people a state over is a pain in the ass because most people's net is dogshit

Agreed user.
I used to be a tard like that cause ive been playing Fighters since i was a child and just had an affinity to them more than anyone else i knew... Then i found out my younger sister was just as "good" while we were casually playing 3rd strike. I got 20/30 wins but ny the time we got to our 50th match we were practically tied, and thats when i realized that im just mashimng random repetwtive combos while shes trying to do something new all the time. It was at that moment that i started actually paying attention to comboing, cancelling, zoning...etc.
Im currently rusty due to college but im thinking of getting back into fighters at some point.

The flaw in your line of thinking is assuming that games are not any more than passive consumption.
Innovating and expanding on the competitive meta is in fact a form of creative output.

What if I'm a waifufag and play fighters?

Phone posting, dont mind the spelling

Couple of things.

You assume a lot of these pro players, or people passionate about playing games live only for games. I can't speak for other scenes, but just a quick look at top FG players' twitter accounts, they have a lot of other things going for them, from cooking/cuisine, to anime/movies, to other games, to fitness to music, to even fashion. Varies from person to person of course, but you get the point. You're kind of projecting here, assuming that people who are into this kind of stuff have nothing else to do with their lives.

The other thing is, what's wrong with enjoying things being your reason to live? Is your life just worthless if you don't advance the medium, or try to? Is providing enjoyment for others and yourself not enough? I mean, sure, If you're literally wrecking yourself in pursuit of it, yeah, there is a limit, but a lot of these people are adults that are somewhat responsible, able to provide for themselves, and others even their families.

who do these people think they are kidding
you can see at 10000 frames per second???
pull the other one

So you're just talking about scrubs? Note: Scrub does not mean bad player.

I think what he’s trying to talk about is that people that view the game as only a way to get money. Like they don’t enjoy it anymore but just keep playing it to have an income.

Like how people feel about SFV right now

you know what he means fuckboy. ever since streaming has grown into this big thing people start showing up to be a part of 'the hype'. the only reason people went before was because they wanted to show off how good they were. it's not really a bad thing though, especially for non capshit funded tournaments because theyre all pot monsters.

Why is y'all's internet so shit anyway?

This is that "I'm so good everyone worse than me must be a noob and everyone better must be an autistic faggot" but with extra steps.

because whenever someone opens a post or opinion with "its not intuitive", it's safe to assume that they have no idea what they are talking about.

>tfw finally got to warrior with my Josie.
>tfw proceed to lose 4 matches in a row.
Well I guess my ranked run with her is over.

>who /greenhell/ here?

Reporting. I've got about fifty wins so maybe I can get out if I'm lucky.

you have posers for all genres, but with fighters its the easiest to expose them

There's no innovation of expansion because there's a clear set of rules made by the programmers, there can be mistakes, surprises, but no certainly no innovation.

While it could be argued that there's a evolution on the way the players play the game, we shouldn't be really be talking about evolution, but growth instead.

I think I talked about the first point in , but if for some reason you want to talk more about it, I have no issues trying my best to do it.

About your second point, living a life bathed in only self-satisfaction or pleasure, being pleasure your raison d'être it's not wrong per se but it's extremely selfish and limited, talking about someone that only plays video games, there's no evolution, no growth, only a limbo of playing this and that and another re-edition of the same thing, and so on and on with whatever the companies decide to market.

You can live your life however you want of course, as long as it doesn't hurt others, I'm just saying that...there's more than just doing the same thing over and over.

I'll stop at that point though because, this really isn't videogames at this point, sounds more like /adv/.

They are in the batch, undoubtly.

>who /greenhell/ here?

>sfv is my first fightan
>practice for hours and hours, going between the lab to work on combos and ranked/casuals to work on fundamentals
>still get destroyed in matches
>keep practicing
>get to the point where I can easily win against other rookie players
>climb into bronze
>matched against a 1500 lp ryu
>go 0-2 and fall back down into rookie
W-we're all gonna make it, r-right bros?

>that matchup you don't know that gets you demoted

>Why are the serious players such an extreme minority?
Because only really poor people play one game for 500 hours.

That's literally it.

Others get bored after a a few weeks and move on rather than treat playing a single game like it's their job.

Personally: I typically pick up a fighter, practice for a day or two, stomp my way through the online until I'm at the point where I'd need to start learning OS' and

Kek, this is probably how I got to Green with Chloe. Never fought a Chloe in Ranked yet.

of course user
youre going to be looking back and laughing about it in a month or two

>There's no innovation of expansion because there's a clear set of rules made by the programmers, there can be mistakes, surprises, but no certainly no innovation.

That’s a fucking lie. If that was the case then no fighting game ever would need patches or revisions. Hell the idea of combos was something players accidentally created.

As much as people here like to shit on it, I reckon the FGC is one of the more desirable niche groups in gaming to be a part of. It's the one of the few communities in gaming that's actually diverse, it's born out of grassroots, it's one of the most, if not the most spectator friendly competitive genres, it was born out of grassroots, the underdog of eatsports, and to some degree, still is now. And despite all the gaining corporate influence, there's still the air of thuggery around it. It's way less sterile compared to other e-sports scenes, at least from the surface.

I don't play hours a day but I enjoy them and put time and effort into improving. Fighting games require enough concentration and mental effort that I can't generally play them hours and hours without my play going to shit. I take breaks.

>There's no innovation of expansion because there's a clear set of rules made by the programmers, there can be mistakes, surprises, but no certainly no innovation.
I sincerely hope you're not actually a game dev because you have an incredibly poor understanding of competitive games and human nature. The idea that innovation can't exist within a restricted set of rules is easily the most misguided claim I have ever read on this board.

>it's born out of drug dealers
>it's one of the least newcomer friendly competitive genres
>there's still the air of thuggery about it
Which is why it will never make money for the organizers and will never be the spectacle Capcom and other so desperately want it to be.

It's fucking hilarious to me that they tried to add a wrestling-like kayfabe element to it but no one is a face, every single motherfucker is a heel. That doesn't work.

Because they're enjoyable to watch, but to have fun playing them requires some commitment. Most people will just latch on to watching it instead because most people don't want to put in any training or to get completely destroyed online. There's also plenty of sexualized girls for horny teenagers to latch onto on top of it.

same applies to starcraft
people love the idea of it, they don't actually love the reality
it's the literal definition of pretentious