What do you think bout Terraria ?

What do you think bout Terraria ?

It's nice if you like surviving and/or have some friends to play

Bad graphics

I played it alot in 2011. It was a great time but i don't feel the need of going onto it again.

Graphics don't really matter in a video game to be honest, the gameplay is what matters

Possibly my favourite game of all time.

>No handholding
>Sandbox. Do whatever the fuck you wanna do.
>Exploration is tense, yet fun.
>Bosses are cool fun.
>Build cool shit or just throw up a rectangle and go explore. Whatever you want.
>After a while of playing as a generalist you can continue to do so or branch into one of the "classes" of the game(Archer, Mage, Warrior, Summoner).
>An incredible amount of fun content for the price.
>Can be replayed in tons of fun ways if you are into challenge runs(one weapon type only runs, hardcore, boss speedruns, only consumables runs, no hearts runs)

And all of the above is multiplied if you can get a friend or two to join you. Great game.

You should try it user. They have actually added a lot to the game. I played it before it was even on steam and me and a few friends went back to it recently and had a great time.

I don't have friends.

It's fun either way

waiting on that 1.3 console update.
jesus fuck

Apache Helicopter is pretty OP, same with the tank

Otherworld when?

It says on their site they finished the moon lord ... in april 2017, they haven't updated since then, it's probably due to the company converting the game to the console that had to leave


Q3 2020

Server when

>over 400 hours
>never played multiplayer

How autistic am I Sup Forums?

Not nearly as autistic as what goes on in multiplayer servers.

There's nothing autistic about playing single player terraria

No way this shit is real

Is it your first day on Sup Forums? Lurk moar newfag

It's what I tend to play while listening to podcasts.

Fun little game sunk about 50 hours into it in 2012, haven't played it since, might try to get into it again soon.