Spider-Man PS4

Mark my words and screencap this post. This game will be absolutely incredible.

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>literal Disney games

4K they said...

Disney doesnt own spiderman.

Who said 4k?

Yes they do, Disney is the parent company to Marvel. The only thing that don't own is the film rights, which Marvel foolishly sold to Sony back in the 90's.

>copypasted Bamham combat/stealth

nah it'll be shit

>This game will be absolutely incredible.
Unless it sucks, remember people thought Mass Effect Andromeda would be awesome, but no one will know for sure until they actually play it.

The E3 "presentation" almost put me to sleep, half the game feels like it's playing itself on auto-pilot and the other half is QTEs.

I hope it will be good. From what we have seen it looks like Amazing Spider-Man 2.0 with graphics and no moonswinging, which is alright i guess? I still wish it had at least Web of Shadows level combat but bamham will do.


Sony owns spiderman outright my dude.

>one villian
>not even decent one

>Thinks bamham invented dodge n smack
You're too young for videogames, kyle

No they don't, that would mean Spiderman wouldn't have had comics in a long ass time.

They allow marvel to publish the comic books. Everything else is sony.

I can't remember a single person saying Andromeda was going to be amazing. All I remember is that it was going to be shit. But I'm not a fan at all

but everyone already played the arkham games

only one we've seen so far

We have seen Kingpin, Shocker, Mr Negative and Norman Osborne so far

I would happily slit your throat if it meant more Arkham games.

bottom looks better.

I can't wait for this game, hope it's quite long with loads of villains and boss fights. Used to love the Spiderman games on the PS1.

Its cliche to want venom, but i want venom. And carnage if im going for broke too

Hopefully in a sequel. I fucking love the symbiotes

Doesn't even have powers
Probably some minor role like always
>Norman Osborne
Hasn't even confirmed as Goblin

There are less days left untill the release than days passed since the announce

Except it works here. Spiderman is meant to be zipping around all over the place, unlike Batman who somehow could hover his ass across 40 yards

>Doesn't even have powers
So? Quite a few of Spider-man's villains don't have powers, just gadgets and raw power, Kingpin is a brick shitfactory

>Probably some minor role like always
Maybe. Maybe not.

>Hasn't even confirmed as Goblin
It's incredibly rare to have Norm show up and not have a hint of the Goblin

I want fucking playable venom

will it be like the batman games?

>no power
That son of a bitch is inhumanly strong nigga

Hopefully we can at least get the symbiote suit as an unlock.
>mfw some faggot actually didn't alt costumes with unique powers and stats
It was like the faggot never even played a Spidey game


I would rather have them save the symbiote suit for a game focused on it tbqh

Prepare for DLC out the ass.

Still, being able to play with something in this game would be nice even if it's not story-related.
Eh, Insomniac has never been that crazy about DLC, and even Sony doesn't push it as hard as EA or Bethesda. It's possible, sure, but at worst it might just be some preorder nonsense that you can't get elsewhere.

>peter has a epic girl hacker talking his ear off
Yeah no I’ll pass

There has never been a good Spider Man game.

At first I was kinda mad how lame Peter looks but I guess it makes sense, he looks like an average guy who could disappear in a crowd because he stands out so little, you'd never think he's spider-man

lmao it's happening again

I fucking hated the Batman games, and this looks even worse, how much of a Sony fan you have to be to hype this shit?

Isn't it funny how many girl hackers are there in media when there have probably been just a couple in the entire history of human kind?

Except that's wrong. Disney has the cartoon rights, hence why Spectacular got canned and we're now stuck Ultimate Turd sandwich and Marvel's Dabber-man

the web swinging looks so fun, holy shit.

It's like Sony knows everything I hate and keeps making games about it.

SJW shit, QTEs, cinematic story over gameplay, ripping off bad games like everything Ubisoft does and the Arkham games, holy shit. At least I know I'm definetely not the demographic of the PS4.

>tfw you will need to shell out even more cash for a PRO to have more than 15 fps and a decent draw distance

How bigs the map for fuck sake?

This is not true

I don't like the speed running up buildings, and idk something about the physics just seems..wrong

you say history of humankind as if hacking has existed for more than a couple decades

But the story arc where he WAS running for major, he was mostly as norman, and not as a gobby.

Post more swinging, I can't tell if it's shit or not.


I dont care about the bamham combat, or the qtes, or the story (provided peter is a wisecracking guy at the very least)

I just want to websling around new york in high definition, and fucking hell the webslinging in this looks so much fuuuuun

Time will tell how much in that demo was scripted though, I'm guessing there's a reason that it took a decade for videogames to make another spiderman game where webs dont stick to clouds, shit must be hard to program

I love it, sucks to be you famm

it better be because im buying a PS4 for it

I hope so. Haven't had a good free-roam Spidey game since Spiderman 2 back on the PS2.

ASM2 was alright, but it just felt...empty. Did let me play as Superior Spidey though, which was nice.

Why? I save money on a platform and still have dozens of games to play that I love.

And that's just from the e3 display, Insomniac said they tweaked it after feedback about it being a bit too slow for people's liking

Man, you just reminded me of the Ultimate Spider-Man game. Was some good shit, playing as Venom, eating people etc.

Plus, the web-swinging was damn good, Shit like being able to go up and down the webs you'd fired, so you could do shorter, quicker swings or longer, distance covering slow ones.

Yea, but this isn't going to be a 1:1 recreation of previous arcs, but a mix up of some original and known stories from the looks of it.

Good for you then


As if a modern superhero game could be good.

which trailer is this from

Boy, looking at the state Sup Forums is now I'm kinda glad that muh graphics shitposting is a thing again

Why's that?

You fucking nigger.

Just saying it's "incredible" can mean anything. It doesn't mean good or bad, it just means unbelievable.

Settle the fuck down, bub

>the state of______
off yourself.


Why? The combat seems like more mindless sands of time shit and web swinging won't carry a game.

Oh boy, QTEs

It's going to be Amazing .

superior would be a better twist

>web swinging won't carry a game.
It did for Spider-man 2

>shooting wont save a FPS

Seemed to only be for cutscenes though senpai.

>pcbros making fake misleading images again cause of sour grapes

PC fatsos are literal cancer

I never saw this gameplay before, youtube link?

it was stitched together from snippets we got fromyoutube.com/watch?v=Ciu7fijZq44


because spidey has absolutely zero momentum, he just instantly change direction, fucking lame

Why are stupid people so obsessed with Miles? Every time someone mentions Spidey they want to promote Miles like there's no tomorrow even though he's a terrible character.
Seriously why do people like (or pretend to like) Miles? He's a boring guy with almost no personality other than being a "good kid" who tries to do the right thing even Ganke, that fat fuck, has a more fleshed out personality.

Hopefully that's what got fixed in the feedback insomniac mentioned

At least there's a chance to make him decent in this

I've never seen any one do this
in fact the only time I hear about Miles is for race-baiting threads on Sup Forums where he's kissing gwenpool or something.

I own a PS4 you stupid cuck. This game looks like ass.

Mark my words too, this is a batman clone with swinging instead of floating.

Except it doesn't

Woah your opinion is suddenly not shitty anymore by revealing that you own the most selling gaming console?!

>no Venom
>no carnage
>absolutely incredible.
Yeah, I dout that.

Who says the symbiotes won't be in the game?

Insomniac devs

Except they didn't say anything about the symbiotes

enjoy your QTE's you dumb sonegros

>only shown for one section
>this means they must be done 100% of the time
Nice meme, kid

I can guarantee you that they will show up in sequels, why lay all cards on the table in the first game?

Enjoy your early access indie games LOL

>Nice meme, kid

it's not as if sony first party titles are known for being semi-interactive, cinematic shit

Plus, there could at least be a symbiote alt costume. If there's one thing they have to get right, it's having tons of costumes to unlock