Thanks for paid beta testing, PCKeks

Thanks for paid beta testing, PCKeks.

>mfw I will play PUBG at 4K without cheaters on Xbox One X

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>and all i have to do to keep enjoying it is drink 2 bottles of soylent per day

why would you ever want to play any kind of shooter with a controller

this game will be absolutely terrible with a controller and autoaim

I can't wait until the xbox version ships. It's going to be hilarious watching the 20 fps clusterfuck.

It's third-person shooter not FPS.

Enjoy your sub 30fps and still filled with all the bugs of the pc version I guess.

>playing fps with a controller

>paying for online
>using a controller
>some console online games do have hackers, expect this one too thanks to its popularity
>paying to play with hackers kek
>4k at medium settings
>30 fps with dips and stuttering due to jaguar cpus
>30 fps
>30 fps

pls no

Please, just take it away. Take all of it.

It was running at 50fps back at gamescon.

>fixing the bugs
it's a mod of a mod
this shit is a bigger flash in the pan than minecraft though, i can't wait to see playerunknown's twitter meltdown when he realizes he caught lightening in a bottle through sheer luck and no talent of his own.

No. You engage mostly at long ranges and the game becomes first person when you pull a scope.
But even if that wasn't the case, you need a lot of precision at long ranges. Not only to hit an ant sized enemy, but also to shoot moving targets with bullet drop in mind.

You have to be a literal retard to think this game would play fine with a controlles.
This sitt will be worse than those cg resident evil movies.

Set on Ultra Low I see

desu it runs and plays like shit on pc too so no real difference to a PUBG player


Well when you think long and hard about it, many PC games that got ported to PC were beta tests for the console versions, as consoles make more money overall. Games like Hawken and Loadout were literally beta tests for the console releases, and once the console releases came out, the PC versions were axed. Even indie games like cave story and various touhou games received superior console releases that PC didn't get, and various weebshit PC ports like Valkyria Chronicles got enhanced PS4 re-releases.

PC is constantly beta testing for the console lords.

>tfw sold my gayming pc few months ago and couldn't be happier playing on comfy consoles

pc gayming is just a big uber meme

Why are you this bitter? Like, were you touched inappropriately as a child or something? Player unknown has been making survival mods since forever, he knows a thing or two about this type of game. Good on him for stricking gold by doing the thing he loves to do, even if the game is an unpolished pile of bugs. It is the most fun i've had in an online game since CoD4

>mfw 16gb costs 300 bucks

>PCkeks are this delusional
meanwhile there is hundreds of shooters on console, many without auto aim. You just have to GIT GUD with a controller. If the game is "bad" with controllers than it is 100% the developers fault.

You can't even play this game right with a controller..

oh no it's fun as hell, I love this game and foresee myself playing it for at least 100 hours, if not more. I'm just grouchy because I hate my job and Sup Forums is a healthy place for me to dump that out so I don't have to carry it around, tbhfam

I want to add that it is however also the most frustrating game i've ever played in my life, but goddamnit I'm hooked.

Before getting a gayman laptop i only ever played shooters on console, and while i agree that you just have to git gud, this is a game that i genuinely believe will loose out by having to be played with a controller

>Hey, no problem bro, here let me show you my opskins account
>Yeah, as you can see, this game was a goldmine during beta period and the party is just getting started
>Wanna join the gains club? W-What do you mean you can't trade items on xbox at all,let alone for real money?

I don't experience the frustration aspect. It's all pure fun for me, bro. Drop on the school and throw a punch festival every time.

Can't say fairer than that.

>he's too much of a scrub to aim using a thumbstick
I know Sup Forums is full of casuals but come on

I'm genuinely interested to see how it runs on a console and what exactly they had to change to get it to do so. I'm also interested in watching some console gameplay to see how hilarious it is to watch people play with a controller.

>he's too much of a scrub to learn how to play guitar wearing oven mitts
Cmon now

I play by holding the controller's sticks against the wall and pressing the trigger with my dick, get on my level

Nice shitpost, but oven mitts aren't designed to be worn while playing guitar.
However, gamepads are designed for video games.

>controllers are designed for videogames
>keyboard and mouse aren't designed for videogames but still manage to outperform controllers by a mile in shooters
Really activates the almonds

>here's your input method, bro

hey man i'm dogsitting at a place where the fridge is full of that stuff. am i supposed to shake them before opening?

If they can't get the game to run 30 fps with the recommended settings they have, there is no way it will run/look good on the XBOX.

No you gotta pee on them first

>game becomes first person
Most people play on FPP mode since they think the 3rd person view is unfun.

>setting the graphics on ultra puts you at a disadvantage.

Well, to be fari, there is a lot of hackers on PC too. At least when I was playing this game a month ago.

>the beta looks and plays better than the "full version"
that's not how it works

gg soyboys

this game is giant pile of shit
still better than any AAA tho

>gets outskilled
I haven't seen one hacker in my 300 hours of gameplay

If it's 4k on an Xbox one x its going to look like rust on minimum settings. Game runs and looks terrible on PC already

>fall for the PC meme
>see tons of cool games
>none of them are for PC, but the chadstation
>only get shirty western multiplats and ports of last generation games
>grow to hate video games and only come to Sup Forums to shitpost
>buy a PS4 on Craigslist for 200 bucks
>get all the good (read: Japanese) games
>never had this much fun playing games in my life since the NES
>mfw even western multiplats are enjoyable on console

PC gaming truly is a meme. I should have never fallen for the meme. I do not recommend it to anyone who enjoys video games.

Nice anecdote soyboy

Will there be cross platform servers?


I have an Xbone S and frankly I like the look and feel of Fortnite BR over UGL-I mean PUBG

They need to optimize the game 1st

I don't get what is wrong with this webm. It is just a different type of input that isn't as easy to use.
Only plebian scrubs would complain about it.
It is all about taste. Neither is better than the other.