For comparison's sake. > PS4 Pro was number 6 > Switch was number 13
After bragging about the first week sales in this region what's the excuse? Hmm, seems to me like the only people who ever gave a shit were a tiny minority of hardcore Microcucks, desperately trying to hype it up.
fifabox selling well in fifaland? color me shocked
Nathaniel Morgan
> In first weak Because apparently only one weak exists in Xbox land. Also you're Ignoring the fact PS4 Pro actually ran out of stock at 50,000, something I remember because I couldn't get one.
Lucas Fisher
Top kek my friend You can damage control about the MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE EVER until the next consoles.
Thomas Powell
>Of course, stock shortages will have impacted the performance of both those machines.
Christopher Robinson
Like I said it was out of stock half the time, you really can't expected to sell something you don't have. Well, unless your name is Microsoft and you rush production.