The Witcher 3 is a good game

>The Witcher 3 is a good game

this is the most forced meme since puddi days

>Horizon Zero Dawn is my choice for game of the year

my mind wanders

here come dat boi!

That's because soyboy is a normalfag meme that originated on Twitter and spread to r/the_Donald. If you use it you are a normalfag who likely came here during 2015-2016, is afraid of the word faggot, and have no business being on this site. Sup Forums is not a dumping ground for normalfag memes.


>soy is a good meme

>its aged poorly

go play GTA3 and tell me how it still holds up.

It doesn't even make sense in the first place, alt-right shitters meme about drinking milk all the time even though it straight up boosts your estrogen levels and is much worse than soy.

>tfw I have a shitty pube "beard" similar to the pic
fuck me

The game itself is still good, it just works poorly on modern PCs.

Its still a great game. People who honestly think games age and become unplayable are pure plebs.

I didn't originally like this meme but seeing how butthurt people get about it it's starting to grow on me

It takes like 5 minutes to shave.

shave then faggot

Of course I shave it, but I look like a baby.

Some girls like that, on the other hand nobody likes pubeface.

what about BRAAAP posting?

If you play anything other than sports games and CoD you're a soyboy

BRAAAP posting is quite pungent

>all this butthurt over a shitty wojak numale edit
You know that's the reason why its going to stay right? I didn't like it at first but seeing how easily it unleashes such primal rage I'm going to start making edits too.
And there's nothing you can do to stop me soybois.

It is a good game though. It has flaws ( major ones for the type of game that is).

CDProjekt got away with it bc ledditors and normalfags get excited whenever they are given the ability to roam freely in a empty world and make two or three decisions for themselves. Omg open world and no linear gameplay

It's an endless cycle of being frustrated at utterly shitty Sup Forums memes, coming to terms with them, and then joining in and beating the meme to death until it gets replaced with something even more stale.

None of the original staff worked on W3.
It is a westernized RPG that holds no charm in my eyes but normies seem to like it and thats all it matters.

post the edits here, i wanna start shitposting with soy too

The Witcher 3 is a good game with dull as fuck characters.

y u mad?

last thing I laughed at was soyim = goyim + soy

One of the worst games ever made. Truly the definition of quantity over quality. Do you like watching stiff mannequins talking for 150 hours? Then you will enjoy this feces pile.

Sup 2016fags. That's a funny meme and all, but you don't really belong here. Go back to Twitter

t.Soylent drinker

Don't you talk shit about my Giga Pudding, nigger. That at least was fun.

>soy consumption of user, last 8 years

>Meanwhile the average Sup Forumsirgin
>Doesn't go to the gym
>Doesn't have a decent diet
>Plays games for children
>Watches Youtube
>Doesn't have a gf and is usually a beta orbiter
>Looks at reddit but pretends he doesn't
>The most amount of pleasure he gets out of his day is calling random people online Soy Boy (an insult coined by normalfags, someone he claims to hate)


>tfw that mountain on the right is literally all frogposting underage reddit trash

>Sup Forums is not a dumping ground for normalfag memes.
and yet, here we are


What happened in 2011 anyway that apparently caused a bunch of people to leave?

>witcher 3 isn't a good game its literally just hbo tier porn ughh so problematic only white people would enjoy this toxic masculist slav trash
stay mad, soyim

wtf Sup Forums I thought we were supposed to mock people with beards and now we're mocking people for being unable to grow beards?


Dark days of 9gag idiots spamming Skyrim memes, if anything I'm glad we've got past that.

People actually left over that?


Make it stop

my finger points

I don't know... it seems people who hate Sup Forums are living in a nightmare alternate reality right now

No, that's the nightmare actual reality.

people who hate Sup Forums are living in a simulation

thinking every anonymous funposter is a nazi puppet master sounds pretty alternate to reality to me

>nazi puppet master
In your dreams, faggot. I just think you're a retard.


>mario odyssoy is a great game!

Sup Forums are redditors. What else is new?

but you do assume I go on Sup Forums though? even though i don't


time to reply to myself :^)


give this post a (You) if you're sick of people constantly whiny for or against Sup Forums


This tbqsmh

I'm not assuming shit fag, not my job to keep track of your own replies for you

Last (You) you're gonna get

Give this post a (You) for no reason at all.






Another reddit meme is the "two scoops" or "two x" shit

The 2016fags are cancer

I certainly wouldn't have ever heard the term "soyboy" in real life and if I did I'd think I was talking to a fucking retard

fuck am i lookin at

give this post a (You) or your mom dies tonight

Here it is folks. The very first soyboy ever

Just take it

>t. soyboy

"Cuck" was used before Anthony Burch, buddy. It didn't become a meme and explode in popularity until after that. Same shit here, soyboy became a normalfag meme through Twitter

if you give this post a (You) your waifu will become real

jesus christ

Gook Elvis looks ok tbqh

a pigs stomach

>memes originate on twitter and then spread to Sup Forums!
how to spot a soyboy

cuck was pretty popular on Sup Forums long before that though. especially with Louis C.K.

this makes me sad

I think you replied to the wrong post

t. 2011-14 newfags


All 2016fags deserve to be gassed. They are all vermin. For every user there are 4 2016fags.


The fuck is wrong with soy sauce cunt?

>Low cal, low carb
>High protein
>Good with chinnese food like rice and shit

I think you're sadly obsessed with Sup Forums if you think Anthony Burch is the reason "cuck" exploded in popularity.

I talking to some of my dudes earlier and we all agreed "soyboy", "soyim" and "bugman" are all pretty satisfying insults, but you also can't really go wrong with "cuck"

Imagine being a boomer on Sup Forums forcing le epin meme because you actually picture liberals being mad at being called soyboys in your head

>getting the retards you're baiting to bump the very bait thread they hate

Can't afford not to

Hes too far gone folks. Might as well dye your hair blue and pick up some hrt

Isn't it handy that if I ever want to know exactly what every liberal is saying, doing or thinking, all I have to do is go to Sup Forums since so many retards insist on keeping me updated constantly on all the latest liberal happenings
