So I checked the Amazon hot 100, UK and

For comparison's sake.
> PS4 Pro was number 6
> Switch was number 13

After bragging about the first week sales in this region what's the excuse?
Hmm, seems to me like the only people who ever gave a shit were a tiny minority of hardcore Microcucks, desperately trying to hype it up.

Other urls found in this thread:

> PS4 Pro was number 13
> Switch was number 6




Nice photoshop.
Forbes could use you for their anti Nintendo fake news articles.

Move along guys, just another delusional switchfag.

>fifa island

Don't worry, It's ok to cry.

No one wants to pay for a slightly better system that is $500 when the competition is $200 with bundles.

Nope, you fell for fake news

Remember what Big Papi told us: It's all about the games.

FIFA is super damn popular dude

It's okay to photoshop too apparently


Of course


Hard to call his irrelevant whilst speaking our language.

You’ll get them next time, champ.


>Ultra special FIFA Edition
I'm surprised it's not #1.

Why would they even bother if they aren't going to offer a game?

Us* fuck you, auto correct!

>Crash just below the switch

That's good I guess. Completely forgot about the game.

PS4 pro is a failure

Problem is, Switch is a novelty that won't wear off as fast as "MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE* EVER".

>Most subscribers

What is it with Europeans and soccer video games?

Most powerful console until "next gen" (Upgrade) in which Microsoft will release another "Most Powerful Console Ever"

Open wide, baby. Here comes the airplane! Be a good boy and open up for the spoon.

fifabox selling well in fifaland?
color me shocked

> In first weak
Because apparently only one weak exists in Xbox land. Also you're Ignoring the fact PS4 Pro actually ran out of stock at 50,000, something I remember because I couldn't get one.

Top kek my friend
You can damage control about the MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE EVER until the next consoles.

>Of course, stock shortages will have impacted the performance of both those machines.

Like I said it was out of stock half the time, you really can't expected to sell something you don't have.
Well, unless your name is Microsoft and you rush production.

> Literal Scrapio



I like the Switch more than PS4, but you're a delusional faggot or genius falseflagger user