By the time I was 30 years old, I was a billionaire 30 times over. I founded and ran a vast economic empire.
Do you really think I'm going to let an upstart come into my home and ransom my property to me?
I spent two centuries searching for the Platinum Chip. It's MY invention, MY property, MINE. Now be a good Fallout 4 thread and deliver it!
By the time I was 30 years old, I was a billionaire 30 times over. I founded and ran a vast economic empire
> Fallout 4 thread
And into the trash it goes
>Fallout 4 thread
Fallout 4 is shit
You could have had a good New Vegas thread.
Instead you chose this.
You almost had me. Almost.
>tfw he wasn't talking so mighty after I popped him out of his cuck chamber
how do I fix the missing textures in the armpit
by uninstalling fallout 4
any mods that let you finish the game as nuka raiders faction yet?
You can either be a dumbass mailman running errands for people, or you can be a General building an empire with your own personal army. I know what I'm choosing.
I can just imagine some fedora fatass neckbeard saying this while I read that post
bamboozled :DDD
>You can either be a dumbass mailman running errands for people, or you can be a General building an empire with your own personal army. I know what I'm choosing.
Yeah my man, why the fuck would you want to express yourself by playing however you want? Fuck that gay shit nigga. Instead, let's play either as a man looking for his son or a woman looking for her son.
Or a man or woman who has totally abandoned the idea of looking for his or her son and embraced the life of the settlement mogul/raider/anime tiddie monster
Yeah, you can be a degenerate too. I forgot about that, sorry.
institute is the best ending, you get your own r&d department, a robot factory and a cool science base, it's like that big mountain ending we never got in new vegas
>Let's play either as a man getting revenge on Benny or a woman getting revenge on Benny
This doesn't even work as bait as you can literally choose to not get revenge on Benny.
So you're basically saying that getting revenge on Benny is the main objective of the main story line?
>hehe if I reduce the whole game to the first third I win!
I'm not trying to defend FO4's shit story, but did that fly over your head that bad?
Not my fault you can't properly describe your opinion.
>I was only pretending
I'm not even the same user, but it's obvious his point that oversimplifying the story to 'looking for your kid' is as dumb as oversimplifying NV's story to 'look for benny'
Finding your son only matters up until you get to the institute. After that it's all laid out and it's about deciding what's best for the commonwealth and who you want to destroy and side with.
And all the choices and their motivations are retarded
>I just don't like you.
Fair point, but I'm not really talking about story.
I'm talking about the main characters.
My point is, in NV you can play as who you want from the beginning. In 4, you are constantly reminded that you are supposed to look for your son, which ruins the whole "play as whoever you want" thing.
You may not like it but this is what 10 END looks like
would hair work that way? I mean, he wasn't closed in that chamber for 2 years, he was there for 200 years, his face should be all hair
He's basically a corpse. His hair probably isn't even growing anymore.
that's not how it works. he should have really long nails and hair
>implying his body would still be producing excess keratin after 200 years on life support
I wonder if he was too egoistical to put his brain in a jar rather than try and preseve his entire body.
Or maybe he just didnt have the tech and the resources for something like that.
so, that would mean he had his beard before the war, too
did howard hughes ever grow a beard like that?
>You must be, like... a brain in a jar!
>No. While brains demonstrated some use as organic processors in the robots produced by General Atomics International...
>They never retained personality once removed from the human body.
He presumably didn't know what Big MT had invented, for one reason or another.
Even then the Think Tank still went mad. House was the same man he was when the bombs fell.
I can't stop new vegas from fucking crashing a lot. the only mods I use are YUP, Script Extender, Stutter Remover and the DLC.
Installing NVAntiCrash did nothing. What can I do, besides killing myself.
Apparently he did
>House was the same man he was when the bombs fell.
how do you know that?
that's a bit of a stretch.
t. cuck
>script extender
any script heavy mod kills the game. sorry senpai, this is what you get with a 10+ yrold engine
The Think Tank were hardly the most balanced people in America before they had their brains put into jars. Then they had their memories and perception of reality altered by Dr Mobius to keep them locked in one place. Mobius himself had a Mentat addiction.
All told, they held up pretty well
I never go after revenge. I always just run into him at the tops and am like "hey it's that jerk that shot me in the head, I wonder what he'll think about me still being alive" Then I kill him.
fug, it's a real dilemma for me because I can't live without stutter remover.
okay, soyboy
Great retort from a cyborgs bitch boy
t.pic related
>want to replay new vegas
>remember THAT part
fuck the fact that this is required in every playthrough
>run to Nellis
>murder Pearl and Loyal
>skip Volare! entirely
>That Teddy Bear unmarked quest.
>being this assblasted
even with the NCR? Crocker told me to befriend them, but if I kill them does it make any difference? (besides the ending slide of course)
Mister Cuddles is fucking DEAD little girl
A courier controlled Vegas would be 10x what it would be if House took control
fight me cucks
>r/donald refugee
explains everything, you're literallly 12 yrs old
You can still finish an NCR run by killing the Boomers. It's just NCR would prefer you to do their tedious bullshit, unlike House or Caesar who just don't give a fuck.
>none of this prevented me from killing him
Feels good man.
18 years later and Fallout 2 is still the superior sequal. It must suck to be a bethsesdcuck-
hi I play fallout how are you
the engine is even shittier, if you could believe it
and unpatched f2 is un fucking playable
you should complain directly to Tim Cain, since he programmed his little engine by himself.
Now he's working at Obsidian that shouldn't be too hard
>I just don't like you
>Don't worry, I'll put you back into your canister
Best two dialog options right there
Should have invested some R&D into a way to prevent golf clubs from crushing his skull.
Not so smart anymore are ya?
Anybody else really liking the Sim Settlement mod?
fuck this part. running back and forth on the base takes like 15 fucking minutes in itself.
Hair and nails don't grow after you die, that's a myth. The skin retracts which makes it look longer, but that's it.
Well it's a good thing House isn't actually a corpse and only looks like one, then
Have you thanked Robert Edwin House for agreeing to the mass manufacture of the Assaultron today?
I hate this fucking thing.
This isnt retro futurism.
This makes me feel like the poster is so austistic he's the autists autist like if you were such a lowly slave you would be called the niggers nigger
It doesn't need to be retro-futuristic with titties like these