video games are dead
video games are dead
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Clearly these fucking cunts don’t want to play video games
soma was barely a videogame to begin with
Wow cant wait to walk on the bottom of the ocean without any threat or suspense.
Jason thinks games should remove all difficulty
this is cool, I wish they would do this for alien : isolation
Then it wouldn’t be Alien: Isolation you normie scum
Fuck Jason
yes it would, it has a cool story and atmosphere, i liked it a lot except for the alien attacking you
Just make a new Penumbra game, you fucking faggots.
Why not watch a fucking playthrough? What the fuck why would anyone allow a game to become an interactive novel despite it being A FUCKING GAME. The game elements are there to enhance the narrative and the atmosphere, removing them will also neuter the impact of the story. I guess even the devs admit that they don't know what the fuck the game elements are for, or don't care about them enough.
Blame it on the snowflakes arguing the game should have no monsters at all. SOMA was already less of a game than Amnesia The Dark Descent
jason really sucks at video games
fuck jason
>Literalwho has wrong opinion
This stuff doesn't even make me mad. Call me when for example Kojimbo makes Death Stranding a deathless, gameplayless cinematic experience and then I'll care
A safespace for people that have no skill
yeah video games are dead because one retard does something stupid with his garbage game
Didn't think it was possible to have such a wrong opinion.
Fuck off Jason.
>games shouldn't focus on story, but they also should allow me to fail because I'm a faggot
What a loser.
>play the game
>finish it within 5h
>story was meh
>people jerk over it
Is this some people's first time in to the idea of coin flipwhich wasn't a coin flip and ideas of mind transfer or something?
Fuck man, they should have made a prequel with a robot coming to terms with its new existence. I love body horror shit.
What a fucking cuck loser.
Can't really get worked up over this, SOMA was a few interesting ideas stretched thin over a really shitty game.
Jesus fuck you idiots are easy to trigger.
SOMA was already a walking simulator with monsters plopped in haphazardly breaking the flow of the game. Another solution might be better of course but if you think challenge is what made SOMA good you’re a moron.
I wished they had done this for Dark Souls. I wanted to walk around and enjoy all the scenery in the game.
>faggots were shilling this shit game
>i-its not a walking game!
well it will be pretty soon. everyone who likes this shit should kill themselves
But the monsters sucked in SOMA, hell any game where you walk about and can't actually confront the monster is always shit. Especially when it's like SOMA, Amnesia etc, if they want to put monsters in the game make them part of the puzzles not retarded drones that just get in the way.
yes thats a good point. the option should be there in case anyone wants to make use of it even if you arent going to do so when you play it normally
>what made SOMA good
soma is shit and kys faggot.
At first glance it comes off as offensive to those that value
difficulty and consider it to be a crucial part to being a "gamer".
But after skimming the article some and reading why they were
doing it, it makes sense; there's an audience that has no value
on hide-n-seek gameplay but values atmosphere and story. So
while in truth they are removing a large aspect of the current game,
they're also appealing to another crowd. There's nothing wrong with
this after thinking about it, it's like other mods for games like in Left 4 Dead
how you can mod enemies to be aliens or cats or shit. Ofc turning the zombies
into fluffy kittens or aliens for laughs is appealing to some people but you could
argue it removes a core value of the original l4d being the fear and atmosphere
zombies brought. This is just an example i could come up with but again to Soma,
the decision isn't meant to offend, just appeal to other crowds.
SOMA is already a game that has no fight. At best you need stealth.
This is for litteral retatds who run into things without thinking. Do you think such idiots would immerse themselves in the universe in the first place?
At leasy the Assassin's Creed Kangz exploration mode has some purpose.
>we'll never get to play this version of SOMA
Congrats on being part of the problem.
They could have instead worked on fixing the monster encounters. They could've added some simple scripted events that told you what works with what monster and what doesn't. Instead they choose the pussy's way out. Shame on you frictional, I love soma but this is too much.
>games shouldn't have difficulty
I don't even understand this new push by games "journalists"
I can wrap my head around wanted more gay or black people in games but demanding that all games have a zero difficulty mode is full on retarded
It would make sense for Amnesia where monsters were just randomly spawned things that roamed around and you may not even be able to get away from them, but SOMA already made all the monsters just different puzzles and the penalty for failing the puzzle was basically nothing. So really this is just removing all puzzles from the game.
>removing the actual gameplay
You said it, not me
because soy boys want "art" not games. too bad all "art" games have shit and predictable stories.
>Dark souls games include real loss on death
I remember the live action teasers and how they ultimately had nothing to do with the final game.
This shit was great, why'd they have to go fuck it up?
user, old school gamers prefer the game without monsters, I still remember my old days playing Id Software's Doom, the game was pretty scary with all those monsters and enemies, so using command line parameters I did away with them and the game became much better for it. I could now explore the abandoned UAC installations at my leisure and while it was still scary, I would be able to complete the stages of the game as they were intended to be played.
Have you even played the game?
>At best you need stealth.
>This is for litteral retatds who run into things without thinking.
The one big problem with the game is that there is no stealth (other than sneaking around the sleeping android thing). The whole game revolves around running from monsters and kiting them around corners. You literally can't try to sneak because Frictional decided they didn't have to spend time and resources on level design and enemy AI, and this severely limits the player.
Rather than removing the shitty enemies they should actually fix them, it would make the game better in every way.
It used to be if you graduated from a college/uni with a degree in "english/journalism/communications" you were shit out of luck in terms of jobs.
Now the internet has give people with the smallest percent of intellectual insight to unload their bullshit to the masses.
like your post
Im writing you a perscription for a rope.
Never post here again.
I never felt that SOMA really implemented the monsters into the puzzle but just plopped a monster in the room. I guess I'm thinking more of old point and click games where you'd have to solve a puzzle and the monster kinda was the puzzle.
Why are you so triggered and mysoginistic.
What did i tell you about posting here? Read nigga
>end video game deaths
>and also end story video games
Holy shit what sort of game does he even want?
Why are you here then? Why do you care?
Man, a calm and well thought opinion here? This is weird.
People are overreacting. It's not like this game erase the other one, it's just another version than may appeal you less or more, but that's it.
>Dark souls deaths are fine, but it gets TOO HARD
what's the problem with this soyboys? if you want a fucking story, go read a book,watch movies, no play a fucking game if you don't want gameplay. (((they))) really put something in water/food .
>Trigger warning, hostility
Wow shitlord, toxic much?
>People are overreacting. It's not like this game erase the other one, it's just another version than may appeal you less or more, but that's it.
its a slippery slope. next game fad will be AAA walking simulators with lootboxes.
wouldve just been Isolation
basically, they're pretentious manchildren who want to elevate their manchildren hobby.
>its not "game" momdad its ART
he's right, though. it terminates the continuity of your character's story for him/her to die. pretty fair imo
Yeah that was extremely confusing
>master gameplay
>still whine about getting your shit pushed in late game
No you retards, he isn't complaining that it's hard, he's just telling how stupid it is.
You're literally just grinding a loop to master a couple of moves to beat a boss which creates a really boring time sink.
Dark Souls are one of the most overpraised games ever made because of this. They literally just removed all the difficulties except very hard and everyone's creaming their pants for some fucking reason.
>invest years of life into vidya
>stop liking it
>instead of admitting you no longer like it, demand that the entire medium change
>You're literally just grinding a loop to master a couple of moves to beat a boss which creates a really boring time sink.
In English please.
Did y'all retards forget that the monsters were hated in this game because they served no purpose other than an artificial form of horror while providing nothing to the story?
They failed on every level. And people even felt they shouldn't have been in the game at all.
oh please.
Soma was more about telling a story by walking through areas, looking at shit, listening to audio logs and talking to whats her name from the beginning. The monsters added next to nothing and were just annoying
I think he means you're learning how to play the game and that's bad.
They should include this feature in some games along with like a developer commentary or something as a reward for completing the game so you can explore levels unburdened.
Probably because overcoming a challenge feels rewarding as long as the challenge felt fair and that the majority of the game accomplished this?
If SOMA had the same atmosphere as Penumbra, or at least a more dreary art-style, it would have been a better game.
Dark souls isn’t that difficult. You just have to actually learn the controls, enemy movements, and git gud instead of mindlessly jumping in and bashing things.
>buy into hype and purchase game
>first 10 min the game says not to worry because you cant die
>immediately requested a refund
>They literally just removed all the difficulties except very hard and everyone's creaming their pants for some fucking reason.
Do you know how difficulties work you fucking faggot?
Dark Souls is piss easy once you know how the various enemies and bosses move and act. Harder difficulties would imply you take more damage, enemies get stronger and so on, while DaS has a completely flat and somewhat easy difficulty. All the challenge revolves around mastering the controls, it's interactive in a completely different way than going up against bullet sponges which is what traditional difficulty is all about.
This picture makes me a bit sad, because these "men" have fathers that just wanted regular sons and not effeminate cuckolds.
Assuming of course this is not hereditary.
yeah except it was fun and did not take itself seriously unlike shitty pretentious soma made for pretentious hipster soy boys. Also, it made you think and activated your almonds unlike on rails linear soma. Kill yourself.
>your video game is getting in the way of my graphic novel
Get fucked
Silent Hill 2 and Minecraft did it first
Penumbra was great, I wish I could go back and play them for the first time again, after a couple of replays when you know where everything is it gets somewhat stale.
Well he's not completely wrong.
>your entire post of memes
Oh, I love mineycrafta
I love building brown bricks in minecrap
soma is still shit tho you soy boy.
I finished soma yesterday. I enjoyed the sort of existential horror they were going for. I just wish the puzzles were a little bit better. Penumbra had you doing cool stuff like deciphering Morse code.
There are at least a lot of mechanics with them. Some react to being looked at, some react to noise like even turning your flash light on and off, some will stay docile if you stay still, some avoid light and even try to bait into thinking their light source is a safe spot. I suppose the biggest issue is that the goal is really always to just avoid them as best as possible, and sneaking/running away often works without really engaging their specific mechanics.
At the very least though, I think they did a far better job than in Amnesia where enemies really are just plopped into a room, and there's no real strategy for avoiding them because they could have just spawned in places you need to be, the mechanics discouraged even looking at them, and they run as fast as you do unless they get stuck on geometry or something. Amnesia monsters basically only function as let's play jump scares. The one in the water was pretty cool though, and every SOMA monster is designed similarly. It's just that there's only so much you can do in a game with a mechanics list that goes: crouching, walking, running, turning flash light on and off.
People are Idiots and the Dark Souls is hard meme is rampant in any community.
I play Escape from Tarkov and someone literally called it the Dark Souls of FPS.
I want to punch that motherfucker.
I'd suggest bringing back unlockable cheat codes as a regular feature, but I know that the people whining about difficulty will never shut up until they get exactly what they want. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile, or however that saying goes.
>being this assblasted
not an argument
>Penumbra had you doing cool stuff like deciphering Morse code.
Puzzles are too high brow for the current generation.
>tfw farmed for a bunch souls the first time in my life in das2 at the iron keep by hosting a fight club with avarice gear
>had millions of souls
>die by jumping around the lava stones by the bridge
>pretty confident in my ability to get back to my bloodstain
>die on the very first jump
>never play character or game again due to shitty soul memory
I don't see the problem, it's nice to have options. I replayed it recently with a mod that does the same and it was interesting, the game had an eerie and unsettling atmosphere instead, where monsters follow and stare at you but don't attack, which in a way, makes a bit more sense story-wise really. I've seen many people that don't like horror games but still want to experience the story, which was the main focus of the game anyway, so it's fine by me.
I can understand people that complain about SOMA's reduced gameplay, but I can appreciate Frictional wanting to do something different from Amnesia, just like Amnesia was different from Penumbra.
>a new Penumbra game gets announced
>it's made by The Chinese Room
How happy would you be on a scale of 0-10?
Fair point, but removing the enemies would make lots of the game redundant, especially the wau
Theres already a wuss mode on the workshop so i dont see the necessity of a enemy free soma
the absolute epitome of a pussy and shitter, what a moron
Kill yourself.
Overcoming challenges annoy you, stop breathing, stop eating, just stop it all and let the elements have your chemicals, you do not deserve em.
I bet you are american, god damn dickless spineless faggot nation.
Chinese Room closed a few months ago though. I don't feel happy about other people's miseries, but I can't be too sad either, Dear Esther was pretty bad. Never played EGTTR but it didn't look too good either.
I don’t think these soyboys realize how hard it is to program monsters to all react to different environmental factors, and then to demand that the developers reprogram the monsters to not react to any of the environmental factors...for free. It’s absurd. This is one area where I would support paid DLC. If you want to the developers to make a special “game” just for you then you better be ready to pay up for it.
Couldn't be any worse than Penumbra Requiem tbfh desu