FFXIV patch 4.15 thread. Rival Wings mecha warfare.
FFXIV patch 4.15 thread. Rival Wings mecha warfare
>7/100 wins before heading out to class
>tfw you're not a NEET
I just want that gorilla.
Well if you get a good 24 man team you can win in about 10 minutes or so. Oppressor rush down the middle is pretty good.
Is it fun, what are the rewards?
It's fun if you're in Brute Justice or the other mechs. You can get a gorilla mount I think at 100 wins.
Depends on whether you think guaranteed 20 minute games where nobody ever dies and one team barely manages to tickle the other core enough to make it have less health than the other before timeout is fun
>4650 DPS on a Dummy as 325 SAM
Is SAM big dick DPS a meme or do I just suck?
How much should I be doing anyway?
No idea but good SAMs I see are hitting 5k dps in raids not dummies
Are the Santa suits from the first Christmas worth anything in game? I have not played since I bought a few sets.
That's par for the course for 325 because you don't have any party buffs on a dummy.
Is that with infusions and food?
How do we fix the tank imbalance
Dunno, food likely, pots maybe.
My SAM friend's best parse was like 5.6k dps in o1s which was orange. 5.2k in o1s also orange. So you'll want to aim for above 5k to be excellent
You don't. The only way to achieve perfect balance is through homogenization. All 3 of the tanks are currently usable and in a good place.
5k at 325? you'd most likely need those plus buffs and a bit of luck for your crits/dcrits
>get 95th 2 weeks in a row
>not uploaded
>get gray because of multiple fuckups
>it's uploaded
5.2k in o4s rsther
>the state of xiv
So I can do Weight of the World's chorus with Perform, can anyone do the intro?
>Playing Jojo's Bizarre Adventure's Bloody Stream on mu harp in Kugane
>One faggot walks up to me and says he you cant do that
>Tell him fuck you and blacklist him
>Move on to more Jojo jams
>Few minutes later GM messages me
>"You cant be playing that"
>Argue with him that it's fait use
>GM responds like a bot declining me of whatever I have to say
>Get thrown in virtual Jail
>quit before 4.1 with plans to return for 4.1
>plans to return for 4.1 became plans to return for 4.15
Any news on 4.2? I just want an mmo to play
>pioneered MGS rockstrats with my 4 man stack
How long until people find out?
11 wins 3 losses before we stopped.
>XIV gets a MOBA mode
>XV gets a full co-op mode and Bahamut Trial
I like both of them.
That's fucking great and all but can you stop posting this shit in every XIV thread?
Nobody fucking cares about your long-haired blonde bitch fighting swordhamut.
nah, you need to be reminded
Reminded of what? That XV is an unfinished piece of shit?
So my 4,6k isn't too bad it seems.
Feels good knowing that I'm not a complete shitter.
>Wherever I go, I must derail threads
a fucking leaf
sounds like xiv fags in any mmo thread not about xiv
Best way to know if you're good/bad is to parse and upload your run
>all these roleplayers playing the harp in the worst way possible
I regret going to Balmung to play with friends.
sounds like King's Honor, Friend.
Why in the world does faglogs require a desktop application to upload when you can just make an upload widget on the site? is it botnet?
the trannies are going to log your keys, user
This is true but only to a certain extent.
Back in HW I was in a great group with a 100% ideal comp. I was hitting 91-95 percentile in every single fight.
I eventually got kicked and ended up in a far worse static and my numbers dropped to 75-80th percentile due to lower clear speed and no Ninja.
Post Rival Wings stories.
I was able to hit 95th with ast, mnk, rdm and no ninja so you should be fine. Ninja can easily get you an extra 200-300 in shit like o4s where 100 is enough to boost you 10 percentiles though
>fights take a minimum of 10 minutes.
>rival wings
>see enemy BJ bot in the far distance
>get one-shot by laser
>have to manually play the notes for Perform
wew lad, lets see if I remember shit from being first chair sax in band class
>cores are 56 ours 46 theirs
>like 3 minutes left
>spot an oppressor and some player escorts rushing our core
>call it out
>everyone's too busy trying to kill the 2 chasers top
>it reaches our core because nobody's on fucking cannons
>by the time people respond and kill it it's brought our core down to 43
>lose because nobody reads chat
just like my dotas!
>don't play mobas
>have no clue what's going on
>attack shit
>shit attacks me
>we win
Probably take a little while to get used to.
i really don't mind it. at least it prevents any wanker from downloading bad_apple.midi off the internet and autoplay it for days
tab targeting is really shit because it keeps picking up the mammets instead of players
Turn on target filters so it doesn't target npc.
You do play with a controller right?
I’m not disagreeing with you that it’s possible but there are a few things that really led to my drop in percentile.
Namely the fact that I played MCH. Back in HW they were so dependent on party buffs for wildfire. A Trick Attack in the opener was something like a 23% damage bonus due to the multiplicative scaling on damage with all the buff stacking MCH had.
There was also the fact of how simple MCH was to optimize. The only thing that could separate a good MCH from an amazing MCH was stance dancing and even then that was all but killed off when the Alexandrian gun had a weapon delay of 2.64.
>Run it a few times before heading to class for the day
>Mister Happy is in my alliance
>Wind up fucking up an enemy BRUTE JUSTICE alongside him while awaiting reenforfements
>Run before that one
>Have no idea what I'm fucking doing
>Hop in an Oppressor and fire on players thinking that I'm contributing
>Realize that 3000-tonze missile does nothing to players
>have to calm my erection when I see how hard it fucks up towers
That's all I had time to experience this morning.
Wait, are you saying I should set this to "non-party PCs"?
>both of our towers get broken because we're shitters
>spend the rest of the game locked inside the turret 2-shotting all the faggots trying to tickle our core down
>my fucking face when seeing waves of enemy faggots trying to sneak past me and blasting the fuck out of them
>lose because we never broke any of their towers
I can't remember which it is to not target mammets, you'll have to test it out
How else do people learn, retard? It just came out today.
This is giving me flashbacks of Kumas Royale in TERA holy shit
>new player goes into big guy
>one or two faggots sperg out nonstop about it
Did they add more stuff to the pvp vendors to buy at least?
>Oppressors stay at max range and nuke structures
>Cruise Chasers support Oppressors
>Brute Justice does whatever the fuck he wants
>Anyone not in a mech does their best Pikmin impression and cuts Brute Justice off at the ankles
That's the general gust of things, yeah?
Tank balance is in a better place than it's ever been.
Question: does Shake It Off remove any buffs from other party members when used? I don't wanna fuck with anyone's shields.
>unlock gilg
>not balmung
>not locking leviathan
>Wanting to go to Balmung
After the potatoes, you'll be next in line for the ovens.
>both sides towers down
>only a couple minutes left in the match
>MASSIVE enemy wave coming in topside, at least 3 chasers and brute justice, damn near everyone's fighting up there, desperately trying to hold them back
>nearly no one on bot
>you know where this is going by now
>grab oppressor, another teammate does too
>we make a mad dash at 2 miles per hour down bot lane towards the enemy core
>after going about 75% of the required distance, the enemy team finally notices
>literally everyone mass returns
>just a few more steps up the stairs
>oppressor bro get swarmed down in an instant, never forget
>with about 10% health remaining and some 20 seconds left on the timer, make it into firing range
>fire a missile
>die horribly
>victory screen pops up just as I respawn
>people still insta leave steps of faith
Steps of faith as in the big dragon and the barriers or steps of faith with niddhogg? because I haven't seen anyone fuck up the big dragon in a while whereas people still refuse to stack for akh morn
Anyone knows if i can play others FF songs?
>shit that never happened
>rival wings actually look interesting
So how do you get the mount? 100 wins?
>Requiescat in pvp hit for roughly the same as before
>But now Holy spirit hit for 2200-2400
>Played casually, PLD can get 3 fell cleave for free every 30sec
>Meanwhile WAR can only do one fell cleave, then stun and Upheaval
>Then they have to rebuild their gauge in 4 complete rotation
Fuck you SE.
big dragon and barriers
SE hates Warriors.
>when someone keeps fucking up the missles
I don't understand how.
Someone explain to me why lalafell players are always fucking assholes.
implying everyone didn't already know she was a greedy bitch.
>new pvp mode
>but still fucking nothing to buy with Wolf Marks
rip chances of getting seal rock coat
>Why is a group of memelord pedophiles a bunch of fucking assholes?
it is a mystery of the ages, user. We may never truly know.
fucking this
Where is my new PvP gear
I'm only angry because you suck
u rike your ass fucking? *raughs* Good thing you subscribed 5 months ahead when we had the Falcon mount promotion!
So, has the engage-spam fix made leveling with squads unbearable now?
Any group with a significant number of Lalafells immediately goes to shit and I have no problem throwing/AFKing mid fight when they start to act obnoxious.
What's the fastest way to go level 1 to 15? Killing mobs is getting stale.
>Perform has potential to be as good as Mabi or LOTRO but they're trying to neuter it right out of the gate with copyright warnings and anti-macro policies
People NEED to bitch on the forums for macro support and then more instruments and the band function to come sooner. FFXIV is the only game even close to grabbing the slice of life audience from Mabinogi.
Last warning XIVbabs. Stop playing my game.
>mfw going to comfy band performances in Bree
LOTRO is so sick
I'd sooner have chords than macro support desu
I want to see what people can perform not playback
The copyright warnings can go fuck themselves though
All of them have copyright warnings. In fact 14 has a warning for copyrighted names but don't enforce it. It's clearly just to cover their legal bases.
The anti-macro shit is dumb though
I dont craft.
>Copyright warnings
People shit out MML videos for all kinds of media.
How do i get this?
Don't need to
If each tank brought something unique to the table, that the others do not, it would be reasonable, even if unbalanced.
(also, no, its not balanced, if one of the tanks literally brings nothing to the table, while the others bring BETTER options to the table.)
DRK is lower in DPS than PLD and WAR.
Not by some extreme amount, but they are lower.
PLD and WAR bring better utility in every possible way.
PLD and WAR bring better filler mitigation than DRK, as it struggles to have anything up between TBs.
DRK manages to handle TBs fine with TBN, while PLD handles them fine with sheltron, and WAR handles them all fine w/o needing to use its back up of inner beast.
So if DRK is worse than the other tanks, and literally cant bring anything to the group over WAR or PLD, then there's no reason to bring DRK, other than ur group needs a 2nd tank, and u know u can still clear with a DRK.
(Which btw was still possible to clear Gordias with PLD, and possible to clear 2.0 coils with WAR, this isnt a counter argument for balance, just viability.)
Ultimate is about dodging instant kill mechanics constantly.
DPS, Healing, and mitigation arent factors in this primary mechanic.
Because Ultimate doesnt actually push for Gordias levels of DPS/healing/mitigation, nor does it have raid wide dmg, that requires stacking all forms of party mitigation, you cant see the obvious weakness that DRK has.
instead of balancing the tanks, SE balanced the CONTENT.
DRK is in a fine position, but not through the design of DRK, but the design of the fights.
drg, smn, mch. which one has the least apm at lv70?
having to repeat a piano opener 40 times on aether is a special kind of hell i don't want to subject myself to
why is there no moogle version of this yet
Feast weapons if you're the ten people that play that mode
They just dont enforce it. Its in the ToS.
casters always have less buttons to press, since oGCDs cant be weaved. so they have very few of them. (Though SMN and RDM have more than BLM)