What class are you gonna play?
Favorite dungeon?
Favorite item?
What class are you gonna play?
Favorite dungeon?
Favorite item?
dwarf rogue
uninstall wizard
blackrock depths
the unstoppable force
thicc boy or thicc girl?
either way stellar choice, stoneform is fucking broken on a rogue
>tuf when it had knockback
Troll shaman
Idk it will be my first time playing wow
Gnome warrior (used to be rogue but played that since vanilla on all expansions) same name as vanilla on hopefully same server (if they get the shards back they auctioned off for charity) UBRS still a favourite but will probably change once i have to run it too many times.
Gnomish death ray all day every day.
undead warlock (yeah, I know ow the edge)
Dwarf Paladin
Favorite is a BC dungeon so no point.
Linken's Boomerang and Blade of Mastery. They've been something that have stuck with me for such a long time.
Wash yer back
Sup Forums - Wrathbabies
>not rolling a reckoning paladin
lmaoing at your lives right now
ud lock
Black rock
Nemesis skullcap
Human(male) war
Whirlwind axe
Mage of course, just like I did back in the day
Probably Scholomance
Tidal Charm for sure
I don't know yet
Deadmines, BRD, and BFD
Barman Shanker
>Female nightelf rogue
>Pure elementium band
>Warrior, haven't decided on the race
>The Ravager
force reactive disk
Threadly reminder, WoW ruined gaming:
>Created and popularized lootboxes with WoW tcg.
>Popularized physical DLC with WoW tcg.
>Successful early adopter of store-front cosemetic DLC alongside Valve.
>World First: creating a Double Don Goldberg by somehow combining physical DLC with lootbox content.
>World First: Double Don Goldberg II; literally charging twice for exact same game on the exact same platform.
>Never made a single game with good gameplay instead choosing to pad games with pointless skinnerbox grinds and gearchecks.
Shaman (healings fun, WF pvp is funner)
Scarlet monastary is good times
Pic related, going to make a second shaman to twink with it in AB
I'm considering going back to WoW, but I'm not sure how popular will be classic arround these parts, would be nice reliving my adventures as a first timer undead rogue, but I'm not a first timer anymore and I doubt people will have the same sense of discovery as back then.
>rolling for a meme spec that will be patched out.
interesting choice
Shaman, orc
zul farak or BRD
>existed for the entirety of vanilla
>patched out
>Created and popularized lootboxes with WoW tcg.
>blizzard won't do an event where the corrupted blood is rereleased.
>we'll never have an event like the pre wrath scourage invasions because auction babies didn't like not having a place to sell their plants.
Based fucking tastes my dude, dwarf rogues are best for pvp.
around what parts? Classic will be huge and literally revive WoW.
Sup Forums will like it because objectively it's a good game.
Sure WoW ruined MMOs, but not for any of the reasons you're presenting. None of the things you're mentioning even occurred during Vanilla WoW. Based on your last quote it sounds like you just copypastad this from some Blizzard shitpost and didn't even bother to update it.
They limited it to a certain amount of hits (5 i think) but that's still enough to one shot most players with the right 2 hander.
The people who complained about that are just the worst. I wouldn't want to be around someone that autistic. Is there anyone of them here ITT with something to say for themself?
I'm pretty disconnected from the game though, but most people I knew no longer play it so it's to be expected
Mage (haven't decided on race probably human)
Carrot on a stick
>we'll never have an event like the pre wrath scourage invasions because auction babies didn't like not having a place to sell their plants.
Pre-Legion event was pretty fun. When you brainwashed another player they became hostile and if you did it right you could get them killed by other players or NPCs.
dwarf tank warrior
Human retribution paladin
I never played WoW in my life and just looking at the screenshots makes my head hurt
>dwarf rogues are best for pvp.
No they're not.
Gnome is the best choice for PvP. Human may even be better than Dwarf.
12+ months of Legion left
Fuck off
>unstoppable force
my basketball american. first thing i thought when i heard classic confirmed was to make my old orc shaman again and grind av for that rep to get my old 2 hander and have good ol smashing times again
Not playing this unless they actually fix the terrible balance. Why play the game when half of the talent specs aren't even viable?
>not superior WindfuryShammy
>11 months from last blizzcon to legion
>new class
>all class overhalls
>no playable zones
>BfA no new class, no class overhauls and 2 zones already playable
yeah im sure its gonna take over a year for them to do 1/3rd the work
>actually playing retail
Useless if Windfury is patched from the start.
Why play a game where all of the classes do everything?
You'll need to spoonfeed me on the two word firsts cause that's the first time i've heard of those claims, I will agree with you on the first 3 claims, as for the last one I call total bull fucking shite.
>Starcraft 1
>Diablo 1 & 2
>Warcraft 1 & 2, sometimes 3 depending on who you talk to
>Rock n' Roll Racing
>Lost Vikings 1 & 2
They have made plenty of good games
Imagine the starter zones for the first couple of days.
Will you post this garbage bait in every single WoW thread? Do you not have anything better to do?
I'm just so sick of Argus. At least the Broken sure had a bunch of world quests, sentinax's and an a real campaign eventually. I finished all of the Argus story in a day and there's nothing left to do. There aren't even that many world quests to do around it.
>roll a shaman
>tag shit with earth shock for a 5 man leveling group
>roll up to the barrens around 11-12 in an hour or two
Blizzard has bad games? Remember not to take seriously Sup Forums before responding. You may argue that some games aren't as good as their better works but which games are bad?
Can't be worse than Elysium at start.
It won't be like a private server release though so I doubt it will be that bad
Ash candy
Probably a troll warrior.
Blackrock depths.
Skull of impending doom!
Use: Increase your run speed by 60% for 10 sec, but deals damage equal to 60% of your maximum health and drains 60% of your maximum mana over 10 seconds.
You also /chicken while you run. Great for ignoring durability hits in raid because you can kill yourself.
The quality doesn't matter, fitting in with the fedora-tipping Sup Forums culture does. You should know this
>around 11-12 in an hour or two
Oh boy are you in for a nice surprise
Untamed blade looks better teebeeaych famalam
I will be using my main to bankroll an mdps alt, should I go rogue or be an asshole and go warrior
Have we heard anything new about how the sub system will work? Do you guys really think they'll make us sub for live before paying again to sub for classic?
He made the assertion that they have made no good games, key word made. And based off of his other claims I made the assumption he was focusing on everything blizzard post WoW. I therefore countered his statement of "no good games" with their in-fact decent-to-good (depending on opinions) games from before WoW specifically
>rolling 5 stack has the same delays as soloing the content
Biggest hurdle is going to be whats-his-names head in the darkspear isles with a 10 minute spawn timer.
orc shaman or dorf rogue
>roll a shaman, spend 6 hours traveling back and forth between both contiennts to get 1 totem that you have to keep in your bag
The record run by joana put him at 2hours 20min r something for level 12 and that was on a new server with little contest so yea hes in for a nice surprise lol
>chink clicking competition
>mindless "click shit get loot" skinnerbox
>streamlined shallow RTSes
>generic racing car game
>baby's first platformer
are you even trying?
Most kino mount
Rolling a 5-stack is going to give you absolutely awful mob XP, something that is extremely important for filling gaps in between quests/zones.
I get this reference
>male human paladin
How boring can you get
You're such a unique snowflake for playing female tauren
>female tauren
I don't want to vomit and die from looking at my character
Well fug then. Still going to do it because me and my friends were just going to level together but I didnt remember split xp.
Any flavor of warrior other then gnome.
>most of your memorable memories come from you not knowing well the game and not taking it too seriously.
I just rolled a character on LH and it took me abour 4 hours 15 minutes to reach level 11. Didn't die a single time, knew the quests and avoided long walks.
>memorable memories
Were those when you had the funnest fun?
No idea because I've never played.
No idea because I've never played.
No idea because I've never played.
Also from a time nobody was super serious about being pro, so Tarren Mill naked alliance vs naked horde was a thing.
good thing a good game goes beyond memories. i play vanilla wow because it most resembles a game as opposed to a moba client.
lmao, look at this soyboy
I died shortly after this when a harvest golem resisted my void walkers agro spell twice and killed me.
The experience is split between party members, then a modifier is added. IE:
Solo: 100 XP
5 stack: 20XP *1.4 = 28 XP
So it could be beneficial to level in a group, but the issue in Vanilla is that the mob respawn timer is awful in most areas. Combine that with a new server and it's going to be a disaster.
I bet you could still organise a 40 man group of level 1 Gnomes to bumrush hogger
reminder that this was posted on the official wow site by blizzard emplotees.
>He missed vanilla wow
It's fun for a couple of days, people started complaining as it went on longer and longer.
Even though it's shit EP wise you should group up for almost every killquest. The servers are going to be filled to the brim and it's better to get shared EP and EP for the quest then standing around for hours waiting to tag one of the mobs and get your 1/20 done.
My most memorable WoW memory was becoming friends with a Horde S.Priest player on the opposite faction through BGs. In Vanilla, if you were mind controlled, you could communicate with the other faction through emotes (/me hey what's up). So whenever we got matched, we'd have a quick chat. Eventually I added him on AIM and we would talk from time to time for quite a while.
Good thing too, because after 1.12 hit and killed the BG community, I had a way to contact him.
>if it's simple its "streamlined shallow" if it's complex it's "chink click"
seems like you're retarded friendo
>brags about having played vanilla
>never actually did anything, probably didn't get past level 30
>the ambient music on Argus
Even WoD had fucking great music, what were they thinking with this shit
>you think missing vanilla wow is anything
vanilla wow was made for 40 year old soccer moms
you missed everquest and AC (actual real 3d mmos) and vanilla ultima online (the only MMO to ever matter that would have sent you crying away from the game)
>he didnt play a video game that i played LOL
>>you think missing vanilla wow is anything
>vanilla wow was made for 40 year old soccer moms
>you missed everquest and AC (actual real 3d mmos) and vanilla ultima online (the only MMO to ever matter that would have sent you crying away from the game)
It's Blizzard. Not some hobby project of a literal drooling retards.
>This much butthurt
Sorry bud, the game was great and it was the best MMO ever, your shitty noname muds have no place here.