So we can all agree that the scourge and everything relating to the Lich King is the pinnacle of WoW lore, right?
So we can all agree that the scourge and everything relating to the Lich King is the pinnacle of WoW lore, right?
>WoW lore
That's like trying to climb a shit mountain
Before WoW? Nah.
Nah even when WoW became a thing.
>wrathbabies everyone
Gul'dan > Ner'zhul
It's better than TBChildren.
Blizzard constantly panders to them and it's a shitty experience every time.
>dungeon finder
>trivialization of leveling / raids
>raid currency
>catch up systems
>in game store
>first raid is literally a rehash
Arthas managed to single-handedly carry his expansion despite it showing all kinds of red flags and starting the downfall of WoW. He also kept all the oldfags from Warcraft around despite them hating what the game has become with the B-Team and Actvision, until they beat him and finally could be done with it, quit and move on.
So I'd say he did a pretty damn good job.
Imagine getting kicked in the balls by one of those
Nope. Arthas is infinitely less interesting than Ner-Zul, but Blizzard decided to make Arthas the dominant personality simply because he's the poster-boy, forgetting that pretty much everything he did was just Ner-Zul using him as a meat-puppet.
>first to establish contact with burning legion
>first orc warlock
>ripped Draenor apart with a bunch of portals
>was caught by demons, tortured and bound to a suit of armour encased in ice, with numerous demon overseers checking his every move
>even in this pitiful condition he managed to orchestrate Archimonde's downfall
But when retarded twink-prince puts on the crown it's his personality that wins. Makes no sense to me.
i loved all of BC's big raids, they were all cool and interesting. the expansion as a whole was just good.
everything TFT related yes. WOTLK fucked up the lore with muh Arthas shit.
>first orc warlock
I may remember wrong, but I think Ner´Zhul never was a warlock.
Just a Great Shaman.
>WoW lore
Is that a gigantic version of the DC figure?
This. You can really tell a WoWbabby when you see one.
He was a shaman, the demons first started talking to him under the guise of his dead waifu.
Ner-Zul only realised that something was fishy after all the other spirits started telling him to fuck off. From that point on he had no choice but to become a warlock, Gul'Dan was his student after all. He wasn't as politically active as his student, but the whole draenor being torn apart thing shows that he was no slouch when it came to magic.
No because somehow Metzen or whoever wrote the ending for ICC somehow forgot that Ner'zhul was a character and the lich king. So when bolvar declares 'there must always be a lich king' it makes zero sense. Its not like hes been around since the dawn of time, it was literally an orc.
How do you fuck up this badly?
Yes, everything from the Third War era can never be topped.
What's wrong with it? Oh right, you're talking out of your ass, feel free to shut up in the future you friendless obnoxious cunt
The entire origin of the Lichking before Arthas is completely retarded though.
>What's wrong with it?
Oooh boy.
>Undead and Blood Elves joining the Horde >Brown dindu orcs
>Sylvanas leading the Horde
>Warcraft 3 characters going mad because "we need a new raidboss"
>Furrybait Worgen.
>"Good" Death Knights
>time-travel and alternate realities shenanigans
>Pandaren expansion
You’re a brainlet. The point was someone must be in control of the remaining scourge drones or they’ll go crazy and kill everything they can get their hands on. If Ner-Zul is left to control them he’ll definitely destroy everything and it’ll be a never ending war, killing arthas would be meaningless. So instead Bolvar makes the sacrifice to become the Lich King. Turns out he’s evil anyway though.
>and he got corrupted
Warcraft's lore is trash
>there must always be a lich king
This 100%
What a magnificent cape.
>WoW lore
maybe for the warcraft 3 lore
the raping of the wow lore started exactly with Wotlk
>there are people that literally didnt enjoy Mt Hyjal in this thread
It started with TBC
>there must always be a lich king
>pinnacle of lore
>started exactly with Wotlk
Burning Crusade was the biggest offender. Pointless retcons, old characters getting "corrupted" and turned into loot pinyatas, that's where it all begun.
some of the stuff you mentioned has nothing to do with the lich king though.
so youre just talking out your ass
ulduar and ICC made up for all of that
That's because I wasn't talking about Lich King (which you could've picked up on if you didn't have American education reading comprehension).
>Pointless retcons, old characters getting "corrupted" and turned into loot pinyatas, that's where it all begun.
maybe it's because it was the first time they did this shit, all of this still felt "original"
it was wotlk where they took this whole "cinematic movie feeling for wider audiences" direction, and later they just started to recycle ideas.
>(which you could've picked up on if you didn't have American education reading comprehension).
>reading comprehension
you should probably take your own advise.
please read what the thread is about before posting next time.
>what the thread is about
WoW "lore"
>what I said
That it's almost universally shit and therefore pointless to seek its apex
just fuck already
>Be Kil'Jaden the Deceiver.
>Fucking pissed that I lost the war
>Decide it's time to employ the undead option
>The plan is simple, spread a plague of undeath and corrupt mortals into becoming necromancers for the legion
>But undead are mindless or can retain free will, so there most be control system put in place to keep them on the side of the legion
>For this part, the Nathrazim have a suit of armor that functions as the "brain" of any undead mass
>The only problem is someone has to wear the armor
>Now, I could send down one of my loyal demonic minions in the armor
>I could also create an artificial intelligence for it.
>But that wouldn't allow me to carry over a prior WC character who simply had to stay relevant.
> so instead, I'm going to use the soul of Ner'zhul
>This cheeky orc cunt just tried to escape his service to the legion by opening dimensional gates to other worlds and basically hates me for deceiving him
>But that's OK, I'm going to seal him in some magic ice so he can't escape and send down was Nathrazim to make sure he doesn't betray me.
>Before I do that though, I throw in a magic souls sucking sword with a mind of its own for not explained reason.
>Surely this plan will work
>Oh NO! He was somehow able to remove the questionable sword from the ice-block
>Oh fuck! He can use the sword as remote mind control antenna to secretly manipulate a human!
>Oh shit! The sword can actually wreck my demonic minions
>Oh wait it's fine, the end of WC III implies that even though Ner'zhul was trying to escape me he was going to still do our job because of bad writing
>Later on in WotLK it will be revealed that Arthas kicked Ner'zhul out of his head and STILL did out job albeit with more irony
>Golly gee the LK's motives seem to quickly make little sense beyond rule of cool.
So it's Nathrezim fuck up.
nothing wrong here.
Through Worgen knot - Unity
No, it's bad writing. Forget that Muradin basically implies Frostmourne is some sort of legendary sword for the King Arthur meme despite arriving with Ner'zhul in the throne.
It's like the Lich King concept was originally written to be something old but they decided last minute that they should drag Ner'zhul's ass back into relevancy by making him the LK. His concept is just fundamentally stupid, built entirely on a plan bound to fail.
It's one of the best examples of bad writing on blizzards part pre-WoW.
>enter Ulduar
>"alright! Can't wait to see what new raid they made us after all that time"
>first boss is a vehicle section
worgen don't actually have penises they reproduce like birds by "dusting" their semen
Lies spreaded by hordlets
nah it's canon furfag sorry, no penis for you
only furfag viable cock in the series is tauren but that's literally untakable unless ur a tauren
even orc have tiny penis like gorillas, probably why they abuse mates
Frostmourne didn't arrive with Ner'zhul. Ner'zhuls shit was all embedded in the Icecrown glacier.
>nah it's canon
Good source you got there furhater
Frostmourne was in the frozen throne but wormed its way out through a crack and was taken away by scourge minions.
>Forget that Muradin basically implies Frostmourne is some sort of legendary sword for the King Arthur meme despite arriving with Ner'zhul in the throne.
That was literally a bait by Nerzuhl.
>Make a vehicle based dungeon
>Shat on so hard they had to put extra incentives for people to actually run it
Fuck the Occulus, atleast Ulduar put that shit at the start and made it somewhat tolerable.
But think about HOW that could be possible?
>everything relating to the Lich King
Alright that includes the Legion then.
It was dumb that they retconned their minds becoming one entity, and instead had Arthas kill Ner'Zhul.
They did an in game cinematic of Maiev and Illidan in TBC.
Since when and since where?
>Icecrown Citadel
The trifecta of perfect raids.
All other raids can remain in shitter-tier.
Ner'zhul lured Muradin to Northrend in a similar but more subtle manner like he did with Kel'Thuzad, he also had various kinds of evidence planted to trick anyone looking for artifacts into thinking Frostmourne was worth taking.
Read the lore article.
>literally half of the story of wotlk was about the scarlet crusade reborn
>hyped up through the whole expansion
>discover fucking mal'ganis is back and will fuck things up
>lol tournament lmao
I will never not be mad
Arthas was pretty much Classic WoW's Blackstar, a goodbye to its fans before death.
It's stated in the lore some where that Ner'zhul forced Frostmourne out of the ice, also the inscription on the dais that the sword is found on is explained by the reverants that try to prevent Muradin and Arthas from getting to it. The most inexplicable thing is Ner'zhul planting breadcrumbs that Muradin found, and some one friendly to the alliance being up in Northrend in the first place.
Going by that logic then the focus should have just been on Kiljaden because he's the entire reason there was even a Lich King. Ner-Zul was an even bigger fuccboi than Arthas hands down. Arthas did everything he did in a twisted sense of Justice. Nur-Zul did what he did because...?
>Ner'zhul decided to inscribe what basically amounts to a warning on the dais that factually states what the blade does.
None of those had good fights tho?
Someone didn't raid Ulduar
Name 1 actually memorable fight
See I was bullshitting when I said the Ner'zhul lured Muradin to Northrend, I have no idea why he went there other than he was a part of the explorers league.
Even the official wiki just says Muradin was there seeking the swords power after hearing of it. I mean headcannon wise one could say "oh yeah ner'zhul was planting lies" but trying to bullshit a seasoned artifact hunter into believing a sword that had freshly arrived there was somehow legendary seems like a huge ass pull.
Getting Muradin up there in the first place seems to be the most difficult part in my mind, breadcrumbing Frostmourne is less of an issue since Ner'zhul did have an entire ancient empire that he could draw artifacts from, but it's weird that he still lost the sword to a bunch of undead FDA agents who wanted to ensure the thing was properly labeled.
>catch up systems
what is magisters terrace?
Daily reminder that Muradin never died
The breadcrumming using nerubian artifacts would only work if he could convince Muradin that Frostmourne was perhaps another sword mentioned in Nerubian lore.
>Ulduar is a great raid meme
fuck off
Maybe Muradin was looking for another sword and Ner'zhul bait and switched him.
Or maybe Ner'zhul was put in the armor and block of ice back in time
Or maybe Muradin got some fake news
It's not like he didn't have an army of Nerubians to make counterfeit artifacts for him.
That pull before the final boss in there, the 4 or 5 Blood elves was pretty hard without CC.
I remember dying to them multiple times.
Still mad we never got a real Nerubian zone
Even madder about Anub'arak
Man, I forgot about Anub'arak.
never saw overdesigned monument.
what a shitty world we have now
Did malganis ever popped up again after that?
the whole family photo thing where all notable demons appeared in broken isles intro does not count
sure, whatever, if you can admit that WoW is the bottom barrel of Warcraft lore.
Same, honestly there should have been a raid focused on the Scarlet Onslaught as the final chapter to them where the Argent Crusade and the Ebon Blade we’re finally dealing with them instead of the Crusade tournament.
Played WC3 and xpac to the death, the whole story about Arthas got me hooked in when I saw the commercial about the Wrath expansion.
That or have a part of ICC be about the scarlets crashing into icecrown smiting scourge and argents left and right.
makes more sense than an alliance/horde airfight