>Kill enemy
>Blood splatters on the camera
>Look at sun
>Shitty lens flare
>Spin around
>Shitty motion blur
Are we ever going to be past developers trying to imitate real cameras instead of just making the game so we can see what the fuck is going on?
Kill enemy
>almost dead
>can't see shit because the screen turns all blurry and crimson
>actually die
God that is the fucking worst.
>Nearly dead
>Lmao let's just obstruct your view and deafen you with the sound of your beating heart
shields > regenerating health
>Bioshock Infinite gives you the choice of three upgrades
>no reason to ever choose health because the shield is busted as fuck
A little bit of motion blur is aesthetic and great.
why is jake gyllenhall so tense?
>Shitty motion blur
pretty sure op is talking about excessive motion blur, not all motion blur
I refuse to play any games with motion blur.
It is unplayably awful.
>play on PC
>you can just turn screen effects, lens flare and motion blur off
There are peoples who believe any form of it is shit because they don't understand the point.
what the fuck is the point
my vision blurs things i'm not focusing on on its own
I hate when games pretend there's a physical camera recording it the events of the game. Lense flare is the worst
And then there's peoples who mistake it for Dof
I understand the point, but the fact is it looks like shit.
>Those people that add a super shallow depth of field with their ENB's
>There are peoples who believe any form of it is shit because they don't understand the point.
It's always shit in games because good motion blur requires interpolation of the frame preceding and following the one being drawn. This necessitates additional buffering, leaving you with two options:
1: Between 16 and 32 ms additional input latency, on top of what we already have to deal with because LCD/OLED necessarily entails some input latency.
2. Shitty looking motion blur.
I don't think either can be justified for the sake of implementing something that's supposed to look pretty, but only really gets in the way of seeing objects in motion.
>people liking DoF at all
i always turn off motion blur and DoF in all games i can.
Don't think there's anything more obstructive than those two. except maybe very heavy chromatic abberation
Hi, that's me. The guy who hates all motion blur and turns it off in all his games.
Perfect Dark and Killzone 2 are the worst games I've played for this kind of shit.
Perfect Dark had that horrible ghosting effect that became a fad back in the late 90s, but to such an extent that it became impossible to see what the fuck was happening.
KZ2 would just turn everything black except the Helghast's glowing eyes, so you could see when you were fucked, but never a way to escape or find cover.
Just want to add to It's not that motion blur is bad, it's the implementation that is shit. This slightly goes for depth of field as well but depth of field shouldn't be in games until a proper eye tracking vr shit is set up. user mentions about the latency, but that can be solved with much higher framerates, but my key one if resolution as well, the blur size should be well below the current pixel sizes we have now. Once we get indiscernible to life refresh rates and detail, then we can work on making shit blur properly.
Do you think games will ever reach the level of detail as film?
fuckin hope not
>bloody screen so real
>all the other shit
>end up doing the exact same shit anyway
AAA developers are retarded.
Depth of field and motion blur are retarded and I disable them whenever possible.
Nope. Camera motion blur looks like trash. The kind of motion blur that looks good is the one seen in Bloodborne for example, which is called per object motion blur. It's why the character's movement look so fluid.
Also nier automata
if it's anything like DS2's motion blur than it can fuck right off
>fromfag is a retard
wow i am shocked.
Nice arguments, mad shitstain.
>It's not that motion blur is bad, it's the implementation that is shit.
But it does look prettier so whatever it's fun.
*turns all post processing effects off*
Nothing personnel, kid
I would rather have better textures, mapping and lighting than any "cinematic" effects
id rather neither desu