I just can't believe we can have actual games on a portable device now
What are you playing right now? RL and LA Noire for me.
I just can't believe we can have actual games on a portable device now
What are you playing right now? RL and LA Noire for me.
>paying to play games you have already bought and played if you ever were interested in them in the first place
>paying to play games you have already bought and played
So everyone in the world has brought every game ever made?
no but if you really cared about any of these ports you'd already played them... it's not rocket science
let's use LA Noire as an example, you'd already played it ages ago if you gave a shit about the game
I never had a ps3 to play it, nor did i ever care about playing it.
I'm playing Skyrim for the first time.
It's a shockingly good port and I was expecting a disaster because Bethesda.
Not a single rational adult bought a switch to play anything besides Mario and Zelda.
If you own more than 3 games for the switch than you are a nu-gamer who wasn't old enough to form thoughts 5+ years ago when la noire or skyrim came out. That or you are a classic shill who can't form opinions.
it's been available for 360, PC and PS3
are you underage?
Shame all the ports run/look like shit. Also cheaper elsewhere.
Literally no point in investing in gimped versions of the games.
I had a 360, i’m saying i never had any i terest in playing noure nor to this day do i have any intent. Are you under the assumption that everyone has owned and played every game ever made or that just because people own a switch they are abliged to play every single release on it?
b-but you can enjo- erhm play them at the train
Pretty much this, no one in their right mind would get the Switch version for most games. I own a Switch and fully know that Mario is the only worthwhile game on the console.
Not even undocked does it look that bad
Most adults own their own cars and don't need to commute.
you severely lack reading comprehension
if you are interested in la noire and bought it for the switch, you would have already played it ages ago, because you'd have been interested in it ages ago, unless you're an irrational nintendo fanboy
This is the portable mode resolution scaling that happens regularly.
>playing LA Noire on the Switch
yeah, but I'm just talking in general, to illustrate the point
That makes no sense, you do know tastes and opinions change overtime right?
If you are interested in LA Noire and bought it for the PS4/Xbox One, you would have already played it ages ago, because you'd have been interested in it ages ago, unless you're an irrational Sony/Microsoft fanboy.
Sup Forums sure is furious about the Switch.
neck yourself you retard
yes, it is true, unless you are underage and weren't old enough to have the chance of playing it originally
yeah when you slap a nintendo sticker on it I guess it changes your opinion when you are starving for games
It's true though. The real audience is underage who were toddlers when the games were originally released.
Now you’re just spinning this into an anti-nintendo speech
Reminder that only 20% of users use the switch as an exclusively stationary console.
Judging it as such makes you an idiot
nope, I am anti nintendo warrior though
>I want to play this old ass game I played to death again just because now I can do it on the train
a fucking novelty item
from my anecdotal experience it happens when a match starts then after the first 15 seconds or so it looks normal again
Funny how nobody bats an eye when other systems get late ports, then it comes to Nintendo and Sup Forums is SEETHING.
no people do make fun of ports of games that weren't released over ten years ago unless the ports actually add something significant which most ports do not
Sonic Forces, over 20 hours on it, taking a break for studies and Pokemon Ultra Sun, but I'll return to it very soon.
No they don't.
Stop being mad.
>Sonic Forces
>Ultra Sun
well I do and I am complaining in this thread
>most adults
>ignoring everyone in the densest population centers
Enjoy what you want to enjoy, user. Nothing wrong with buying games you enjoy.
Should I get LA Noire or Doom? Already got Skyrim.
have you played either?
don't as you didn't care about them before either
don't as you already played them
Never played Doom before. Only played a little bit of LA Noire on the 360 before it got fried.
>you should never care about anything you didn't care about before
>Play third-party game on switch
>Watered down, half-assed port that looks worse than the 360/PS3 version
you shouldn't buy something again if you get nothing out of it, neither of those games is worth replaying just because you can do it on the go, it offers nothing new to the experience
You are watered down and half-assed. Your mom should have gotten that abortion.
Yes, that's how it is.
You see this post? He couldn't actually make a counterargument against fucking greentext so he had to resort to an unprovoked personal attack that barely reaches the juvenile standard.
>looks worse than the 360/PS3 version
And what proof do you have
I'm talking about what he said in the case where you haven't played them dumbass
if you haven't played then you don't care about the games anyway, just admit it, you'd only get these games you don't really care about just because you're starved for games
>complaining about a standard file name
Not everything should be a counterargument. I'm giving you my personal opinion of what was said in greentext. Check and mate.
I have never seen a system that caused so much butthurt.
it's also not about portability adding something to the video game experience, it's about these games being better than any other portable games
>everyone buys every game they are even slightly interested in
fuck outta here idiot
portability adds nothing to these games, neither of those games is worth replaying just because you can do it on the go, it offers nothing new to the experience
yeah you get these games you never cared about before just because you're starved for games on your system
Who the fuck would want to 'play' Skyrim again? It was shit years ago and still is.
yeah just repeat what you said before without addressing my post, that'll work
I've thought LA Noire looked interesting but never got around to playing it, and if the remaster was on PC I would probably buy it on that tbqh, but it's not. Why are you so buttblasted over the idea that someone could find a game interesting but not have played it?
la noire is on PC, the remastered version offers nothing, you're in denial
>anti nintendo warrior
Those don't exist
falseflagger detected
I've heard bad things about the port's performance
if anyone sounds like they're in denial here it's you still being unable to even comprehend that someone hasn't bought a game yet
>bad performance
you can get it to run at locked 60fps with weak hardware and even the stock performance is locked 30fps, something which the Switch can't manage
you're buying a rerelease just because you're starved for games
What if I want certain games on the go?
Checkmate retards.
not only that but paying extra too it's 20 bucks on steam
why would you want doom on the go but not at home?
>you're buying a rerelease just because you're starved for games
so why did you buy it then
are you starved for games
so why did you buy it then?
I didn't buy the rereleases...
>I didn't buy the rereleases...
so why did you enter a thread about them then
Clearly someone is lying here
This really.
Everything is 'I could of played this years ago but didn't because I am a single platform owner'
to say that it's retarded, that's some weak reasoning on your part
>why would you want doom on the go
because it's better than anything on the handheld or mobile market?
>but not at home
but you can play it at home?
so doom was not worth playing before you could play it at the go? so you're buying a game you don't really care about?
>to say that it's retarded
no you didn't, you came here to project yourself onto others by buying it
>hurr you don't really care about the game
go away already
oh okay