Anyone else here play FFXI? Fun game

Anyone else here play FFXI? Fun game.

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I do. Currently farming Abyssea for Empyrean weapons.

It's a little dull but at least it's easy.

Is this game still alive? I thought they shut it down.

I used to until I got to the point where Ambuscade and Omen were the only things to do every single day. Then I sold my account.

What are some good private servers?

I haven't done Omen yet, so I can't comment on that, but Ambuscade is a little dull, honestly.

It's a great way for people to work together to gear up and get something decent going, but at the same time it's probably one of the grindiest things in the game outside of REMAs.

Kupo is a nice one. Kinda small player base though.

Still going strong. 15 years and counting.

MNK AF gear, get! I really liked the storyline on this one. Gave depth to Cornelia beyond being Raogrimm's motivation.

Just the console versions, still alive on PC.

>Waiting for play online to update

It gets more interesting content updates than FFXIV.


And have fun I guess.

Have they made it so I can use Trusts everywhere yet? Having to find people in such a dead game is awful, I just want to get shit done on my own pace.

Wait, there's some stuff about Cornelia in the MNK quests?

Guess I have to level up MNK now!

almost everywhere
>Trust spells cannot be cast in cities, Limbus, Assault, Salvage, Meeble Burrows, and other areas where special battle content occurs (other than Reives, Campaign Battles, Abyssea and certain battlefields; battlefield use is limited

Yesterday's kupo anons, are you here today?

I wonder if they started a Linkshell yet.

No money for that yet. @flist and server-wide ls does it for now.

if anyone on asura wants to a pearl, /tell apocarypse in game
had a few people join yesterday

I'll login quick and ask. I have asura char, but mainly doing kupo now.

I don't play on Kupo as much as I used to, so let me help out by giving you guys the money to make the LS.

Whoever wants to make a Linkshell, message me and meet me in Southern Sandy and I'll give you the money to make the LS.

I think it's essential you guys have your own place, for the future.

I'll open second client I guess.

Is the area being ddosed or something? Whole game got stuck on huge R count.

People are talking about it in server wide LS, some stability issues in Sandoria, but should be fixed soonish.

Got the pearl now though. When others anons join, I'll ask naming suggestions for it.

Can you solo the VW items? dont you need a lot of jobs for procs?

That's great. I hope you guys have a wonderful time.

I go as THF, I can't proc everything but I can proc most of it and that's good enough for the most part.



this guy walks up and slaps your whm on the ass
what do you do?

I feel FFXI now plays like a phone game, buy gil and get mercenary to speed up the process of leveling, mastering jobs, gearing up or suffer waiting for months to get everything you want

It does.


Where can i play it? Is it on private servers?

Call for Help and gang up on him at 40 vs one.

Several as far as I can tell, none perfect yet in term of implementation.
Check them depending on what you want - follow the thread from Project DarkStar to the likes of Nasomi and Kupo to find the one that suits you.

A few people from those will often dwell in the threads, so do ask more specific questions if feel the need.

... and then mass bomb wipe.


Check out Kupo if you want the classic 75 experience. A bunch of guys from Sup Forums are playing on there and I think they have a linkshell now.

It fell from grace years ago, raised level cap to 99 and shit on players who worked hard on dynamis weapons. the RMT is is still fucking bad too. Player base is also much smaller now than ever.

Relic weapons are in a great place right now, actually. A lot of them are really popular options for jobs and people worship them.

It's not just Aegis and Gjallarhorn at the top anymore, other jobs have Relics that matter too.

also I forgot to mention, RMT aren't really a problem as far as I can tell. Not as much as other MMOs where you get spammed tells/whispers for their sites and have to actively compete with them on shit.

Ragnarok, Gjallarhorn, Aegis are BiS
Kikoku is best offhand
the rest are kind of junky. some are outperformed by easier to get weapons even. not that relics are hard to acquire and 119 III anyway.
this isn't a bad thing though. there's 4 classes of ultimate weapons: relic, mythic, empyrean, aeonic (aka RMEA)
and there's a solid spread across the four of them for best weapons per job

I notice a lot of PLDs get both Aegis and Ochain.

Is there really a need for both, or is it just a completion thing?

different situations call for different shields. if you really don't want both, priwen can work as a sub for ochain
aegis is used more these days but there are some situations you'd definitely want an ochain pld

I see. I'm just asking because I just got back into the game and I'm trying to wrap my head around a lot of things.

Is Ragnarok really that good? How do the other GS (for DRK) super weapons compare?

>the time has come to prove my manliness
>sneak attack and slap his ass back
>he tries to strike back, but i dodge everything with my 2 hour
>run away as a decoy, i've almost proven my worth as a hero
>another goblin is standing in between me and the zone to safety
>doesn't matter, i'm invincible, just keep running
>"the goblin gambler begins casting bind"
>i'm sorry for everything i've done

So I posted in another thread last night. I just beat the game. Had to hold back tears trying to explain it to someone. The writing was absolutely on point with this game.

Though, there is something that bothers me. Many of the faults of this game can be directly attributed to the fact that it's basically just a PS2 game and limited to that. So why haven't any other developers ripped off this games good ideas? Why have I never ran into a better class system than this game? Why has no other game used lighting and color palette to make it's environments look so beautiful, setting intense moods? There are places that make you feel uncomfortable, some that are cozy, some that lush and inviting, some places that feel ethereal and otherworldly. An entire environment probably has less polygons than a single piece of clothing in a modern game, yet for all the technology people can't replicate it.

The gameplay is also not afraid to be an RPG. I love that this game predates when every MMO tried to be a pseudo-action game and sucked at it (WoW).

Everything about it is crafted so well. It doesn't overdo it's graphics so when something is flashy, it feels good. It uses animations and sound to give things weight.

I want to keep playing but I feel like I've finished something that was left open early in life (I played the game when it first came out back around 02 to 04). Maybe I will. Either way, a great game.

look up the WS resolution and then look at 119 III Ragnarok and adore the synergy. it's so strong wars use it instead of other options

Highlander/Midlander > Hume
Tarutaru > Lalafel
Mithra > Miquote
Roe > Galka
Elvaan > Giraffe

Fight me.

Because that would make for a niche market and the industry would rather a revolving door that casts a wider net like FFXIV than a dedicated hard core niche audience.
WoW was really the killer, regardless of its quality, in that after it no one would bother with a game that pulled lower numbers, even if it made it more money.

I'm simplifying, there's also issues with modern design ethos and practices, but this is the gist of it I find.

>implying they're both not giraffes

I was playing a few months ago, can't afford like 3 subscriptions though so I dropped it. Was a lot of fun in the free month I got from the steam version when it was on sale

Sad :(

I find Elvaans just have long limbs period and looks a lot less awkward than in XIV

>You'll never feel the warmth of an Elvaan mommy


>Limbus, Assault, Salvage, Meeble Burrows, and other areas where special battle content occurs
So all the places where I'd want them, thanks SE.

Amusing thing is... I rolled with an Elvaan because my friends would make fun of me for looking like one - especially the large shoulders I kept from doing track-racing on semi-pro level.

Everybody knows Lamias are the true mommy kino core

Cross posting from that other thread, because why not:

I still don't know why she's so popular.

She's always at the top of any FFXI fan polls I've found.


The remix to Awakening in that game is really nice. Is it an exclusive to World of Final Fantasy or did it come from something else?

I'm warning you.

You better watch out.

Not bad. I prefer the original, but not bad.

Beats the crap out of the Dissidia remix.

What were they thinking?

Here's the FFRK Version

Eald'narche did nothing wrong

Miqo'te > Mithra, prove me wrong.

I already did.


Nice one.

here's the proof

Miqo'te have better butts, and Mithra cat noses are gross.


I would give it a try, but I don't want to pay another monthly sub.

FFXIV has no asses.


It used to have, but they got nerffed in ARR.

I always loved the look of DRK AF.

Actually, every job's AF. They were all great.

I hear WHM is the easiest class to start for endgame, as in the gear is easy to obtain to reach a viable state to do everything. Anyone know what kind of gear I'd want for it? I wanna do some group content instead of soloing for 5 months on another class that won't be viable until then.

Get the empyrean body and legs and then 50% cure potency.

So I started playing FFXI when I was a teenager and everything was great. Now I have a wife and child and I wonder, those older people I used to play with back then, did they just neglect their entire life? Their spouse\kids must have resented them, classic FFXI takes an enormous amount of time to get even the smallest things done.

If you want to level a job to do endgame please don't pick WHM, pick GEO or something
It's absolutely infuriating to play with a WHM who doesn't know what they're doing, doesn't erase slows, doesn't manage MP, doesn't use fast cast precasts, etc
It's easy to gear for but it's one of the hardest to play properly

They played with their family.

I cant get it to install

My uncle played while he was married and had a kid, their marriage was fine but there were moments where he'd have to just afk midfight because his kid broke something or hurt himself
It's not really ideal parenting, no

This guy goes over a lot of the essentials and offers sample gearsets. He can get you up to speed, but you'll have to rely on actual experience to make it as a WHM.

Good WHMs are sorely needed in today's FFXI, but a bad WHM will be scorned.

They got by

Worst looking Mithra you could make?

the face selection in XI only used preset faces, there weren't really any hideous freaks like there are in XIV



Those were some ugly preset faces though, and some hideous hairstyles. Not that Mithrafags would know, they only rolled with twintail style.

shaggy whitehair mithra was peak performance

a lot of people played XI at their jobs, since it wasn't apm intensive by any means

Getting tired of these things getting the drop on me while I kill demons for Ambuscades.

>chain #3
>78 experience points
Jesus christ, how horrifying.

I don't think that's quite the issue here user...

Great thanks.

Thanks for the warning. I'm confident in my mechanical ability though and can't imagine WHM gameplay changes much past 75.

they probably killed a weak mob and had a bad level difference
back in the day even solo an EP mob only gave 30 exp

Worst hair, really all XI styles are inferior to XIV

i'd take having a shitty hairstyle over a shitty game any day