ITT: soyboy repellent

ITT: soyboy repellent


Well, it sounds less stupid than numale and is more accurate than cuck, I'll give you that.


>console fps
>supply drops
>new momentum-based movement system for spastics
>class based complete with a unique ability/weapon per class

Nigger, all you had to do was drop one of the I's in that title and you would've been loads better off.

Worst meme of 2017 desu

soyboy the genre

>t. soyboy

Black Ops is literally the most soyboy series in the entire franchise.

dummy only normie fantasy games are soy-tier. skyrim for example

>ds2 universally hated by numales
really makes me twink

It's a reddit meme, of course it's shit

IW was superior since you get to kill communist john snow

only soyboys give a shit about things like
>muh 60fps
>muh microtransactions

soyboy even sounds gay to say

literally over half of the cod fanbase is scrawny soyboy nerds

wrong, we're all 6ft7 chads who support Trump

just say "casual filter" you touristfag

>reddit doesnt want to say soyboy

thanks for reminding me to update my filter, OP.

>reddit calling someone else reddit

Yet you are the one using reddit memes


Goddamn, that's some seriously cancerous faggotry right there. These niggers need to be genocided out of this universe permanently.

Back to r/Sup Forums you dumb 4channer.

What the fuck is a Soyboy?

The same thing as a milksop basically.

Someone that escaped from reddit

so this entire board, then?

A pussy



Someone who actively avoids synthetic estrogens found in the feed of cows, lamb, chicken and turkeys.

I only hate this meme because of how inaccurate it is. A whole foods vegan will have higher test than a typical American dieter.


I don't care if it's from Sup Forums, reddit, or ebaumsworld, this soyboy meme is unfunny garbage

it's from amerimutts as a reaction to the explosion of mutt pics

Except it isn't. It came from /fit/.

No, that'd be WWII.

And those muttpics are even more garbage

Sup Forums has been seriously lacking in good memes, step it up retards

Muttpics are an Sup Forums meme, not a Sup Forums meme.

They might as well be for all the race baiting

>>ds2 universally hated by numales
but vee loves it

>"me soyboy" threads getting deleted

They were originally just banter, they exploded recently because of all the "X isn't white" leaking out of Sup Forums.

fuck off shill.


Please stop posting toxic masculine multiplats. It's triggering me.

Simulation racing games

Speak for yourself you wazzock.

>all these nu-soys

If we're going to steal any board's memes it should be SMASHED

soyboy is the worst thing i have ever heard. made worse by the fact that the people using it are no doubt bloated ugly losers who wish they were sam hyde (imagine wishing you were sam hyde .pathetic)