Why do anti-lootbox niggers oppose consensual exchange?
>inb4 b-b-but muh child addicts
Vidya shouldn't be regulated because you're a shit parent
Why do anti-lootbox niggers oppose consensual exchange?
Suicide yourself shill.
Honestly I don’t really care. I exclusively play Japanese games.
this but unironically desu senpai baka
It's a ripoff. Once upon a time they made games that were complete on day one and everyone got the same experience on equal footing without buying stupid shit to give them an advantage.
Reminder that allowing retards to control the market is objectively retarded.
Fuck off kike.
You have a source for this? Looks very interesting.
Unregulated free exchange needs to die. People consenting to something doesn't mean it can't be exploitation.
>People consenting to something doesn't mean it can't be exploitation
And we're all supposed to go by your definition of "exploitation" yea?
Why do EA social media Indians think they can change my opinion on lootboxes?
Give me time and achievment unlocks as seen in Timesplitters 2 back.
Ripping off retards is exploitation no matter what spin you wanna put on it ancap fagaloon.
I don't play Overwatch, I though you could get outfits and shit just from playing the game, just like TF2.
Am I retatder?
Change it with drug addict and dealer.
You get lootboxes for leveling up (takes 3-5 matches) and 3 per week for playing arcade mods.
Design game to be fun.
Design game to trick/force the player into putting money into it.
>Ripping off retards is exploitation
>I get to decide what a "retard" is and laws should be based on what I decide!
Imagine being this daft, holy shit.
and that makes the skins a drug, making the game the base ingredients for the drug and that makes the developer a druglord. BRILLIANT!
>Only get a lootbox every time you rank up
>2 sprays and emote and if your lucky some points
Shill harder kike. Gods kingdom is no place for thee. Get thee gone from my lands hebrew.
Its simple really, you shouldn't be able to use real world money to accrue an ingame advantage. Ever. EVER. The guys spouting
Are simply giant faggots trying to come up with a moralfag reason to justify the crusade.
Vote with your wallet has failed and forcing EA to backpeddle on Battlefront was done with loud, constant bitching not voting with the wallet
What if they registered it so that others can't use it and thus prevent the system being put into place at all?
sprays and emote and if your lucky some points
So exactly like the paid lootboxes, wow. If anything, they teach you NOT to buy those.
Think of the children and but it's predatory towards addictive personalities are what's going to actually put a stop to it.
Large Corporate entities like EA, Activision/Blizzard and Ubisoft must be forced to adorn any game with loot boxes with a bright orange sticker that says "This game contains elements meant to simulate the psychological effects of gambling, and it is illegal to sell this product to children."
Only then will the madness cease.
> Believing this hogwash.
As much as I wish that were true, believing it is so is the sign of a retard.
I will post this once again in the hopes of another ancap / shill / contrarian retard replying this time:
I never bought games with microtransactions. I'll admit I have two on my steam library, but one is TF2, which came together with Half Life, the other is R6S, which a friend gave me for birthday and which I never bought a single item with RL currency from.
Now, you people keep saying, "if you don't like them you can just ignore them", which I did. Now my favourite game's publisher has already anounced they'll include microtransactions in everything. How the fuck do you faggots explain that? I voted for my wallet (not only with microtransactions, with DLC as well) and avoided prod-ahem- services which didn't catter to me, and the retarded practices have spilled over to the ones that do.
>Statist unironically believes jews aren't pro authoritarianism
Guess who's granting monopolies and patents to jewish megacorps, hint: it's not the free market
> Unironic use of the word statist.
They're now catering to the whale demographic. You're evidently not a part of that demographic.
Sounds like voting with your wallet didn't work to me.
Their wallets weighed more. Idiots seem to like microtransactions.
>hint: it's not the free market
>Implying that there is no problem with money leeching cults like Scientology
Still sounds like voting with your wallet doesn't work to me.
Lootboxes complement videogames in enjoyment and satisfaction. Moreover, both enjoyment and satisfaction reside in the player. Without the player there would be neither enjoyment nor satisfaction. Those who understand this are rare. Children start playing videogames when they reach the proper age. In that age, particular attention should be paid to the development of the player; progress in satisfaction and moral training are of secondary importance. For the improvement of the player, nothing is more effective than gambling. Gambling really occupies the first place in our lives. When the habit is strong, then one can advance speedily in satisfaction, and reap far-reaching advantages. It should be regarded as an important part of our study. Gaming has its essential and its accessory parts, and affairs have their end and their beginning. To know what is first and what is last will bring one closer to the proper way.
consent is a meme invented by barren anglo """""""""""""""""thinkers"""""""""""""""
You lost that "vote", because whales are willing to pay more than you. Every election has losers.
>Free market grants patents
Ive never bought a loot box I understand why companies put them in. For a quick buck. The issue is when they have gameplay effects then it becomes pay2win were not even the guy paying wins all the time. Thats pure jew.
The "whale" demographic is people with an addiction. This is gambling with a thin veneer of gaming over it. Corporations prey on addicts and children with this stuff, and it should be much more regulated than it is now.
>Thinking the Jews are behind everything
Why are Neo nazis so effective at brainwashing?
>Be anti jewish
>lose job or career
>Be anti Illuminati / nwo
>Lost your life
Game is the drug, skins are the buzz, you can keep getting as much drugs as you can but the buzz only happens once in a while.
> You lost that "Vote"
so voting didn't work?
>Voting doesn't work because my side lost
More people voted for Yes on getting buttfucked.
> When you spend your time shitposting on a cannadian shot-putting imageboard posting ironic memes but are unable to identify ironic memes because you think the political climate that exists outside the imageboard effects what's happening on it rather than it affecting the world outside.
Sup Forums was right again.
> Want certain thing to happen.
> Vote for thing to happen.
> Thing does not happen.
So voting didn't work?
Yes user, it doesn't count if you lose.
>Voting no doesn't work when people can only vote no once and can vote yes as many times as they can afford.
> Yes
Cool. So now we've established that voting didn't work, lets talk about alternative methods of achieving our presumably mutually agreed upon goal of removing loot-boxes from vidya.
OK, now get out.
Voting is no good. The way to get what you want is buying it, protesting in an annoying enough way, or violence.
> the eternal butthurt
>roleplaying as christian crusader on a sumerian hieroglyph table
For the same reason I don't support consensual drug dealing.
I don't care if you kill yourself getting high on crack, but I do care about crackheads and drug dealers ruining my neighborhood.
You buying lootboxes increases the likelyhood that other, future games have lootboxes added, as it's a proven way to increase revenue.
Games having lootboxes added are altered to accomodate them, the gameplay suffers as a result, as "introduce an annoyance, then offer to alleviate it via cash" is the business model behind them.
In summary, you're making games worse for everyone.
But you never go outside user, why do you care?
I've been here since before you and I'll be here long after you've gone.
> Roleplaying as a future traveling twitter egg on my Medieval Europe Minecraft RP server.
Voting doesn't work when one persons vote counts more than another persons vote. And in this case, whale cast 50,000 votes while you just cast 1
>begging publishers to fuck you in the ass
And you still think like a huge faggot, some people never learn.
>People with money get what they want
>People without just cast their single ineffectual vote and go home
It's like a real domcracy!
You're right. Some people, indeed, never fuckin learn.
>Vote with your wallet has failed and forcing EA to backpeddle on Battlefront was done with loud, constant bitching not voting with the wallet
What would really injure EA is if Disney does something. They're very protective about their brands and right now EA's Star Wars game is getting panned hard by professional critics and the lootbox fiasco is sparking shitstorms even on a normie level. EA is dragging their massive crown jewel brand (aside from Mickey Mouse) through the mud and if it fails to outsell Battlefront 1 (which is a real possibility) they'll have nothing to show for it.
Boycotts help, but all of this wouldn't be happening if people stuck to "don't say anything just vote with your wallet :^)".
You are such a badass omg.
>amount of games with microtransactions I put money on: 0
>amount of games with microtransactions I play: 0
Works 100% of the time.
>y-you're a shill
Why is this the only defense socialists have when it's pointed out that they can just not buy a game they don't like?
Pay-to-win is the line you don't cross. It has been the line 10 years ago. It has always been the line.
Distribute your skins via literal slot machines tiedd to your credit card, I don't give a fuck.
ikr? I am literally too cool for school. I'm like Fonzi and Dirty Harry had a kid and that kid wears fedoras and looks super good in a long leather and wears super obscure metal T-shirts and rides a motorcycle.
Because you're a shill.
I'm getting really tired of these ridiculously obvious bait threads getting to 500 posts. Why are people on Sup Forums so fucking autistic.
Lootboxes being present makes a game worse for anyone not intending to buy any.
Lootboxes being popular means more games adopt them.
Not buying lootboxes and watching others buy lootboxes hence means more and more interesting games are made worse for you.
>1% of the people playing are rich and dumb enough to spend over 100k
You're accomplishing nothing, user. It just needs to be wiped out for it to go away.
Funny thing, I'm not interested in a single game with those shits, those games are built around uncrating, only a retard would like that kind of game.
Are there still games that don't use lootboxes? Oh, there are hundreds of new ones every year? Voting with your wallet does not mean that every game ever made will be exactly to your liking.
You don't get it. Those games are built around uncrating because the lootboxes are there, not the other way. Without lootboxes, the shit game could've been good.
because they are faggots who need to be catered to, and are so desperate for every video game to be designed specifically with them in mind that they will buy games they know will be shit and throw a tantrum about how shit it is on reddit instead of not buy it in the first place like an adult.
So you're saying Voting doesn't work?
>You're accomplishing nothing, user.
Huh? I accomplished not playing games with micro transactions, which is the point.
If you are jealous at people playing some shitty IP with micro transactions, then maybe you don't like video games and just want something to talk about with your trendy video game friends.
What part of I'm not interested in those games wasn't clear?
I don't feel the NEED to play every single release like this faggot
>OW would have been better without lootboxes
Holy KEK
That game is shit no matter what.
Voting has never worked.
>inb4 le trump
Hillary, Trump, same thing, all bow to the same interests. The cock is the exact same, only difference is a coat of rainbow paint
No my illiterate friend. As long as there are people who will not buy lootcrates there will be games made without lootcrates. That's how voting with your wallet works. It doesn't mean that you get to veto games that you don't buy.
I'm not seeing an argument against the point that allowing retards to control the market is retarded.
Yes, because OW is the only game with lootboxes.
Shadow of War looked pretty good. BF2 looked "would be good if not EA". OW was just the beginning. The cancer spreads everywhere, much like DLC did.
>five years from today
>amount of games I play: 0
So.... you're saying voting doesn't work?
>OW was just the beginning.
you do realize CS and TF2 had lootboxes before OW even existed
>one more FPS to the pile
Yeah, no.
>2 prominent games
>the whole market
Imagine being able to travel through time, and being such a petty loser that you use that skill to make 0 effort rhetorical posts.
The amount of games with gambleboxes fucking EXPLODED from 2016 to now, and it will keep growing unless it stops being less profitable which won't happen while there are retards buying these games.
It's already impossible to find AAA games without DLC and other faggotry like pre-order bonuses, add gambleboxes to the list soon.
Valve fucking everyone again. But yes, I realize.
"I don't like those specific games, better let the cancer spread everywhere"
Think of games you actually like, try to imagine what they're like with lootboxes. This is the future you choose.
>2 prominent games
Candy Crush, Clash of Clans and Call of Duty made more money in a single year than a full decade of games combined pre mobile phone era.
>It's already impossible to find AAA games without DLC and other faggotry like pre-order bonuses
Oh no, not AAA games, what ever shall I do?
You could start by not pitching an autistic bitch fit about your ancap faggotry when people talk about solutions to righting the ship, you know, for starters.
When I pay enough money to buy 1 loot box, Just 1, and than I open it, I’m not going to say that 3 sprays and a small pile of gold is worth what I paid for that one loot box. If I want to get the skins that I think are worth the money I would pay for it, than I should be able to get that skin instead of having this “”””fun”””” and “”””””random””””” system where I don’t get my money’s worth.
Blizzards should explain to everyone why more than 100 sprays are worth equal to a 3000 in game coin skin where a spray is barely over 100 coins.
Why can’t i get coins automatically when I level up or do daily challenges? Why cant I buy a crate with the gold
I get from the grinding?
Overwatch, as much as I do enjoy playing the game, systematically punished you over longer periods of time the longer you refuse to buy the lootcrates. If you don’t have literal hours In the day to grind out normal matches and the arcade modes, you’re going to be punished by the sheer fact that as time passes and more events occur, more useless sprays and voice lines get added and dilute the chances of getting even recolours, let alone legendary skins and even more so to get the latest events skins.
Overwatches lootcrate system sucks. It’s cosmetic but it’s still apart of the hme that’s locked away from you unless you pay up or are willing to take the punishment of grinding out, literally forever.
Non-AAA games also have this kind of faggotry, they just take a bit longer to catch up.
Look at the mobile market to see what the future holds for PC/console games, 99% utter casual shit with predatory monetization, with the decent 1% hidden away under the trash.
Games that are more expensive to produce are becoming more expensive to purchase. Deal with it.
>the number EXPLODED from 4-5 to 14-15
wow it's fucking nothing