Niggas there's some great sales on PSN right now

Niggas there's some great sales on PSN right now

>Persona 5 is finally on sale


>persona 5
>yakuza 0
>nier automata
>all at 50%
Niggas went all out

>EU no Yakuza sales

Dawg they dun fucked up on this bih

>buying games

top kek

Pretend you're from Oregon


Is Evil Within 2 worth 30 euros? Totally forgot this game got released

Goddamn, nearly everything on my list is marked down. How long is this sale supposed to last?

it's fun

>only enough space on the HDD to install 4 games
yeah nah I'll pass

This is why PC never gets any releases.

Top kek

wow it's fucking nothing

>it's a mustard can't stay out of a console thread episode

How novel...

>FF XV season pass not on sale
but i already have the game

What does that mean.
"it's a bad game, but it's fun" or "it's a good game".

Should I get Shadow of War? I completed the first game twice and liked it a lot

the first thing

Gravity Rush 1 is nice and cheap lads

i want to get dark souls 3 deluxe edition, but do you think retailers would have the goty version for even cheaper?

>Get PS4 couple weeks ago
>Turn it on to play some vidya the other day
>Notification from the store
>"Yo, want ten bucks?" I'm paraphrasing
>"Cool, here."
>Don't even need to do anything. Just have ten bucks in my wallet now
>Next day
>Free trial for PS+ expired, 9.99 to renew
>Pretty much get another free month of PS+ for no reason

Okay. Thanks guys. Now I don't even have to pay for PS+ for the Monster Hunter beta AND I get access to the extra PS+ discount. Now there's the black friday sale. Now I can all the games I've been meaning to play for dirt cheap.

Cheers, Sony.

>he doesn't have an 8TB external

or a 2 TB internal

>PS+ only


You don't need those consoles just work remember, now eat your slop piggies.

t. consolecuck

>buying digital
>paying for ps+
Thanks but I'll pass

learn to use punctuation

alright you fuckers this is it. im willing to drop 25 canabux on horizon. is it ACTUALLY worth it or was all the memeing just to spite BOTW?

incredibly mediocre

>buying games

Dumb fucking nyggers, this is why I mod my consoles

Not really bro, buy Yakuza instead

It's get boring really fast

you got me good there console; nigger

I just got through it and the DLC. I had a blast. Got it all for 35 bucks I think, totally worth it.

fuck. been sort of interested in yakuza from the hype on Sup Forums but i feel like it's something i wouldn't be into. gameplay looks bland and i guess the minigames/side quest shit is the real pull? i just wanna play a new ps4 game. wish r&c was on sale.

just trying to help you pretend to be less retarded, my man

It's the type of game that is fascinating when you haven't played many games in your life, if you've seen everything already this won't hit the spot.
Probably amazing if you're 12.

35 bucks can get you a lot of different, much better games. just hold onto it for something better that isn't a coin flip on if you'll enjoy it or not

So if i make an European account and i use the Plus trial, i can get this Nioh deal just like that?

I don't want to waste my time but i do really want this shit.

I said the same thing at first, the fucking game is really absorbing.
You could also go full weeb and try Persona

>fuckin mutt, go back to eat your own shit

Is getting the BF1 expansion pass worth it?

I loved the base game but I'm kinda concerned the DLC playlists will be empty like what happens in just about every game that does DLC maps like that

Why are there two different Persona 5 bundles, they seem exactly the same.

>Titanfall 2
>Cuckenstein 2
>Dishonored 2

Which ones are worth picking up lads?

yeah i have p5. my only games are BB/p5/nioh, uncharted looks shit and i was hoping for some more optimistic opinions on HZD. ah well.

one is ps3, the other is ps4

DLC probably.

this, 2TB PS4 master race

is kiwami on sale and for how much ?
i'm not turning this dust receptacle on to find out

Holy shit nigga, I just watched the source of this image.
Why did it hit so hard?

Oh, I guess I'm blind then.

33% off. Y0 is 50% but more expensive in the end

it is, 20 usd. you can always check psn website for future reference
it shows right under where it says bundle. you can filter out ps3/ps4 games i think

>nothing on Vita
Oh well, there have been many good ones in the past.

How's Unsharted LL?

I fell for the hype and got Yakuza 0 and it’s exactly as you described. Also, it feels like a PS2 game.

Kinda want to buy Danganronpa, Yakuza and Nioh Probbly just gonna pirate all danganronpa tho

Like your time is super valuable anyway?

is gravity rush on sale???

I'm telling you then to get Yakuza, if you don't like it you can call message me and call me a n*gger

>Going all out
>Yakuza 5 has yet to receive a discount in North America
Fuck this!

Dishonored and Prey

>Nioh on sale

I'm blind i cant see it

FF XV Deluxe or Yakuza 0?

You Eurofags got Yakuza 5 on sale earlier this year. The other games always go on sale in both regions.

Not on Burgerland

Is XCOM 2 worth 20 bucks for someone who's never played a strategy game?


How do you prefer to eat away hours on a videogame?

In a vast kinda empty fantasy world, or in a tiny clumped semi realistic nip district?

I bought it a couple sales ago having never played a game like it before.

Pretty enjoyable, easy to jump into. You can feel that it would be better played on a KB+M but you get used to it quick.

Fuck, I'm enjoying both Horizon's empty wilds as well as Persona 5's tiny Tokyo streets, but I think I prefer the latter. Which one has the better gameplay?


EU? reeeee

Final Fantasy honestly. Yakuza’s combat/gameplay is it’s biggest weakness imo. It’s very very repetitive and gets boring fast.

horizon zero dawn is finally $20
nier autmata is still too expensive at $35 though

Should I get shadow of war guys I've been looking for a nice action game and 35$ is pretty cheap for how new it is
I allready bought both the yakuzas and anything else I would want I allready got besides overwatch

what is nioh's sales price?

minus this free money thing, same kind of luck happened to me. I been meaning to get PS4 for a while for few games and the month I get it two or three major games have sales - The Last Guardian, Yakuza 0, Bloodborne and so on.

Do I need to have played the other Yakuza games in order to enjoy and understand Zero?

Mass Effect Andromeda worth 20 bucks for the memes?

The complete edition was last year.

Is Mortal Kombat still populated or did fags move on to Capeshit 2?

Not at all, and they're bound to give it away for free in a couple of months

>Cuckenstein 2 is 50% off

I am tempted by the BF1 season pass but I kinda doubt anyone is on the DLC servers on PS4

Damn, the Yakuza 0 trailer looks fucking awful man. I thought that game was like sleeping dogs

I might as well wait and see till Thursday and Friday to see if the physical copies get lower than the PS store prices. And if they're not, I still have till the 28th to pick them back up.

No the plot has little to do with the other games. Its a great starting point.

2TB SSD internal here. Feels great


im thinking of going weeb a bit. Should I go with Danganronpa 1-2 Reload or Persona 5? Have never played any before and I want the best quality for price game, doesnt have to be big in sheer content.

Or nioh season pass? I never touched the game after beating it though, didn't understand the weapon system and I was stuck on the katana they gave me for ng+, are the dlc good?

Buy FFXV if you want to go weeb. It just released an online monster hunter esque dlc too

You can get it for 20 bucks on gamefly


Funny, this is literally what I check for every time there's a psn sale.
I've been waiting so long now that I'm not even sure if I want to play it any more.

Having played them all I'd say Persona 5. It has an insane amount of things to do and is incredibly stylish. Danganronpa is still a visual novel, so just pirate it on PC or watch a let's play.