>Buying weeb game on gamestop
>cashier gives you a look
Buying weeb game on gamestop
As they should. You should feel shame from this.
>not being attractive
Must suck being an Amerifat.
Must suck being so obsessed with america that you literally cannot stop talking about it
>why yes, japanese games are superior in every way!
>get a gf and a job? what do you mean?
Honestly, in most cases it's just best to order Japanese games online, even when the price is $5 higher. Saves gas money and the embarrassment of shame.
America is the one place in the world where people look normal.
>Well will you be my gf?
>Oh haha no sorry but I'm sure there's some girl out there for you that won't dump you as soon as she thinks she can get something better on Tinder you're a great guy just not my type.
>America is the one place in the world where people look normal.
>Buy used copy of Deathsmiles
>Nobody gives a shit
if course she would give you a look.
unless she's had no eyes, then it would be weird
Is this what happens when you walk down the street wearing this?
Is there anything more pathetic than weebs?
I can actually hear your neckbeard getting longer as you typed this out.
Europeans are notoriously disgusting to look at.
>that shirt
Things that never happened 101
>tfw work at gamestop
Gamestop employees are the most likely people to play weeb games, second only to people with no job at all. They're also the second to last group of people who can judge you for anything.
Nobody's making you feel ashamed but yourself.
>want to buy new pokemon games on release day
>there is a fat manlet that looks agry at me
>he tried to enter the shop first
>i just walked in in normal speed and went up the stairs
>fat manlet was already out of breath
>ask the female worker if i can have the games
>fat manlet stutters and spilled his spaghetti
>buy the game and leave
at least I don't work at Gamestop lol
>this level of delusion
Is that what you tell yourself when you buy your weebshit games and pretend that people aren't laughing at you behind your back?
>>Buying weeb game on gamestop
>>cashier gives you a look
In most cases, these two things are unrelated
>chad cashier
>buying weeb game
>are you really buying this
>is it for a kid or something?
>he laughs to himself
haven't went to Gamestop since
>America is full of judgemental cashiers
What's the deal over there?
>buying digimon cyber sluts at fucking gamestop
>chad cashier
>yo dude, this game is so much better than pokemon
pretty nice guy
You're a genetic dead end, weeb.
Why would you ever go into gamestop when digital games exist? I'd pay fucking double for digital if I had to just to never have to go out.
>buying a weeb game
you're gonna have to get over your social anxiety someday
Except that didn't happen
Why? Are they shutting down the internet or something?
I don't buy weeb games anymore, and I rarely buy games at the store at all. But I did work at GS for a while. Maybe it's changed a bit since they started aggressively hiring girls to push upsales etc., which they have undeniably have done. But in general, male GS workers are turbo spergs.
It's true. Pureblooded Europeans are fucking hideous.
>All those man jaws and refrigerator bodies
>buying games at fucking gamestop
>chad cashier
Stopped reading right there, no chad works
They generally have really good black Friday and Christmas deals. But I just order that shit online since my store always has shit for a selection.
Americas fat fucking ass is literally in everyones business, kind of hard to avoid
I like staring at my weeb game pile on my gamer shelf
Pathetic soyboy.
>Pureblooded Europeans are fucking hideous
t. schlomo
Literally have no fucking idea what a schlomo is. Is it some new hip and cool twitch streamer?
First day?
Been here since '06
>buying video games in retail stores
Literally no reason to do this.
Last game I bought in store was Skyrim in 2011.
I'm so sorry
>cashier gives you a look
>Gamestop wagecuck gives me a look
>Stare at him back
>"What do you want, soyboy?"
>N-nothing here's your change.
It's a meme by overly paranoid neckbeards
I love the diversity of this assortment!
Dumb Sup Forumsshitter.
I've always just ordered things off the internet. But the one time I saw a cashier five weird looks was when me and my gf years ago were in a small independent game store and we found doax for $5 and we were buying it no shame and my gf kept talking about how nostalgic the soundtrack is and how her and her friend used to play it all the time when they were 11. The cashier looked spooked.
>tfw haven't bought a physycal game since like 2010
>buy PBS at Best Buy cause GCU
>goes on sale on Amazon next day for 40 bucks
>but weeb game at GameStop
>”Oh I’m holding off to play it, still working through Drakengard. I shit my pants when I heard they were making a sequel to Nier!”
Not everyone who works at GameStop is automatically cancer. Do you live in a city or something?
All of the GameStop stores by me originally hired Chads, thinking that's somehow what gamers wanted to see. Three years later, there are only females.
>be the laughing stock of the world
>get made fun of
>"y-you're just obsessed!"
>Pureblooded Europeans are fucking hideous
Muhhh social anxietyyyyy
You are fucking pathetic, soyboy. Fuck off to reddit if you dislike Sup Forums.
>preordering Ys VIII at gamestop a few days before release
>guy working the register has no idea what it is
>had to spell it out for him so he could find it in the computer
I got that "look" for buying Dostoyevsky and Kafka's novels once. Stop giving thoughts to small poppies on their dead-end jobs.
>get around to buying used dark souls 2 at EB games
>7/10 kinda bubbly not-so-qt-but-tries-to-pull-off-winged-eyeliner finishes up with the customer before me
>get the feeling she will make some dumb joke because retail is fucking cancer
>"yeah just this one thanks"
>"haha dank memes bro" as i hand over the game
>"heh yeh totally"
>buy a zelda mug cos it was cute af
pretty standard
American men don't even know how a natural penis works.
>live in biggest lolcow of a country
>surprised when everyone is making fun of you
Stop asking me about the membership I don't want the fucking membership
>Be the most powerful country in the world who elected a based President
>Meanwhile Europeans are getting raped by niggers and sandniggers
I'm 100% white, nigger
This better be ironic user
>who elected a based President
That's not how you spell meme
>Meanwhile Europeans are getting raped by niggers and sandniggers
As opposed to America, the nigger country
What's sub-saharan African again?
If you can't beat em join em.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
This is basic art of war, are you 12?
t. Muhammad
Why don't you go back to watching your wife get fucked by a sandnigger
Why don't you go watch your waifu get BLACKED
epic brooo u tell those eurocucks!! I literally stood up clapping hahahaha
>chews burger
>gets shot
>If you can't beat em join em
that only works if your country has literally 0 culture
oh wait...
Just know you Euroniggers will always be inferior to the superior white American man. Now go prep your sandnigger bull
Wojak is the definition of what a soyboy is.
Pick one.
lmao who are you trying to convince
>be black
>buy weeb game
>wow you got a cool game there user! What's it about?
>oh you know, anime girls fighting with big swords
>sounds cool!
It's that simple. Stop being such a pussy ass bitch OP
American culture is literally everywhere. Even in you're shit European ""countries"""
t. Never been to America. Our niggers are kept in place.
>Buying weeb game on gamestop
>cashier tries to give me a dirty look
>Sees I'm Japanese
>I give him this look
>projecting this hard
we're not the ones obsessed with cuckoldry and BLACKED, soyboi.
Maybe in the 18 century, now you gladly give them them your leash
>Even in you're shit European ""countries"""
>Americans can't even speak their own language properly
If all europeans hate americans so much, why don't they make their own internet but then block all american ips?
I have a good job unlike some cashier loser lmao
Except the French will literally fuck the first nigger they see
Nope. Niggers are still kept in their place.
It's a typo you, dumb Euronigger
>there are only females.
Why is this, anyway?
t.56% nigger white
>Niggers are still kept in their place.
>Buying Senran Kagura game at gamestop
>cashier gives you the look
>I'd pay fucking double for digital if I had to just to never have to go out
t.2% white sandnigger ""white""
t. Never been to America. Niggers are still segregated from whites
>America is the one place in the world where people look normal.
Right because last I knew being a fatass was normal