Is Japanese voice acting decent in Persona 5? I don't usually play Japanese games with English VA so I was wondering

Is Japanese voice acting decent in Persona 5? I don't usually play Japanese games with English VA so I was wondering.

Better than the jap VAs in my opinion.

>I don't usually play Japanese games with English VA so I was wondering.

Fucking weeb

I think you misunderstood his question.

Misread it cause I'm half asleep. My mistake

OP, stop being a weeb and just play it in english.

Yes it's great.

It's outrageously better in Japanese.

Yeah the jap dub is good. I haven't played with the eng dub so I don't know how it stacks up but everyone in the Jap audio does a great job.

Unlike Made in Abyss which I just watched. Holy shit the main girl and the 2m tall woman had such fucking obnoxious voices. Nobody talks like that.

playing with english va , who did this?

Why would he do that when the Japanese audio is available?

Would you tell someone to stop being a cheeb and watch Jackie chan films dubbed? Would you tell someone to stop being a germaneeb and watch Das Boot dubbed? Would you tell someone to stop being a Rusheeb and watch Stalker dubbed?

Normalfags need not apply


Then you're a brainlet.

It's a japanese game set in Japan with a heavy anime aesthetic. Let's play it in Swahili!

the JP cast is pretty much an all star, it has aoi yuuki, sugita and jun fukuyama among others

you do realize not everyone is a native english speaker right? im so glad they dont force shitty burger dubs anymore in jrpgs like they did during the ps2 era, american voice "actors" are so fucking trash

Every country in the world belongs to America.

Comparing video games to movies is fucking retarded. Especially one featuring dialogue coming from 2D portraits with flapping mouths that don't sync up to any dialogue in any language.

Not to mention that you're still reading fucking subtitles that match up to the English dub anyway. Unless you speak Japanese, you have no fucking idea what the characters are actually saying. It sure isn't "effing" every five seconds, brainlets.

Persona 5's English track is perfectly fine. Better even in some cases. Morgana is way better in English.

P5 is the first Persona game where the English cast isn't better than the Jap, although it isn't bad either.

The problem in Persona 5 and oftentimes other games that get an english dub is that the spoken Japanese lines don't match the subtitles. This is a major problem in some scenes.

ok but the jp VAs are better, always
no amount of crying from you retarded burgerfags will change that fact

>P5 is the first Persona game where the English cast isn't better than the Jap

>watch anime sub only
>play Persona 4 with English dub
>youtube how Japanese VA sounds
>fucking teddy's voice

This is the only instance where I prefer the English dub

>Unless you speak Japanese, you have no fucking idea what the characters are actually saying

why don't we just ban all dubfags?