This is the sole reason why Japanese games > Western games.
This is the sole reason why Japanese games > Western games
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No one wants to play games anymore, faggot. It's about experiencing them. Fuck off with your "gameplay."
>western shit
Yes, video games are for watching, not playing.
Reminder when discussing Japanese games moeshit doesn't count and is a bottom barrel genre in nip vidya. No one cares about those games.
Japanese games
>cute girls and gameplay
Western games
>no cute girls and gameplay
>We don't care about who, or what the story is, what the game world is, all of this doesn't really matter.
Really? I always assumed most Japanese game pitches started with "Underdressed 10 year old girl with her nipples barely covered" and went from there.
Isn't this the same as that video of the panel of western Indie devs like that piece of shit Phil Fish ripping on Japanese developers? Everyone strokes their own ego.
That's funny coming from Kojima "7 hrs of cutscenes Bond tribute" Productions
SeeWhen we talk about Japanese games its stuff like DMC, Souls,MGS and MH etc
Not your ugly moetrash
Japan make games that make you feel good. Whether by exploration, girls, grinding or challenge they all feel good to win.
Western games are becoming more and more about trying to make people feel bad with SJW topic or exploiting fandom for extra transactions. Or make you pay to feel like a badass.
nobody mocks anybody
hilarious if you get offended by this level report
before fish western journos and media in the last gen were too fucking mean to japanese games
Eveb moetrash has better gameplay then 95% of western games today. Sad!
>Eveb moetrash has better gameplay then 95% of western games today. Sad!
Wrong. Not a single moeshit game has good gameplay.
That's a given that they don't need to put in the pitch.
Read between the lines. The fact that he lumps in story, setting, message and "all that stuff" in to differentiate from mechanics means he believes all that to be superfluous compared to mechanics, that all of that can't even amount to the single aspect of mechanics. He is literally saying western games are all bloat with their huge pitches that have nothing to do with how a game plays which is just a more PR way of Phil Fish saying Japanese developers are shit at designing compared to western devs. Only difference is there isn't a group of fat neckbeard devs next to him laughing along the way.
Western games
>no cute girls and no gameplay
>Japan make games that make you feel good. Whether by exploration, girls, grinding or challenge they all feel good to win.
Now that is diversity.
>Western games are becoming more and more about trying to make people feel bad with SJW topic or exploiting fandom for extra transactions. Or make you pay to feel like a badass.
Now that is "diversity".
Wrong. "Moetrash" is still better then "western games". How the mighty have fallen desu
But they aren't separate things. Street Fighter II could technically have been a bunch of hitboxes attacking each other on a blank background and had the exact same "gameplay" but real quality design is merging the aesthetics and mechanics into a cohesive whole. If you're trying to pitch a fighting game or RPG or even an action platformer your characters and story are going to inform your mechanics just as much as your mechanics are going to inform your characters and story.
>Gameplay is important
>Story, music, setting, functionality, etc etc is also important
>But if the gameplay is shit those don't make up for it
Hopefully easy enough to understand.
Then why did so many gook games this year have shit gameplay? Pretty strange if that's what they were going for
Gooks are Chinese, idiot.
We can use gook against all of them actually
prove it
i see.
at least he is, as usual, assuming "the story and the world dont matter in jp games" and such bs is nowhere near the actual reality.
maybe i get the wrong idea but if hes being such a massive blind egoist who lacks self-awareness i just have no words
fuck outta here you pathetic virgin. only week neckbeards play games from Japan (except dark souls series of course, they get a pass for being Western in spirit, totally hardcore and mature game for a gamer such as myself)
if your game has waifu pandering bullshit you should quite literally off yourself. now if you'll excuse me I'll be back to playing FIFA and Overwatch.
Why is the gameplay in weeb games always so shit, then?
I feel that Microsoft is the only western company that still makes games with gameplay over everything else.
>if your game has waifu pandering bullshit you should quite literally off yourself.
This but unironically
>if your game has waifu pandering bullshit you should quite literally off yourself
Because westerners don't know how to design a game, so if they try to emulate the Japanese they fuck up even more.
>if your game has waifu pandering bullshit you should quite literally off yourself
Just saying things that are correct passes as effective satire to weeaboos apparently
Yup, it's why Halo CE's and Halo 3's campaigns sit above all the rest, I even liked Halo 4's campaign over Halo 2, ODST, Reach, and Halo 5's campaigns. Hate me all you want Sup Forums Halo fans.
You people would call Chrono Trigger, Lunar, Tales of Vesperia and Phantasia, and Final Fantasy Tactics moeshit too if they came out today.
>Waifu pandering
Do any of you know what waifu means from Sup Forums or pretending you just ape streamers and youtube videos?
If Chrono Trigger, Lunar, Tales of Vesperia and Phantasia, and Final Fantasy Tactics came out today they would *be* moeshit. The only reason 90s games weren't moeshit is because the 90s anime they were imitating wasn't moeshit.
You're right.
haha you got him good dude, fuck those false flagging weebs trying to make us superior Western gamers look like pieces of shit. what's your favorite Overwatch hero btw if you don't mind me asking dude haha. mine is Widowmaker, dat ass man. for dayssss.
Dwarf Fortress>>>>>every single Jap game put together
That's not an oxymoron or anything. What are you talking about?
You need more practice at this honestly
The interviewee is a western dev who originally worked for western studios. So at least he's speaking from experience unlike Phil Fish & Co.
Like how the nips didn't how to design RPGs and their whole JRPG genre is a shitty diarrhea of an attempt at Ultima and Wizardry?
Yeah, sure, that's why we get JRPG's. It's all about the mechanics, r-right?
did I say overwatch hero? I meant favorite girl from Witcher 3: the wild hunt. my bad
>It isn't an oxymoron.
>Personal Preference Mate
Unless you're a fucking sheep who literally can't have any preference against the curve, you can't force favorite characters to begin with.
>because the 90s anime they were imitating wasn't moeshit.
What anime then?
Then why has no JRPG got a better turnbased system than Divinity sin?
Check m8 weebs
Video games are so derivative that their quality hinges on what they're ripping off of. Japanese games always ripped off of anime and manga trends so it's no shocker that when those things took a nosedive in the 2000s Japanese gaming followed suit. Same for western shit. Jurassic Park vs. Jurassic World could be billed as "late 80s/early 90s filmmaking vs. 2010s filmmaking." People love Overwatch because the character design is ripped off of Disney and Pixar stuff like Frozen.
Literally dragon ball
JRPG's have already surpassed that garbage. Weebs games can't match the original.
lel no. I have more fun watching my fav streamer play. Streamers are better games than 99% of usual gamers and I dont have to spend a dime to have fun. Get fucked gramps.
>you can't force favorite characters
But you can try to. It's that phoniness is what people get fed up with. Japanese character design is all about checklist marking. None of the characters feel genuine.
>What anime then?
Well Chrono Trigger was drawn by the guy from Dragon Ball Z which however you want to criticize it, was definitely not moe. And stuff like Lunar and Tales was just standard fantasy stuff.
>now if you'll excuse me I'll be back to playing FIFA and Overwatch.
Literally none of them are even about martial arts.
And Dragonball has panty shots, hot girls, exaggerated expressions, cute moments, a loli in bikini armor, the first few episodes include an old man having a good look at a teenager's vagina.
You just sound like a projecting degenerate.
What the fuck does "genuine" mean?
It sounds like you're just used to Western cliches so you happily accept those.
Well, how about stick to movies then? Because gameplay is the most important aspect.
>JRPG's have already surpassed that garbage.
AHAHAHAAHA ooh boy I've always known that weebs don't play games but this just confirms it. They didn't even surpassed both of those franchise. Their dungeon crawlers are shit compared to Wiz 8 and I've yet to see any of their games surpassing the freedums that Ultima 7 gives.
Anachronox>>>>>Final Fantasy
so no they can't mach them, they've already surpassed them.
>posting on the 4chinz and not knowing Akira Toriyama's name
It's time
>You can't try to force favourite characters
Probably not, but they ARE trying to. See Lucina, Lighting, Azura, Lillie, hell the girl from xenoblade 2 I don't even know how is called, they are all shoved in your throath big times
Is there an American equivalent to this? Something foreigners might be into and assume we're all like that but then look weird as shit to most of us when they get here?
What do martial arts have to do with style? It's the anime style that is being copied, animes back then were all about adventures shit and beating big bads. JRPGs had plenty of cute moments and silly stuff too, Bikini armors were a thing in dragon quest for example.
>Chrono Trigger was drawn by the DBZ guy
Never mind But Go Nagai did Cutey Honey and Maou kun in the same breath he did Violent Jack and Devilman. The artist itself doesn't amount to shit.
>If I ignore all the fanart and people who like this character, they're the same as Lightning
Actual autism.
>What the fuck does "genuine" mean?
It means fucking genuine. You want me to quote Websters? People know when something has a cynical goal behind it. In the 90s game designers made characters that they thought were cool. They made choices based on actual interest. Today they make them according to whatever checklist they were handed with no actual passion behind any of it. Players notice that shit.
>If I ignore all the fanart and people who like this character, they're the same as Lightning
Who are you quoting?
nigga what don't fucking compare Nagai and Toriyama
Nagai has a widely varied style
Toriyama has been suffering from sameface for over 30 fucking years
>western Transformers game
Fall of Cybertron
Cinematic, shallow tired and boring mechanics, generic forgettable orchestral music, setpieces and press button to do thing (admittedly awesome final level and boss). Different characters are the same with a gimmick.
>nip Transformers
levels and enemy types exist to use the mechanics in fun unique ways, testing the player's understanding and skill. Different characters have different mechanics that make you play different.
Both games have Megatron vs Optimus finale but Devastation is hype as all fuck and you're floating around in space.
Robots prove OP right
Glad I only buy games and consoles made in Japan.
>Toriyama has been suffering from sameface for over 30 fucking years
So has Shirow Masamune. Your point?
>another East vs. West shitpile
when will these threads become a bannable offense?
But War for Cybertron have great multiplayer you casual weeb. Devastation is literally for brain-dead button mashing single player faggots.
>Actual nostalgiafag pretending literally no one soullessly pandered to him in the PSA and violence censorship era of media that was the late 80s to mid 90s.
What a complete nonanswer. And if people were even remotely that smart why do people allow David Cage to work on mega projects to this day? Why was Fable even a series?
How is EA and Bioware even alive outside sports games? Why did FFXIII sell gangbusters?
>But that's not what I'm saying
Then pretend you have an actual point and argue against the accusation.
So has Tony Taka and Obari but they can definitely do different genres.
>playing AAA shit
>playing weeb shit
>In the current year + 1 not exclusively playing indie and old games
My favorite japanese game also have pretty good settings.
Ace Combat, Warship Gunner, Dark Souls, more JRPGs than I can count.
After you have the gameplay figured out, those are all things that can enhance the experience.
You do realize that all of those game sans the JRPG part are just watered down western settings right? FFS Dark Soul is inferior compared to D&D setting.
>he didnt play on magnus and get the best items
Spotted the casual
But... but..
> Cuphead
> Ruiner
> CoD WW2 Multiplayer & Zombies
I am the one PLAYING games instead of sitting through 15min cutscene. Even if I play what "western trash".
These games pump the adrenaline that neither japaneese character action games nor their jRPGs could not induce.
So I really don't understsand gameplay argument.
I agree that there's a lot of good japaneese games with great gameplay, even turn-based (SMT) but holy fuck you trolled me into wasting my time writing this post.
>Their dungeon crawlers are shit compared to Wiz 8 and I've yet to see any of their games surpassing the freedums that Ultima 7 gives.
lol Wizardry and Ultima are trash. That's why they are dead and forgotten.
>A largely Japanese run'n'gun side scrolling shooter inspired game.
>That's also easier than the good lot of them.
>But Japanese games are so boring!
Please stop.
Japanese games
>help me simulate a relationship I'll never have
Western games
>don'r help me simulate a relationship I'll never have
That's even more pathetic. Dead and forgotten western games are literally better than any single JRPG throughout history since nips can't even surpass the original franchises.
Genuinely the most retarded people I've ever seen.
If you can point me to another franchise that has a constructed world like Strangereal user, or the fun story of a Warship Gunner 2 that does things like create a global war powered by alien technology as an excuse to make you fight a Not-Imperial Japan with fleets upon fleets of crazy superweapons with full ship customization, I'd be happy to hear.
Also, I'm not THAT knowledgeable about D&D, so tell me which of its many settings the plot relevance of the First Flame is supposed to be directly compared to so I can read more about it
Literally what John Carmack said.
Did you play any of the games you're listing down because you're hardly describing them.
The fact people take absolute morons like Jon Blow as game design gurus should tell you how meaningless the phrase "game design" really is.
>help me simulate a relationship I'll never have
I would love a TV show where these otaku were actually given an anime girlfriend. I want to watch their mind collapse once they realize how much of a shitshow dating a girl like that would actually be.
you can't do that though, because they're not real. and if you have real people acting as anime people it's even less real. where do you think the 2d>3d mindset comes from?
oh yeah this is totally the case
except for Titanfall
oh and except for ArmA
oh and except for Furi/Absolver
oh and wait this is just a stupid stereotype
cowboy hats
that's about it
Bullshit, western games are miles better
as long as they aren't focus tested garbage (which is what weed compare every time)
>that has a constructed world like Strangereal user
Any alt-history world. I suggest Command and Conquer.
>that does things like create a global war powered by alien technology
That's the most generic setting ever, again C&C.
>plot relevance of the First Flame
I'll give you even better than that tripe. Read any Planescape related fiction or if you like that dark edgelord part of Dark Souls then Ravenloft.
This. I hate it when my videogames expect me to press buttons.
>if it's a main character it's shoved down your throat
I play games exclusively to learn about how black women are stronger than white men and how I was a racist to presume otherwise.
What part of
>better than any single JRPG history
did you not understand? Etrian Oh dis shit and other nip DC garbage have nothing going against the Wizardry trilogy (6,7,8).