Net Neutrality

Would you guys pay extra to your service provide to access the Sup Forums? What about Steam and other gaming stuff?

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Fuck every single person who voted for Trump and let him destroy the internet.

>net neutrality
Commie propaganda

>Net Neutrality

this is that thing reddit complains about
if it fucks them over I can get behind it

Shills are out in force all over the goddamn internet since news broke of the vote

Here, they're trying to play off being against NN as being a good thing that hurts the lefties, playing off the hate the alt right and Sup Forums has for lefties

Seeing similar tactics on other right leaning boards, tons of identical reply chains and posters as well

The whole internet is being slid, jesus christ

Ask yourself why subversive corporate kikes at Facebook and Google support "Net Neutrality", niggers.

>Marxist Robert McChesney founded the leftist group “Free Press” in 2002 to press for socialist reforms of the Internet, and a heavy regulatory hand on the ownership of other media.
>Free Press agitates for the so-called “fairness doctrine”, forcing equal time for the left to respond to conservative commentary on talk radio
>On the surface, advocates for government regulation of the Internet seem to be worried about simple issues of fairness, but even a cursory examination of the leaders behind the movement shows that this is the long wedge of an effort to nationalize the “means of mental production,” as if it were a 1917 coal plant in Kiev.

The following are direct quotes from Robert McChesney:

>”[W]e have a long way to go. At the moment, the battle over network neutrality is not to completely eliminate the telephone and cable companies. We are not at that point yet. But the ultimate goal is to get rid of the media capitalists in the phone and cable companies and to divest them from control."
>“Instead of waiting for the revolution to happen, we learned that unless you make significant changes in the media, it will be vastly more difficult to have a revolution. While the media is not the single most important issue in the world, it is one of the core issues that any successful Left project needs to integrate into its strategic program.”
>“We need to do whatever we can to limit capitalist propaganda, regulate it, minimize it, and perhaps even eliminate it.”

And, the most revealing and pertinent quote if you consider the state of modern """""""journalism""""""":

>”We are at a very early stage in the process. ... We are moving ahead toward a new kind of journalism. ... The result of such democratization will, in my view, be a marked shift to the political Left.”

Google already destroyed net neutrality. Might as well hand the keys to someone else.

Ancaps are subhuman and just as delusional as commies.

>voted on him for the pranks
>get pranked instead

my bad

The cable companies wouldn't dare make people pay extra. They'll make companies like Netflix and Valve pay extra, who will then pass the costs to us.

>Not having your data be throttled depending on the content you're accessing is a bad thing

reddit spacing

Take this to Sup Forums holy shit you complaining about pool being here and then you spam this shit.

>Ask yourself why subversive corporate kikes at Facebook and Google support "Net Neutrality", niggers.

They don't, though. Facebook Zero violates the principles of net neutrality.

>people against NN

>The boat is sinking
>Better kill the captain just to make sure everybody I didn't like dies

>reddit hates getting fucked by corporations
>haha I'll show them by getting the most fucked by corporations that anyone has ever been

The contrarian meme was a mistake

>commies still think they can sway Sup Forums to their side by trying to make net neutrality sound like a good thing
You lost, snowflakes, now go back to your safe spaces.

brainlet here, can anyone fucking tell me what net neutrality actually is?

In fact, Chile banned both Facebook and Google from providing zero-rated services, citing net neutrality laws.

>delete neutrality
>no point in internet anymore
>go live it up innawoods
Win-win for me

Americucks BTFO

Explain how being in favor of not allowing ISPs to throttle or block my connection to sites or services unless I pay extra for it helps commie fucking shits dismantle make Weimarica worse

Really, I'm interested in what the angle your handlers are playing at. Why would leftist shits be against rules that protect the free flow of information? I thought free speech and not getting buttfucked by corporate Weimarica was their jam?

Socialist shit that stops corporations from helping our economy

The absolute state of Sup Forums is laughable
All these newfag autistic retards need to get fucking gassed

you dont honestly think this is trumps fault do you?

>once Trump wins all these libshit SJWs will finally have to get REAL jobs LOL!
>oh no guys I have to pay $15 to use the internet my mom will definitely see that on her credit card bill what the fuck am I gonna do bros???

This honestly. Poorfags need to fuck off already

>dude let's give corporations that own leftist mainstream media complete control over what can and can't be accessed
good goyim

Internet service providers can charge extra fees for visiting websites, block sites out behind paywalls, and basically fuck over your internet if you go on websites they can't make money off.



This is the most sickening post I've ever read. It's as if it was ripped directly from T_D.

>rules that protect the free flow of information?

have you been using the internet lately? conservative voices are massively censored coincidentally just like in Weimar

anything that takes control away from the leftist kikes at google et al is a good thing

>only in place since 2015
>buzz word hijacked by King Nigger to slap down massive (300+ pages) internet regulations and get reddit to shill for it
>being repealed two years later by based Ajit
>somehow going to kill the internet despite being nonexistent for most of the internet's history

kys moron

Reminder if you actually cared about net neutrality you would have been spamming it on Sup Forums or cripple chan and spreading it on social media.

Good goy

Yep, and the liberals are mad as fuck about it lol

>let's have the leftist kikes from another corporation have complete and utter control over the internet instead
Great idea.

Corporate whores fucking kill yourselves
Bootlicking retarded Americans are so fucking stupid, how can you not only let yourselves get fucked in the ass, but actually ask for it too
Corporate whores aren't too different from commies, you just want some mega powerful group of faggots to rule over your pathetic lives

Pay $20 fee to access Netflix

Yeah because it was alright to spam Neogaf leader being a rapist threads which barely had anything to do with gaming, and not something that actually effects gaming/online

Hahahahaha how do Trumpfags function when they're whole lives revolve around memes

Okay so like your ISP (internet service provider) gives you internet. With net neutrality, it's considered a neutral commodity and you can do what you want with however much you get (youtube, porn, shitposting).

Without net neutrality, it can be portioned out and your ISP can charge you different prices depending on what you do with it. That's why people are memeing that they're going to come out with Facebook or YouTube or gaming bundles for an extra charge on top of however much they charge you for internet service in the first place.

Good thing i'm europoor

Of course it's his fault you fucking idiot. Obama is the one who backed net neutrality and now Trump wants to revoke everything he's done. Trumptards will literally defend anything he does like the retards that they are.

A set of rules that would force ISPs to treat all data going through their infrastructure equally

Without them, ISPs would be free to throttle connections to sites arbitrarily (like the sites of competitors) or paygate entire sites entirely behind cable tv like plans, or block access to content entirely (bye bye Sup Forums).

Shills are trying to convince you this is good for you, and here they are trying to use Sup Forums and other altright sites hatred of the leftist scourge as leverage saying being in favor of NN means you agree with communists or some shit.

as the government becomes increasingly populist we can push to make the internet a better and freer place via legislation.

t. Bong who already pays a mandatory cable tax and lets corperations give him the spicy weaner.

>I want the FCC taking control over the internet
>even though they have a long track record of unconstitutional censorship on every platform they regulate

Can't wait until the internet is as good as radio.