Look like Steam is about to get a whole lot shittier

Look like Steam is about to get a whole lot shittier.

Wasn't that already a thing you could do with Renply?

Like that stopped shit like Furry Persona from getting on Steam.

Renpy's fucking easy to use and there's tons of VNs out on it. Hell DDLC plays with how it works to have greater effect.

Point is, if they wanted to have a VN on Steam, they'll get it there. You're not going to get a greater amount of shit simply because stock assets are only going to get people so far and it'll stick out even more for a VN. That's all they really have is images, and sometimes sound. Maybe opening/ending videos if people go all in.

I don't know shit about coding, so I might actually pick this up. It's a bit pricey though, but hopefully worth it.

You know that Renpy is a thing, right?

Renpy is outdated garbage.

But it's free. What can VN Maker do that Renply can't?

Renpy is fine. Easiest way to make a novel.

>What can VN Maker do that Renpy can't?

>DYNAMIC CREATION TOOLS AIMED FOR ARTISTS AND WRITERS: Visual Novel Maker is designed to be as flexible as possible while still being user friendly. Virtually everything in the engine is managed through a simple point-and-click or drag-and-drop interface. It features powerful features to manipulate graphics and video to support the creative minds using it.

>LIVE2D AND VOICE SYNC SUPPORT: Visual Novel Maker features Live2D support to bring life to 2D characters. This also includes support for voice sync between text, voice clips and the Live2D models. The volume of the clip is also reflected visually bringing a new level of immersion!

>MULTIPLE RESOLUTION SUPPORT: Visual Novel Maker allows you to make games up to 1080p with 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10 ratio. You can also set a custom resolution!

>EASY GAME LOCALIZATION SUPPORT: Visual Novel Maker streamlines the localization process by having all text display on its own tab and/or can be exported to .CSV format. But that's not all, Visual Novel Maker detects if images have to be changed based on the user language with a simple suffix added at the end of the filename. (e.x. filename_de)

>SHARE YOUR GAME WITH MULTIPLE EXPORTING OPTIONS: Want to share your creation with the world? You can export your creation to various platforms such as Windows and MacOSX!

>Renpy is fine.
So is Unreal Engine 3. That doesn't mean we shouldn't use Unreal 4.

i get triggered everytime i see the word VN
call them the proper term, galge


Renpy has exiled for years though

>Unreal Engine 3

It already has gotten a lot shittier with those fucking choice "games" people are shitting out every day. I swear I see at least one of these every day on my queue

He's right though. Japs use eroge and galge. Only dumb westerners use the nonsensical term "visual novel".

As someone who worked in Renpy before I can say that these QoL features are pretty nice

He's not right. Eroge and Galge =/= Visual Novels. Eroge is erotic game. A RPG, a racing game, a tennis game, all of these can be eroge. Galge are games centered around being with attractive girls. You can have a galge in the form of a RPG. Visual novels are called NVL or ビジュアルノベル in Japan.

Valve makes so much money buy yet they can't develop and algorithm that can curate video games I would actually be into. I've done that list shit over a hundred times and it's still shit games they recommend.

So what does visual novel mean then? Isnt it still the same thing as galge?

bandcamp is like that. full of garbage because anyone can upload and sell anything.

just get the skills of finding out good games on your own

myth one:
>low tier creation tools lead only to shitty games

do easy tools lead to some bad games? sure. but they are also great entry points with low barriers that give novices a place to practice and learn. do you think people just one day up and decide to make AAA games from scratch? most people cut their teeth making romhacks and entry level tools. You have to crawl before you can walk, etc

myth 2:
>ren'py sucks and nothing good is made with it

Practically every big budget western VN is made with Ren'Py. it's an amazing free tool and even gets more adventurous users learning python. my girlfriend does UI design for a living and decided to learn Ren'Py just so she could work with western devs. Ren'Py is a huge step up from something like RPG maker, but both are incredibly useful tools to get new blood into the medium.

More games might mean more shitter games, but it also means more good games, too.

>Practically every big budget western VN is made with Ren'Py.

Same, I've gotten a handful of good game recs. You might have better luck with curators. I only follow Niche Games so far, but there's some decent stuff on there.

You know Renpy isn't on Steam right? We're talking about the lowest of lowest common denominator garbage that doesn't even realize you can't get games outside of Steam. The fact that this is on Steam, even if you have to pay for it, means that there will be a huge influx.

>tfw kinda want it so I can make joke VNs to my friends

It has Live2D support and a graphical interface so you don't need to learn the tiny amount of code that Ren'Py requires.
Probably safe to say that anyone who shells out $60 for this because they can't learn Ren'Py's code isn't going to make anything worth playing.

No, because there is a small number of VNs that are not galge or eroge. Many otome VNs, for example. A VN is a VN.

He's right though.

> literally only worth it for live2D
> includes 0 live2D documentation and degica's answer is to "go ask them"
> claims to be able to integrate actual gameplay, but it isn't out of the box and needs to be coded in

It's basically renpy for retards.

>It's basically renpy for retards.
And Renpy was coding for retards. What's your point?


Renpy is free, VNM is making you pay 60 bucks for it.


>> includes 0 live2D documentation and degica's answer is to "go ask them"
Wait, seriously? Why is Degica so fucking lazy?


It could but it could also become amazing. Imagine countless VN's with perfect waifus that cater to your demanded personalities and fetishes.

No more being lost after the story ends you can move on and find a new perfect waifu in the very next VN.

You get what you pay for. also anyone who buys VNM right now instead of waiting for it to go on sale should kill themselves unless they're just sitting on money and want a new visual novel engine then by all means.

>not wanting more jack-off fuel