Game has awesome beast races playable

>game has awesome beast races playable
>not sexualized in any way
>playerbase is still overrun by cringeworthy furries
But WHY?

because it's an "mmo" and you can play as a furry. what's so difficult to grasp here?

Doesn't "furry" indicate anthropomorphic and hypersexualuzed?

Charr are neither of those.

>not sexualized in any way

no? have you seen a fursuit before?


>hunched over
>"not pretty" animations
>females use male armor models
>brutal designs and lore
They aren't though.

Bruh, if it has fur, anthro or not, furries want to fuck it, no exceptions

Charr are cool, but you're just associated with autistic furries.

>>not sexualized in any way

they would be cool if not for their retarded out of combat walking animation and their terrible collision boxes. half the time aoes hit my charr when i'm outside the circle

I thought that was beastiality.
Isn't there a difference?
Do they want to fuck actual cats?

>male armor models
What did he mean by this?

If it's a humanoid, and it's got fur or scales, furries will want to fuck it.

>not sexualized
oh boy here we go

Female charr use male armor.

Charr aren't really humanoid though.

I blame Anet for making sparkly hair dye kits and giving female charr princess hairstyles.
Also Rox

It's literally inevitable. The only way you can avoid furries tainting a non-human race, is if your game is so unsuccessful that nobody knows it exists.

What went right?

Rox scares me.
I also can't figure out if she's Braham's pet or girlfriend..

Are people even playing this game?

Yeah, new expansion just came out and new story update in a week.

>queues in every WvW map on every server on reset nights and most days during prime-time
>hundreds of people in every city
>multiple instances full for every world boss or meta event

No offense but thats like asking sylvari bot to be overrun by marysues and humans not to be overrun by bimbos and futa. This is gw2 were talking about, its a cesspool for degeneracy.

>Rox looks great in concept art
>kawaii uguu animu in game
Whose fault is this?

>awesome beast races
Fuck the Charr


That or giving them joke/lion faces to make them more kitty like for furry autists.

>Doesn't "furry" indicate anthropomorphic and hypersexualuzed?
the simple fact it can talk and walk on two legs is enough
>meanwhile asuras have literally tits showing outtfits but don't get any porn
end me


>haevn't payed GW2 in two years
>only character i have is a level 10 mesmer mushroom girl I modeled off of a poisonous IRl mushroom

Should I get back into the game? Did the two expansions make it better?

Second expansion is comfy but more about a one time story and discovery. It also has the best mounts of all MMOs, movement wise. First expansion has better repeatable content but the progression is pretty annoying and unfun.

You sound more cringeworthy to me.


Because you're overreacting to meaningless shit.

>being overrun by furries and immediately assumed as a furry by association

Correct. Hard to believe in your world of autism, huh?


>tfw no tiny girl to barb while choking unconscious
No real reason to play otherwise


What the fuck even happened?

HoT story became hot garbage and they put the real Mordremoth fight in another map.

>Originally we were planning to not make a world boss at all. It was added very last minute. I recall being told something along the lines of we have one month to create a world boss before code and content. We were given more time in the end. I would say I spent about 8 weeks from concept to final in-game model

Dragon's Stand is good though, even if the mouth of mordremoth looks like a weird tentacle.




You get this instead.

I stopped playing after the 9 month PvE drought (Not counting PoF). I hope the new fractal and raid they add bring me back tho.



>not sexualized in any way
First time on the internet, eh?

Are those supposed to be charr?


needs more front/butt capes and trench coats cant have something that actually looks nice
also will break immersion of the game according to forum fags must be medieval or bust

>dad walks in

whoops was meant to reply to

Charr walk on two legs. It doesn't get any more anthropomorphic than bipedal.


What the actual fuck?

what the fuck

they aren't brutal enough and even then furries would figure something out

This is cancer.
t. femcharrplayer

Because that is the price of betrayal.

Why even pretend to draw a charr at that point and not just make a regular furry?

There is an entire genre of furfaggotry known as "Feral".

So no.

>Sup Forums bst threads

>implying there's even a father figure around

>brutal designs and lore

Absolutely kekworthy. That is nothing of what remains of Charr whatsoever, they are just there to be "cuddly big grumpy guys with a heart of gold", which is exactly why it's overrun with furries.
That is entirely Arenanet's goal. Oh, and;
>females use male armors
lol not anymore they don't, outfits are the new armors and female charr and asura get all the skirts, tights, corsettes and everything else normal females do.

Your furry race sucks, like every other furry race, and anything in the creative hands of Arenanet is dead.
Enjoy paying 40 IRL bucks for its newest RNG bundle.

There is different levels of furfaggotry.
Some require it to be at least 80% human. Human body shape and sexual appeal and what not.
Some require more animalian traits, like no tits on reptiles, multiple sets of tits on dogs, realistic looking heads instead of stylized,etc.
And others just require a house cat to pass the Harkness test.

>Grrr I hate gw2 and everyone who plays that game!

>not sexualized in any way
>last time they added a new charr to storyline they literally gave her mascara, anime eyes and an overall cartoon furry rule 34 design

>I know this all to be acutely true, better spam that dodge button

She also never does anything worth while in the story and is pretty much background character status at this point.

How fucked am I if I try to play Guild Wars 2 the f2p route?

Don't remind me...

Pretty fucked.

>expansion content done in a week
>nothing else to do
bravo anet

Charr is cute

Try and bring up any of the expansion's negative aspects on either Reddit or the official forums and enjoy being torn to pieces over the fact you don't enjoy its immersive openness and how you don't know making goals for yourself.

Very cute.


>I am power itself. I am life itself. To deny me is to embrace oblivion
Mordremoth did nothing wrong

The GW2 Charr don't exist. GW2 doesn't exist.

There were few threads on the forums about no content in the expansion which got merged, but overall it looks like gw2 players enjoy paying for no content.

He was life and sentience itself and decided to show himself as an overweight troll. That's enough.

Char are pretty cool except anything that isn't cultural armor looks like shit on them. I haven't played since they added silver wastes though, so hopefully that changed some.


You must be new to the Internet if you think furries won't sexualize any beast race in existence.


furries don't care if characters are meant to be sexual or not


Every single morderm you fight and the jungle itself was Mordermoth.

Because anybody with good taste stopped playing the game since it's shit.

>Elonian armor look good on everything that is not charr or norn

Why does every armour look so samey?

Furry is just an indicator of anthropomorphic and animal. To anthropomorphize something just means attributing human elements. So a character like scooby doo could be called "furry" but I think the general internet definition relates to a fandom. Something doesn't need to be sexualized for people to want to fuck it though.

Still anthropomorphic if they're giving any level of human characterization.

Hardly a charr at that point. Gotta be more like Snowskau and draw them actually on model.

Because of fucking E sports. Anet want players to tell which profession they are facing just by looking at the armor profile. That's why most medium armor are trench coats and why heavy armors mostly have butt capes.

>implying these things aren't sexual with all the daddy talk, overly cute behavior, deep voice actors and overly defined musculature


They should just remove light/medium/heavy stuff and make possible to wear anything you want.