But it gets a free pass and even good scores because it’s a Nintendo game.
If this was a Sega game everyone would be calling it garbage.
If Sonic Free Riders was a Nintendo game, it would get praised for it’s innovative control scheme.
Fuck off.
But it gets a free pass and even good scores because it’s a Nintendo game.
If this was a Sega game everyone would be calling it garbage.
If Sonic Free Riders was a Nintendo game, it would get praised for it’s innovative control scheme.
Fuck off.
I bought a grip specifically for this game, totally worth it.
git gud
support the 3DS with your left pinky you fucking retard
Get the hand grip, you fucking pleb.
Unless you're left-handed, literally git gud. This game is what Starfox Assault should have been and it's akin to playing out a Saturday morning cartoon.
Fuck off nigger.
If dodging in Star Fox Zero sucks it also sucks here.
This isn’t a “git gud” or “learn the controls” scenario.
I got gud
I learned the controls.
They are still inaccurate, uncomfortable and cause me physical harm after a few minutes.
You're literally not holding thie 3DS right if you're experiencing physical pain while playing. I beat the whole damn game without so much as a cramp.
You’re a Nintendo fanboy who pretends to have fun and ignores objective facts.
It’s unplayable, stop defending this shit, it’s pathetic.
>literal limp wristed faggots are still angry years later
I thought it was really fun. Ive beaten it multiple times with no problems. This sounds like a (you) problem
>when even the game jokes about how long it would take for a sequel
Such a waste of a great everything
Nigger, I'm an idort. I own/have owned every non-vita sony console in addition to my Nintendo shit and my PC. I'm telling you you're a fucking retard and the game is perfectly playable if you'd stop holding the 3DS like a retard.
Post picture of the grip you're using.
It did not get a free pass or good scores.
git gud faggot. this game is a gem. sequel on switch when?
>we will never get a Nintendo game with this quality of voice acting or witty banter again
We’re all sad
I swear to fucking god if this doesn't get a switch sequel or fzero doesn't get a new switch game, I'm not buying nintendo's next console
Remake it for switch and bitchboys like you would stop crying
Great game.
welp, shit.
F-Zero wont have a sequel until VR leaves the memestream and the mechanics are good (read: fun) enough to justify it.
Nintendo generally doesn't make games for the hell of it. Their games have to have some sort of "hook" to drag you in. That way, you can be like "Looking around in F-Zero VR while I zip around is great but I also like how GX linked up with an arcade machine."
uh oh
you insulted reddit's favorite video game