Why should I get a PS4 if I already own a PC?

Why should I get a PS4 if I already own a PC?

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So when is someone going to post that futanari political compass?

Not memeing whatsoever, but the only reason to get a PS4 is Bloodborne if you have a PC.

Honestly no. Besides Bloodborne the library is pretty lackluster. It's been a big disappointment for me so far. I naively thought that higher sales would lead to a bigger library of exclusives, I mean it worked for the PS2.

I dunno maybe you like some of the games available on it that are not available on PC. That's the only reason to buy a console, for a machine that is guaranteed to run the games you put in it, unlike a PC which is CAPABLE of a superior experience, at the cost of fiddling and messing around with settings, compatibility, drivers, and keeping your overpriced graphics card up to date every 2 years.

I think it's fine to have as many consoles as you want, if you like playing the games available on them. PC has greater potential but I wouldn't say it's more accessible or more convenient than just getting a cheap console and buying games used.

If you already own a PC the complete offer of -decent- games in the PS4 is as follows:
- Bloodborne
- Persona (Soon to be playable via ps3 emulation)
- Yakuza Zero

That's it. The rest of the games are literal movies, press X to cool or sportsshit.

Bloodborne, The Last Guardian, Yakuza. If none of those interest you then don't bother

What are you, poor? Gtfo

Theres a few nice PS4 games but I still wouldnt reccomend getting one.
The ones I hsve are:
>Ratchet & Clank
>inFamous Second Son
>Gravity Rush 1 & 2
>Witch and the Hundred Knight
>AC Origins (although not exclusive)
>Last Guardian
>Persona 5 (also on PS3)
>Until Dawn (shit "game" but it was a gift so i cant just return it)
>Horizon Zero Dawn


There's very little new on the horizon to pull you over the line to buy it unlike, say, the Switch but stuff like Persona 5soon to be emulatable if not already, Kingdom Hearts 3 when it comes out in 2023, FFXII Zodiac which is almost definitely getting PC port at SOME point or another and Bloodborne are inciting enough to make it worth it if you are at least a semi-weeb (unlike the Vita where you pretty much need to be a full weeb to make the price tag worth it)

It's also worth noting, I think, that all games mentioned above are sequels to well established franchises

I would buy a PS4 on the spot if I could get that bomb ass gold one but they've been discontinued and now cost like €450 for one that's not even a terabyte

why own a pc when you could've bought a PS4

Bloodborne is pretty much it, everything else is mutliplat or not really worth it and the muliplats will look better and run better on PC.
So how badly do you want to play BB? If the answer is not very then you don't have a reason to own a PS4.

But people doing so are the reason Bloodborne will remain a Sony exclusive.
If it didn't sell consoles then Sony would have had no choice but to release on PC so it wouldn't have been a complete waste of time and money.

I haven't had to mess around with compatibility or drivers and I usually wait 3-4 years before buying a new graphics card for dirt cheap. My current card is almost 2 years old and performs on par if not outperforms mid-gen refresh consoles that cost more than 2x the price I paid. Very few games force me to fiddle with settings unless I want to.

My PS4 Pro is basically a dedicated Bloodborne and Yakuza machine. TLG was trash and my biggest regret.

Yakuza games (there's like 3 or 4 games right there)
Tales of Berseria
Persona 5
Uncharted 1-4
Until Dawn
plus whatever multiplats you can imagine, probably a number of things that are console exclusive but not worth getting an xbox one for.

personally if you get any console at all it would have to be a ps4, the xbone is flatlining and the switch is for nintendo shit and barebones bloated 3rd party unoptimized ports

>buying a $400 meme machine for 1 game is a good investment
That's literally how you stay poor. By making retarded purchasing decisions

this desu

199$, you piece of shit


Wut? You stay poor because you suck at getting money. Not by spending it idiot.

Why did you ruin this perfectly good nedroid comic

>Wut? You stay poor because you suck at getting money. Not by spending it idiot.

Wrap it up guys, /thread