AGDQ 2018

It's almost here. What run are you looking forward to?

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>First time donator here, thought I'd donate for the awesome runs, hello from germany!

damn, no Mario Odyssey yet? I bet speedruns for that would look cool as fuck

>i look forward to watching mentally ill people play video games

yeah those donation messages are stupid.
everyone says the same shit it gets annoying.
>kill those animals xDD
shut the fuck up and die already holy shit

did chibi finally get the nut

How the hell does this autistic cunt have a gf?

It's enjoyable

How did someone banned end up being the face of speed running.

Boggles my mind.

That's a dude, mong.

Chibi is mackin' while you're whackin'.

because just be yourself isnt a meme

>hey everyone, long time viewer, first time donater, thought I'd donate during X, it was my favorite game in my childhood, and I love to see someone break it. Put my money towards 'kill the animals'. Can I get a HOOOOOYYYYYPE!

because its easier to just date a >girl

>tfw we will never get a fun andd comfy agdq ever again

yeah, I would have expected to see it too.

I guess they can't schedule it since the times are so fluid right now? Why not just give it a preliminary slot and fill it with garbo short games like they normally do?

Honestly who wants to watch a 4 hour Galaxy speedrun when we could have Odyssey?

What ever happened to those "its not a glitch" glitchless mirrors edge speedrunner? I thought they were funny as fuck when they were on. Are they banned cause no fun allowed?

A run on that dude's wife amirite?lmao

>Silent Hill
aww shit nigger

That's a tranny, user. You are a gay now.

Could Chibi get in trouble for sending nudes to a 17 year old?

he's fucked more girls than you

Will it happen to Chibi?

Oh, he's gettin that nut alright.

Even with his autism he's not that ugly and could probably find a not that ugly girl (female). It always astounds me when guys settle for the absolute bottom tier uggos when they don't have to. Even normalfags that aren't autistic do it. You see a decent looking guy with a normal personality dating a chick that looks like she was shit by a bus, extremely fat, or both.

Hardmode, can you name a girl related to speedrunning that actually has a vagina?

>You are a gay now

Oh i did not mean the dude in OP. I meant that one guy 2 years ago who's Highschool-sweetheart-turned-wife was found being trained in a hotel room while he speedran some zelda.

Assumed I could be vague and get away with it.My b

>tfw even chibi can get a qt gf and you're a 25 y.o virgin

just end me lads

I'm 97% sure you just made that up.

>friend of mine had tfw no gf
>ask him the last time he asked a girl out
>6 years ago

if you're not trying don't be crying

>four separate occasions bring a grill home
>can't get it up
>have to go through embarrassing shit about pretending to have whiskey dick
It's extremely frustrating but my little man cannot step up to the plate when I need him. Does stuffing a flaccid dick into a vagina one thumbful at a time counts as losing my virginity?

Man there's not gonna be many good runners left soon, they've already been inviting bottom of the barrel trannies for a while. The smaller marathons are way more interesting nowadays

>Looking forward to Censorship Done Quick 2018

are they actually running rabi ribi this year???

Are they going to have 3 Crossdressers as the commentators again?


also stop watching porn

Speedrunning died when John Numbers killed Cosmo...

Now AGDQ is a way for Matt Merkle aka CoolMatty aka the Eggman to raise money for refugees.

Do not watch AGDQ. Coo coo ka choo.

This. Only good speedrunning event is ESA.

Bloodborne, full stop. Looking forward to a run that isn't fucking trash. It's all bosses this time so it should be a good time.

>qt gf
that's a tranny, user

Referring to these folks
Have you not been on Sup Forums very long? My facts are perhaps hyperbole, but there was definite drama surrounding the two and apparently her actions during the event.

just go to the peepee doctor and get your peepee pills

How old is Chibi?

Watch my event bigots

Of course not

27 I think

doubt she still streams runs though

Is he still in school? Why does he feel the need to talk about his math homework?

Yeah. how does it feel knowing Chibi's life is right on track because he actually took a good look at himself and decided to change meanwhile you retarded fucks who love to make fun of him constantly are all fucking virgin losers with no prospects in life. At least you guys have these threads to circlejerk over, LMAO.

Man fuck it. I guess I'm bi now. As long as it doesn't have a gaping wound as a """vagina""" I'm game.

>webm related
its u

t. Aquana

Huh? Did his collar give him magic powers all of a sudden or what?

they broke up though, what point are you trying to make? at least i don't work at gamestop LMFAO neck yourself

Sums it up pretty accurate

Ahah it happened to me during my first time.

>Finally some sexy time with the cutie from my class.
>Hard as fuck, she's rubbing herself like crazy on me
>"we should totally do it ;)"
>her : "lol no way user"
>Also her 5 min later "well ok I'm horny now user"
>Wtf My dick is now a slug and refused to harden.

Fortunately, we cuddled again like 30 min later and I smashed her good. It never happened to me again. I miss you Laura, thank you for making me a man.

t. assmad chibi.


Fuck off Chibi

Why the fuck does he have a GF and I don't?

I'm interesting

Whats with body jesus christ?
He has no hair on his body at all. Either this gay ass homo shaved himself or hes a fucking sissy.
Second his fucking nipple looks like it belongs to a girl

>Not going for the overused first time viewer, long time donator joke XDDDD

I like that JUUUMP

How are people still not aware PCF is a scam? Why do people still donate?

>he got his life on track
>by dating a tranny
>and not even managing to keep up that relationship
whatever you say, bub

Are you also sophisticated and intelligent?

>Is financially independent
>Went back to school after dropping out before and is on track to graduate despite suffering from crippling depression and anxiety.
>has a gf
>girls on stream contantly say he's cute
>has gotten laid more times than you ever will your entire life

Yeah, I'm sure his life REALLY sucks.

Why is the speedrunning community filled with trannies? Is it really because speedrunning is degenerate in general?

her eyes are so sad, it makes me sad too

>they broke up though


>has gotten laid more times than you ever will your entire life
How would you know this, Chibi?

His sex life is pretty publicly known at this point.

Nah that definitely happened. I don't have anything to prove it to you (kiwifarms will more than likely be talking about ti come closer to the event) but yeah he got cucked hardcore

>Is financially independent
Lives with his Mom and only pays some bills

>has a gf
They broke up

>Went back to school after dropping out before and is on track to graduate despite suffering from crippling depression and anxiety.
Only doing toddler math

>girls on stream contantly say he's cute
Out of pity

>has gotten laid more times than you ever will your entire life
Sure you have, Chibi

I actually probably will, only to watch twitch chat and see various emotes getting banned

None probably, now it´s more cringe that ever. What´s worse is that everything has pol propaganda all around.
Also i dislike fucking orcs reading shit while playing.


chibi BTFO


That shit is pretty hilarious. I wonder why they even try censoring twitch chat anyway? Are they that retarded that they think the event will be more popular if they constantly censor the chat

>covert muffin running Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy again

Reminder that someone called Chibi's mom saying he sent his nude pics to an underage girl

He is a very handsome man now

What runs or runners are worth watching?

Oh man I can't wait to watch a bunch of non-passing trannies try to convince everyone that Tetris is interesting to watch

I fully admit that Tetris does require some dexterity, but it's like Let's Playing a racing game; after a few minutes it's all the same so there's nothing worth watching after that

>Little Nemo

Fuck yes, I loved the game. Nice to see it run live

It's probably because it's so censored and tame that if you write anything outside of that template you'll get your message tossed out and they'll just pocket the donation

I don't know. I miss ye olde few when they could curse and have 3 day long bonus streams of them just playing whatever they wanted.

im not super aware.....are all of those trannies?

>screams internally

What do the women around your parts look like?

It's a useless measure but I guess it's required by their sponsors as some minor PR-policing.

That's surprising, I thought he was banned for sure. You know, because his run was actually fun.

>Getting a job looking like that
Shave that FUCKIN beard, boy

>Lives with his Mom and only pays some bills
Not true.

>They broke up
He has a current gf you stupid fuck.

>Only doing toddler math
Not true and at least he's doing something with his life

>Out of pity
That's what you say to make yourself feel better, you fucking loser.

>Sure you have, Chibi

>jacket doesn't fit
>over a fucking golf shirt

>those fucking glasses.
what a fucking soy boy

You can stop trying to fit in anytime now.

is that really a boy

digging the late twenties Peter Parker look here.