I just finished this, I liked it a lot. Got the good ending and romanced Yen. What do you guys think about the game?

I just finished this, I liked it a lot. Got the good ending and romanced Yen. What do you guys think about the game?

Also how likely is to see Ciri again in Cyberpunk?

Other urls found in this thread:


the new standard for fantasy games. I know Bethesda have been studying it, so I'm hyped for the next elder scrolls.

Ciri will either be in a side quest, or just she'll be just an Easter egg. She'll be there, but probably not in a big capacity.


It doesn't do anything right and there isn't anything bethsda can take from tw3

You people who worship Witcher 3 need to get the fuck gone

"The new standard" a game with worst of all time tier combat. Right. Head back to whatever neogaf turned into

There are some opinions too bad to be a Sup Forums user

>a game with worst of all time tier combat

You've never played it. Stop listening to what Nintenbros say on Sup Forums

>I never played the game: the post

Holy shit that comment physical hurt my brain. How the fuck do you get by in life?

>reddit spacing

Serious question - why does everyone like to shit on witcher's combat but gives skyrim a free pass, despite that melee in that game is fucking abysmal? Some of the magic is alright, but god, I've never experienced such boring swordplay as I do in skyrim. At least witcher allows dodging, rolling, different types of attacks, etc

I'm playing through it right now and I'm having a decent time, but man I hate Yen, I told her I didn't love her and now she's the bitterest cunt in the planet.

I have a question regarding her and Geralt: they report back to Emhyr to update him on the status of their quest and Yen behaves very seriously toward him, after the reunion is over Gerald asks her "where did your wit go?" and Yen responds something along the lines of "well he is very powerful, I gotta treat him with respect" to which Gerald replies "so you treat me like shit because I'm a lowly Witcher?" and she just brushes it off. Is this ever addressed again in the game?

I just can't seem to get into it for some reason. I left off at the griffon part. I've tried a few times but just can't get into it

I keep trying though

Yen is constantly a cunt to Geralt, those comments are nothing for her. Geralt nearly kills himself in the books at one point because she's such a shitty person to him

They're really really passionate about each other, for better or (mostly) worse

Best game in years, deserves all the praise etc.

You'd do yourself a favor if you pushed through it, man. That's just the tutorial area. Once you meet up with Keira the sorceress in Velen things start to get pretty interesting story wise. It's an immersive game and you have to play long enough to get immersed

It's just banter, you don't understand it because you haven't read the books and the writers of the game did a piss poor job at making you understand.

You don’t even have to have read the books.
Any person who has had a relationship will understand it, hence why a lot of virgins on Sup Forums don’t get it.

once you've unlocked the three main areas (Velen, Redania and Skellige) you can relax and forget about the main story for hours, just spend it wandering about visiting little villages, sailing around islands or going from town to town and filling out witcher quests and soaking in the treacle thick atmosphere

>but the books!
Yeah well I'm talking about the game and in it Yen is pretty insufferable. Characters in the game itself keep telling Gerald he's an idiot for letting her treat him like that, but no I'm the one who doesn't "get it"

Read my comment again you idiot. I just told you how and why.

I haven’t read the damn books. I just agreed with the other user and that it’s easy to identify as banter if you aren’t a shut in virgin with world views shaped by browsing too much Sup Forums.

One of the top ten games made in the last five years and possibly even ten years. Chances are very high Ciri will appear in 2077 but only on a side quest, nothing to do with your main character's story. Game is supposed to allow character creation so I'm excited to see and learn about that.

As someone who hated Skyrim and loved TW3 I think its to do with combat progression, at least Skyrim you learn some new moves and spells. TW3 its like the same thing for the 150 hour journey

Bethesda always gets a free pass, even here on Sup Forums

Le stealth archer :)

Yeah, you don't ''get it'' and yeah it's because you haven't read the books. That's not your fault, that's the fault of CDPR writers who didn't know what they were doing. If you read the books you'll start to notice that alot more and trough all 3 games.

the books are mediocre at best

lol. The fact that everyone defaults to the same character type each time should make it obvious the combat is garbage.

>It's just banter!
I guess it's fine that geralt's ego shrinks every time yen takes a jab at him, that's cool. It doesn't make you a virgin to not want to be with someone who emotionally abuses you mate

Why not playing with nudity mod guys?


The fuck is with this Witcher shilling on this board?
Other than this thread, we have 5 others that are Witcher/CDPR related.
Is this where CDPR money go?

>emotionally abuses
See, that's where you're wrong.

This sounds like some battered woman saying "you just don't get it, you haven't seen how sweet he can be". Shit is sad.

>reddit spacing

Skyrim did many things better than Witcher 3, things that are essentially time wasters. Skyrim had -

>More detailed crafting, more recipes, more designs, more crafting professions
>waifu and companions to unlock
>More unique dungeons
>More side quest items to gather and collect
>More classes and ways to play

In Skyrim, you could pick your avenue of wasting time and they were all viable. In Witcher 3, everything that related to gameplay was meant to refine the core aspect of hitting things with your sword. Talent Trees weren't polished with the concept of having a viable and satisfying play style that only focused on potions, or only magic or only bombs and traps. Witcher 3 is the better game, it's just not a better sink of time.

He literally tries to commit suicide in the 2nd book because he's cucked so badly
lol how are you Yenfags so in denial?

>Is this where CDPR money go?

Is it strange that we are excited about the next game, from a great dev, that has a history of only making amazing titles?


you neckbeards should start interacting with real women

And this sounds like a moron who can't read. Seriously, read the books and you'll understand it better.

>People can't genuinely be into a game
The state of nu/v/

They're both to blame for that.

That's literally what they are brah. Fake women (or males) that you make into your wife and have romance options with them. How could you see it as anything less?

Why would they waste money influencing Sup Forums
Its impossible by now

Jesus fucking christ.
user, I hope you dont collect anime pillows and shits like that at least.
With those things you will stay forever an outcast os society just saying

did u play both expansions

It's almost like there are two different games with two different aims set in different settings, one being about roaming the wilderness and the other looking for your adopted daughter

user, which book you are even talking about? Because 2nd book would most likely mean Time of Contempt. Aka the one where... none of what you mention happens?
And if you mean Sword of Destiny (which means you can't into counting), then sad news, Yen is present only in one story there and they are after a break up that involved some heavy artillery.

The game itself is great, but it is the most overrated game in the past couple of years.

Not him, and Geralt still is a fucking beta in the books. Not just toward Yen, but he's simply beta as fuck, never even knowing what he really wants. The only time when he's not acting like an utter failure are short stories.

All those classes, ways of playing, crafting and dungeons aren't that great when the glue that's supposed to hold it together is utter shit.

By the "good ending" I hope you mean Dijkstra runs the north, Emhyr is assassinated and Ciri is a witcher. Only cucks side with nilfgaard.

>not having nilfgaard take over and finally end the war

>Emhyr is assassinated

what a pleb

Not him but Geralt makes a bad attempt at suicide when he went to fight Istredd, since he is a mage and would definetly straight up end Geralt.

It's not like explicitly mentioned in the summary, but the guards capture geralt when he's drunk and essentially throw him in a drunk tank, telling him that if he's gonna kill himself to go do it somewhere else. He has a bit of an epiphany and decides not to fight Istredd the next day, and repeats to Istredd what the guards said to him, mentioning suicide again. I don't have my copy of sword of destiny otherwise I'd quote the passage for you user :')

It's a really good game, slightly over hyped but definitely a great game. Choices matter, and made me want to play through the gave a few times, new game plus was awesome as well,

Skyrim was at least playable, Witcher 3 is pure shit.
Its was based on a hack fantasy writer and the witcher is absolute shlock tier fantasy. Its the equivalent of the Twilight series.

There is little variety as you are forced to use the same types of weapons and their combat implementation is boring and clunky and absolutely basic.
The witcher also hand holds and has quest markers and retarded bottom of the barrel kiddie mechanics like the tracks bullshit.

At least in skyrim you were free to not be some horrifically written fantasy cliched douche.

The war ends when Dijkstra kicks their asses and unites the northern realms stronger than ever

>There is little variety as you are forced to use the same types of weapons and their combat implementation is boring and clunky and absolutely basic.
enough about skyrim already

There's a reason it's called the 3rd invasion of Nilfgaard. There's gonna be a 4th one

They'll lose again. Redania has novigrad and its resources locked down even under Radovid.

>Got the good ending and romanced Yen
im playing it myself slowly
how many endings are there
I chose both does that mean Ill get a bad ending

no you get something special near the ending

If you choose both you'll get locked out of both, look it up.
There are 3 main endings

Yeah, that's why all it takes for the north to fall is the death if 1 guy

you mean the one where they tie me up ;3?

Your interactions with Ciri and a pivotal assassination quest determine the ending. It's hard to get the worst ending possible unless you try to.

>push him aside
>actually break his leg wich locks you out of an important quest that might cause the death of your friends