4 hours until.... something?

4 hours until.... something?
they have really gone to shit since IGN took over

Other urls found in this thread:


Rockstar Bundle

>they have really gone to shit since IGN took over
literally nothing changed

Not only nothing changed but we got some good free games recently.
Brutal Legend might be not that good but Killer is Dead is a decent game.

The site's a bit shittier, but that's it. The bundles are still as shit as they have been. Though strangely, after bundlestars took the retarded as fuck step to rename themselves fanatical, they actually cleaned up their site code and it's pretty smooth now, especially compared to humble.
I guess they're the future or something, since gala still can't get its shit together.

The regular bundles are all over the place in quality but the monthlies are still by far the best value in video games if you like playing lots of different stuff.
After over a year of having it I still don't have a monthly where I feel like I didn't get my money's worth.

The early unlock is indefensible this month though, that's for sure.

You can't kill something that's already dead

If it's not a 6, we get Nordic PS4 Encore Bundle.

I haven't bothered even looking at their bundles in a year or so, it's all been trash.

Black friday nigger games!

the website layout went down to indiegala tier




I'm pretty sure they actually timed the partnering with IGN as a way to scapegoat the site changes in case people didn't like them.

I only care about the free games desu, i have 12 free games on steam, like 8 on Origin and 1 on Uplay and even tho I dont play any of them I like collecting them

Nigga I have 231 games on Steam (more actually, but some are removed from the store), yet I've only bought 20 of them.

I onlx have steam since 2016 because I had to delete my old acc when i got emails that ruskies and poos tried to login 30 times a day

>I onlx have steam since 2016 because I had to delete my old acc when i got emails that ruskies and poos tried to login 30 times a day
>tried to
Get yourself a secure and unique password and stop caring if someone tries to guess it.

Who here doing monthly?

I've had my account for 8 years, but I got these ~220 games in only like, 2-3 months. I only started collecting free shit like a jew recently.
Ya gotta be smart and fast to get free shit, not patient.

I liked the recent strategy bundle, it had some games I was meaning to play. Here's hoping for an RPG bundle.

That was my first bundle.

no, fuck you. it's gonna be a point & click bundle, my 7 says so

They managed to make it even worse. This is impressive, unironically.


>Humble Monthly is H1Z1

Today is when Steam's Autumn Sale starts, so I'm guessing no bundle

Tomorrow you mean

oh fuck, I barely even played the games I got from the halloween bundle

if 7 it will be fucking nothing.

I bought it for 10€.
Sold the H1Z1 key for 9€.
Get the rest of the games for 1€.
Get on my level, faggot.

that's not how it works. there will be a bundle, question is whether it will be worthy, compared to the discounted prices

Eh, i choosed to make a new one because i did not want to risk my gmail account being fucked with


>Just bought Total Warhammer 2 off a key-site

The key was sold within a minute after putting it up.

Where do you do your selling? I was selling on Kinguin, but they've turned into whores now and won't let you sell keys of games that have recently been in bundles.


is it tomorrow? Don't the steam sales usually begin on tuesday/thursday?

Fucking faggots banned me after selling my keys

>Steam Black Friday Sale dates: November 22 - November 28
>Steam Winter Sale dates: December 21 - January 4

How well do you rate 'em? What's the chance of getting fucked over?

1. Lurk HB and giftan threads. Be swift and witty. Analyze and recognize the predictable patterns of key drops. Ya gotta know when people are baiting or posting real keys.

2. Learn how to beg for games properly.

3. Discover groups and sites where people drop random keys and hold giveaways, be they mass or lottery-like.

There are a few other secrets and details, but I can't be bothered explaining them right now. Maybe I'll write a big-ass pastebin on how to get free games one day, but not today.

>works for me

Cities Skylines with no DLC as the only game in the ten dollar tier.

Haven't sold much. Just the bethesda early unlocks from the last monthly and h1z1 now. Worked without issues.
I bought multiple games also, all worked fine. One key was taken (Witcher 2 for 0.94€ or something). Contacted the seller through the site and got a working key.
Might've been lucky, I don't know.

I'm honestly kind of surprised that Humble Bundle hasn't a "Literally Nothing" bundle that was just a donation to charity.
Would that be too clever?

Too much effort, i just pirate games i want then move on when i finish them

>tfw it's an amazing bundle but all the profits go to feminist frequency

The only games I'm looking to add to my library are Bastion, Mountain Dew Valley, and DS3. The odds don't look good for any of those.

>tfw it's an amazing bundle but all the profits go to feminist frequency

It's not about the games, my man. It's about the gamble, the hunt, the thrill of snatching games. You think I've played any more than maybe two or three out of those 200+ free games I got?

Also, cards, achievements, badges etc. There is a market for that kind of shit.

And, of course, it's also about MP-only games that you can't pirate, though I'm not into those personally.

>Won't buy good games because it supports a marginalized group of gamers


What are the chances of getting anything new today? They put out a "big" bundle last week and just started a sale on their store

Aren't you able to change charities on Humble Bundle? I always send the profits to a random parish.

There is a guaranteed bundle every Tuesday.


Prove it.

For those who didn't see it

this looks about as brutal as a bowl of cereal why should i play this

Cause it's free
it's not like you loose anything

It’ll be PlayStation garbage.

The soundtrack is pretty good, and Ophelia would make my dick hard, if you know what I mean.

it's kinda unique in how it's a game about metal culture featuring a bunch of famous artists

>tfw I keep sending my friend links to free games but he doesn't get them because he needs to create an account

>Bundle had Fez in it
>100% charity

Thanks for the tip, user

>another fucking hidden gems bundle
>another region locked ps3 thq bundle with limited quantities
>another 30 dollar left over keys nobody wanted bundle
>another amazing capcom bundle that only has one game i don't already own and it's in the top tier and everyone on steam trade is such a theiving kike that no one will make a fair trade for your extra copies of REmake, re4, dead rising 2, or Devil May Cry 4 SE

My girlfriend is too lazy to activate the keys, and always wants to do it once they expire.

>another amazing capcom bundle that only has one game i don't already own and it's in the top tier and everyone on steam trade is such a theiving kike that no one will make a fair trade for your extra copies of REmake, re4, dead rising 2, or Devil May Cry 4 SE
This is what pisses me off the most, fucking SEGA picks the same games every bundle, at that point I would rather gift the keys to my friends than exchange them for a shitty copy of Two Worlds to some kike.

So I'm planning on buying tabletop simulator from the humble bundle store. The steam sale starts tomorrow, around the same time as the humble sale ends. Does anyone know if the tabletop 4 pack ever goes on sale?

Looks like it usually goes on sale for 30 bucks

Maybe making the thread so early wasnt a good idea. I hope the next bundle isn't as shit as the current 30 bucks for leftover garbage bundle.

>another amazing capcom bundle that only has one game i don't already own and it's in the top tier and everyone on steam trade is such a theiving kike that no one will make a fair trade for your extra copies of REmake, re4, dead rising 2, or Devil May Cry 4 SE
Let alone say fucking thank you when you do give them something. Fucking wasted in those BRs.

5 and it's another VN bundle.

That’s ok, I need to get into the anime waifu genre.

5 and it's the best bundle in years.



I can put up with the shitty layout if they keep handing out decent free games.

Why is that Dark Souls in never on sale? it has been £20 for months.

Sick, thanks dude.


They are making a remake of it for PS4/Xbone/Switch/PC

I don't know, it used to be 5 bux all the time. Check IsThereAnyDeal.

6 and its good


2 and it'll be humble memes bundle.

Start with Clannad.

oh fuck, but we already had a Borderlands bundle recently :/

I'm still wondering who the fuck thought this new design was a good choice...

Cirno and its shit.

Good site. Thanks.

According to my findings it'll be a good memes bundle, somehow.

>post yfw it's a Telltale bundle with 1st episode of their every game

Will it be a decent or better bundle?

Is Human Fall Flat fun? Is it fun in single player?

I hate to burst your bubble, but a single '5' is not strong enough of a number to get a good bundle.

Then what will do it? Trips?

Will I want these games?