Let's end this NOW



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INT > STR > DEX in terms of damage dealing power. In most rpgs.

Make STR, DEX, and INT fags do what you want, and they're fucking grateful to do it, the dumbfucks.

INT because I'm to smart too pick the others.

It's not that one is better than all, it's just a Pokemon starter trio scenario

>STR beats DEX
>DEX beats INT
>INT beats STR

But Blastoise destroys all of them

>Tries to talk a bunch of zombies out of eating him
>Doesn't work

Depends on the game my desu.

STR is usualy fun but hard heading through shit in games that encourage sneaking and what not udaly doesnt tend to be better, like underrail, you can just go ahead and murder all those sentry bots with a sledge or you can go ahead and sneak around and lay mines laced with poison, depends really.

Dex tends to be a less interesting dex as most dex weapons dont have fun movesets, str is like a shotgun, meaty, strong, dex is like a low kick smg, sure you can hit a lot but you dont get as much satisfaction unless the whole game is just dex. Usualy as good if not better than dex but not as fun unless built around it.

Int is fickle. Magic in games like SMT is outright better and nost magic.in games tends to be both powerfull and fun but in others its utter garbage and unfun trash. Generaly a better net positive than dex but not as visceral as STR.

In short, INT=STR=>DEX

>talks others into dealing with zombie problem
>sits back and has a beer

That would just cause them to distrust you, making your Cha rolls harder and harder untill they dont work. Then you get a sword in the neck.

>talk others into dealing with original group of others
>have a whisky

>this is what intfags actually believe
I always get what I want.

That is if this new group can beat the old one.
>implying im an int fag

not playing the diplomancer, bitch basically everyone who lays eyes on me thinks I"m the next best thing since jesus.

Even fucking kings are begging me to let them suck my cock, a few undead are not a problem.

Just go ask a powerful living necromancer for a little bit of help for any stronger undead.

there's always a bigger fish


Gonna have to try that later.

please fucking do, for the love of god, do it, and stream it if you can.

Can't believe someone actually fell for this shit bait i thought up in less than 10 seconds

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

DEX because you can study and train faster

I'm not the one that replied to a painfully obvious bait

practically free evade, deal more damage than str thanks to high crit rate, and status effects will always apply

Hey I found the full video.

It gives you power to wield all weapons (somdetimes two at the same time), to wear the strongest armor fro protection and in some cases, to throw your weapons to overcome distance to reach all that faggots that are distance only. it combines everything of the 3 worlds

Makes me wonder, the real battle is LUK vs CHA.
CHA can make all the STR, DEX, and INT plebs do as he desires. But the LUK fag can potentially win just because.
CHAfag might have an army at his disposal, but an asteroid just crashed into him and his army, meanwhile, LUKfag just happened to be out of town.

This is all you ever need
>inb4 int fags go on about muh spells
If I close in range on you, you're fucked, if you do not have some other meat head infront of you to protect you, kiss your ass goodbye

Been searching this webm forever. Already made some chrystals but forgot the procedure. Thanks v!

I've already seen this a few times but what does it do exactly? I know it's dangerous I remember a screencap of a guy that did it and his hand was bleeding, does it just explode or what?

STR, and here's why.

Use your leg Strength to move faster, and more precisely.

Use your head Strength to headbutt books, thus gaining knowledge within them.

Other stats can't even compare.

This is mustard gas, the hand bleeding is exploding spoon

>no spellblades
>thinking int mains dont have a good side weapon or magic summoned weapon
>no enchantments or defensive spells can exist
>no summoning
>no traps or shockwaves

>thinking anyone still falls for ammonia+bleach meme

>headbutt books


>be Int
>become so Intelligent that you can control everything with your mind
>make your body buff as fuck through the power of your mind
>have the fastest reflexes through the power of your mind

If you go far enough, LUK is definitely godmode since even if you yourself can't do shit due to your shit stats, the universe fucking aligns itself just so good things happen to you.

Use your arm strength to bash open chests, obviating the need for finicky lockpicking minigames
Use your mouth strength to shut stupid fucking NPCs up by just sounding angry
Smash through problems instead of solving them.

Important: Do you have to be an actual intellectual to play an INT character like a mage? Muh autistic immersion/habitual self-insertion and stuff.

Brainlet should stop playing games