Why is this game so fun to play, especially in multiplayer?

Why is this game so fun to play, especially in multiplayer?

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Congrats your a minority.

Fuck off shill

Always wanted to know what it feels like, great!

Sorry, I forgot I'm on Sup Forums and enjoying a video game is not allowed

I love EA!

This is the most reddit post I've ever seen

why would even post about this game here, of all places?

Where am I allowed to post about it?

gunplay is much worse than in the first one (weapons feel like generic bullet firing guns), all galactic assault maps are unbalanced as fuck (except kashyyyk) and specialist class sucks dick

You want to discuss a game you give arguments as to why this game has a good multiplayer
Either you're shilling or this is a diary
So fuck off

>desperetly bumping own thread
>in a place literally no one likes the game
>in a place where you know you will only atracct shitposters
yeah, totally not a shill

I don't feel that way about the guns, but fair enough.
As for GA maps, they need to do some tuning I agree, but it's not as bad as you made it sound.
Specialist is only good on some maps. Kashyyk is actually excellent for them, for example. You can snipe across the entire field.

>he thinks you can bump your own thread all the time
Did you just wake up from a coma?

>this entire post
Literally everything you said is the exact opposite of reality

The ground battles are pretty terrible, there's some serious balancing issues. Some heroes are worthless and horribly outclassed by others. Starfighter mode is the best thing ever though, I'm spending all my time in it.

snipers are too easy to spot and they can sometimes get shot with regular blasters across the map, sniper rifles are WAY too weak
i have played like 10 games on mos eisley and empire has never won (almost all games end in first phase too)
i have like 5 games on kamino and droids never won
i have like 7-8 games on starkiller base and resistance won once
few games on yavin 4 and empire has never won
1 defender stopping the objective capping even when there are dozen attackers is just stupid

Other than Sheev, which hero do you find to be outclassed hard?
I do quite well with all others. Well, maybe Lando is a bit eh.
I have won games on Kamino as the droids and on Yavin as the Empire, for what it's worth. Not saying it's balanced, just that it is possible.

My biggest gripe, if we're going to name some, is people farming AI starfighters in their own. First to get into a ship will become MVP because they shoot down AI ships all game long helping the team 0%.

Was thinking of sheev when I said that. I bought him and went into a heroes vs villains and spent my 3 abilites + entire lightning bar into a rey who just started dancing when I couldn't kill her. I suppose he's just entirely support now and can't do shit himself.

Haven't played this nor do I have the desire to, but I noticed from vids that the game looks absolutely gorgeous. Is it really one of the best looking games recently or are the vids deceptive?

Yeah Palp needs buffs, he gets owned by every other hero.
Generally speaking I find the blaster heroes to be the best when it comes to destroying other heroes. Like with Han for example you can wreck the shit out of an LS user like Luke, Vader or Yoda or whatever because you can mix blaster shots with dodge rolls and they won't really get to you.

I don't think even the biggest EA hater could deny that this game looks and sounds amazing. Just look around youtube for some 2k/4k videos.


t. Shill

You need to go back


>(+1[one] sheckles have been deposited into your bank account)

Thanks goyim