Idort thread

idort thread

How do you decide which platform to play a game on?

Single player = PC
Multiplayer = PS4

If it's on PC, play on PC.
If it's console exclusive, play on Xbox One X.
PS4 for Sony exclusives.
Switch for Nintendo exclusives

>99% of games
Xbox One S (used mostly as a blu ray player)
>Bloodborne, PS3 remasters
PS4. Sick of this shit and getting rid of it soon.
>Bing Bing Wahoo
Switch. Post Mario Odyssey might sell this too since my BOTW replay will be on CEMU and mario kart works on CEMU as well

Multiplat = XBone (I prefer the controller)
PS4 Exclusive = PS4
SP game touting its graphics = PC

Good video games = PC/Switch
Cinematic Experiences @24FPS = PS4

I'm buying a XboxOneXbox this XmasX.

You mean your parents are buying it for your for Christmas?

>inb4 50+ replies of people saying 80% of the time they're playing on PC

>Multiplayer = PS4
Why? Don't you have to pay for Plus?

if it's on PC, play PC.
If it's on PS4 but not PC then PS4.
Xbox games on xbox
Switch games on switch.

Broke-ass kids/NEETs aren't the ones with every major console and a gaming PC.

Fuck you Robin. Fuck. You.

Multiplatform games:
PC - FPS, WRPG and multiplayer
Consoles - all other singleplayer

Kids and neets are the ones who think owning every major console makes any sense this gen. BoneX is useless if you already have a good PC and PS4.

if it's on PC why the fuck wouldn't you play it on that

>Multiplayer = PS4
>when PC's multiplayer is free
gee I wonder who's behind this post
buy sony (tm) products (tm)!

PC exclusively for Runescape
Xbone for all console gaming
3ds for portable gaming
PSP for emulators and ps1 classics

Leaning more towards getting Switch versions of games for the portability factor and the added fact online will be cheaper, though I don't pay for any online services for other platforms. Of course that only applies to multiplatforms and maybe a few ports.

But having a PC makes you an automatic idort. I have a 360 that I still use to play Nier on, kinda wish I had a PS3 so that I could play P5. But hey, I'm satisfied enough

single player = pc
multiplayer = no
exclusive = whatever platform it's on

Idort used to mean having both consoles in a gen.
Now it just means owning more than one platfrom since every kid wants to call themselves an idort.

PC or bust

Cool story, faggot. Filtered

It really makes negative sense to own an xbox since it has literally 0 exclusives

>no cheaters
>actually alive multiplayer
>much less russians and huehues
PC gaming is a fucking meme.

Good luck playing league on a console


Open world games racing and online Xbox mainly because it’s quite and doesn’t get as hot and the network is a bit better. single player Japanese games ps4 because bloodborne.

>on pc
play on pc unless newer version of game is console exclusive. thrn play on the console.
>fighting games
probably ps4
play exclusive on said console
>old games


Literally any computer can run that shit so I don't why your touting it like an actual exclusive game.