This is your healer for tonight, say something nice about her
This is your healer for tonight, say something nice about her
ugly man jaw
Damn for a healer you have nice titties and hips!
nice advertisement thread for Blizzard, for the Xth time this month already.
Anime was a mistake.
Plz post latex one
>say something nice about her
she thicc
ugly man jaw was a bigger mistake
Her dance is cute
hideous tranny face
her body is good though
she's so fucking perfect it hurts
Sameface moeblobs were the biggest mistake.
>le thicc
Time to dust off Kharazim and punch some niggas
>badass immortal dragon
>Instead of ruling of mortals she fetishizes over them
>does this to the point of actually appearing like a mortal because she loves them so much
>gets made fun of by other dragons
Fucking fleshys get out of my treasure hoard.
No it's not, that looks fucking horrible.
>le tranny face
When was the last time you guys went outside? Not every female looks like a jawlet weebcuck
The guy that's playing as her must have alot of free time
>say something nice about her
Nice hips.
lol fag
How did they get away with this?
That ending where the last keyframe just moves into her standing position. Looks actually worse than the female tauren dance in WoW
found the shit-taste moe anime viewer
i wanna fuck that dragon
That dragon is TOO FAT
why is literally every design blizzard comes up with consist of spikes and glowy things
hots team is full of chads
One of the design concept questions for 3D is "How far from the camera will this character, object, or scene be?"
If the answer is "birdseye view", then you generally don't bother with complex details and instead make your details large and exaggerated. Spikes are easy to discern, and glowy is eye-catching and easy to discern.
>Not only has nice fat tits, also has a nice fat ass
Thanks Hots devs.
What game?
How do you make the heroes dance during character select?
League of Legends
m8, i'll smack you in the gobber swear on me mum
If you buy the hero or the hero's skin whilst viewing it. If you just buy it in the loadout menu, it doesn't play.
>western character design
when you purchase them in the shop they dance
This is your healer for tomorrow night, say something nice about her.
this artist really needs to learn how to draw a different face
Nice try, Tyrande is so bad at healing that she doesn't even get put into a healer queue when selected. But she will shoot your dick off.
I like that face though
Diabetes incoming, fatty.
Weird how you never see someone who's actually strong and looks like he's high test saying this shitty Sup Forums meme.
I bet you are 1.6m manlet in some faggy /fa look with giant fat whale chick gf (friendzoned).
>implying soyboys don't crave a skinny white girl
The fuck
You'd lose that bet.
I'm pretty confident about my bet that you're either ESL, underaged, or a mixture of the two, though.
Mommy I have owies in my pee pee!!!!
I could see your lies through the screen, soyboy.
I really want to be her and get gangbanged by BBC
Are mommyposters getting stupider or is it just my imagination? It was never this bad before.
Post stats. I'd post mine, but they'd probably embarrass you so you'd just call them lies.
>being so insecure you have to prove some random stranger on the internet, who you will never interact with again, that you are actually fit
Holy shit user
I'd say their proliferation just make their stupidity more apparent.
why is she a healer?
Isn't she a fucking dragon?
It's a trap! She's actually an assassin
Did they make her fat to not upset the SJWs or something?
Oh I know. She fell for the Keto diet meme in between WoW's time and now. That's why she got fat.
Wow, what a shift. It's pretty laughable.
>I-I swear I'm not a soyboy I-I'm high test like the memes say I should be! B-But if you call me out on pretending that I'm not a weak pussy you're insecure! I-It doesn't matter that I projected on you and then called you a liar for denying literally minutes ago!
Weak, dumb and autistic. What a sad, sad combination.
>cape not transparent
>not brown-tan
>no thigh high boots
hots was a mistake
>When the "healer" can just press their trait and auto you to death with no skill required
Just Google "Alexstrasza cosplay"
For some reason Blizzard didn't want to offend a bunch of fatties and soccer moms who play their games.
What the fuck is this abomination?
Where is my mommy?
>Playing HOTS for the skill
Oh user. You only play HOTS when you're intoxicated and only long enough to do the dailies. Then you realize HOTS is a fun arcade game to play for a little while before you go do something else.
>implying I'm the same user
>human form
>Even though she'll spend most of the game split pushing with her stupid fireball spam
I thought Karma in League was an annoying cunt.
>When barely any good artist draws pr0n of video game girls like furfags draw furry art so you're left with shitty sfm and blender animations.
>They're shit
Being a great artist requires a significant amount of autism. Most autists are attracted to sparkly talking ponies and furry shit.
Q build is better and easier for Alex. Fireball build is a meme that puts her into harm's way, heavily reducing the usefulness of her other abilities.
I think all these anons using soyboy as an insult might be having the opposite of the intended effect
>Playing hots
Are you blind? she looks like she's having a seizure
There is nothing wrong with playing any MOBA, it's literally the best genre.
Can confirm many a good horse artists
>enjoying sameface with different wigs uguu pedo anime
Anime was amistake.