Does Humble Bundle have dailies and bigger discounts from what it has now?

Does Humble Bundle have dailies and bigger discounts from what it has now?
Should I wait for the last day like we do on Steam?

Well yeah, actually I'm tempted to buy SFV on HB rather than Steam rn.

If you want to give money to IGN, go for it.

I am also pondering Okami HD for $14 that I found. But think I should resist because you can never trust PC preorders.

What is the problem there?
>don't watch IGN videos
>get games at good prices

>Revelator discounted to $25
>Must buy Rev2 expansion to make the Rev purchase sensible
>Tekken 7 is $25
I guess I'll go with T7, but god damn it I want to play some GG. I have Xrd -SIGN-, but online is dead.

BTW, there are more free games on HB.
Today they have Brutal Legend. I got Kilelr Is Dead the other day. Pretty good.

Okami on PC? RLY??

Should I try GG rather than SFV?

Have you been living under a rock, user?

I did some autistic research about this matter and found out you don't miss too much without Rev 2. There are some aniamtion timing differences and some rebalanced damage in some moves.
Nothing that will change the game. Also they added story that connects right after Rev , so it is sort of Rev 1.5

Get the basic which improves on everything from Sign and later buy Rev 2 cheaper from Steam.
Don't get Deluxe! Only on high sale. One of the characters is nice but the rest are sort of ok.

Well, I've thought it was a joke.

COMFY CHRISTMAS INCOMING with animu fighting games and rpg wolfing.

They play completely different. I can't even give you a sound recommendation, because SFV is getting an update in the form of Arcade Edition, so any negatives I may give could be rectified. The least I can say is that SFV is easier to get into than GG.

Yes. I don't have a GG game and they say this is the one that is complete and polished and very friendly to newcomers in the gameplay and world.

gr8!! But I've never played it.

Aren't Rev and Rev2 players unable to play against each other?

thx for the help

Does it have story mode?

It does, but there's no gameplay, just text and cutscenes.

Yes, it's 20% off on GMG.

Well, I actually love this mode on fighting games. Have your heard about Blazblue btw?


>Should I wait for the last day like we do on Steam?

>Have your heard about Blazblue btw?
Yeah, but I never played it.