Now that the dust has se.... oh wait, it really hasn't

Now that the dust has se.... oh wait, it really hasn't.
But still, what's the Sup Forumserdict?

Other urls found in this thread:

>trying to be funny on Sup Forums
The Sup Forumserdict is you’re a faggot.

It’s fun to play as the clones again. I want Geonosis, Utapau, and Umbara to be future maps

I didn't buy it.

This is clearly a very professional site, I digress. No no, that's not it. Let's all be 'le rage/v/ guy who hates vidya', right?
What a chode.
The lack of Geonosis is... surprising.

glaring balance issues, bad and short campaign and gunplay feels awful

Shit, all starter weapons suck and you have to grind kills with one class to unlock more. Also you pretty much can only play one class since you'll only have enough crafting parts to afford star cards for one class at a time.

A decent game buried beneath one of the worst progression systems I've ever seen

I played 10 hours on EA Access, don't think i'll buy it until it's gone down in price. I enjoyed the space battle mode, don't really like how you can't choose which map you want to play, wanted to play the Naboo one and kept getting Endor and Hoth. They really should have put a Jango Fett reskin to have the illusion of another hero

gameplay slightly better than the first, everything else much worse (especially map design)

Probably held it back so they have a map to introduce Obi-wan and Grievous.

That's the short answer I was going to assume. I'm not even against getting it, but I feel like I'd get sick of it in like, 6 hours because of getting nowhere.

Another pain in the ass thing is vehicles being attached to points, so you rarely see them. Also spending 3k points on the elite troopers only to die instantly to a hero.

rebels are using clone equipment like the bipedal atat on tattooine

that alone makes me not wanna buy the game besides the obvious

It's not true. I did not buy it.

It's annoying how everybody saves their points until the last section of the Galactic Assault, so suddenly you got like 4 heroes on the other team just killing everyone.

Refurbished AT-RT is fine, it’s not like the rebels had anything in the movies to compare to the AT-ST. Remember when Wedge found the jedi starfighter and it had seismic charges in Rogue Squadron 3?

well, sure, but not clone trooper equipment which is like 40 years old and we have not seen once in any of the movies

>bipedal atat

Kill yourself

reddit go away

>Rebels using chicken walkers makes me not wanna buy the game
>Sheev and Kylo Ben running around with droids killing clones is cool though

>>Sheev and Kylo Ben running around with droids killing clones is cool though
where did i say that...

What are the space battles like?
More like OG Battlefront 2?
The flying in nu Battlefront 1 was fucking awful.

If you're losing there's no way to come back since the winning side will have more points and therefore more heroes to continue steamrolling you with.

It's shit. Everyone involved deserves to be drug out into the middle of the street and shot. Or worse: Forced to play nothing BUT that shit for the rest of their natural lives. Suicide is not an option.

space battles were made by criterion, burnout guys, that's why it's much much better than the base game

The MOBA effect, then. I considered it to be possible, but I thought maybe it wouldn't be that influential.

unlocking shit through points
and having abilities tied to star cards and not just to classes was a huge mistake

>take bf1 graphics, gameplay, conquest mode etc.
>slap star wars on it
>get cash
even in bf1 vehicles weren't just standing at the base and i'm fine with it
loot crates with cosmetic shit, sure

it would've been so easy for ea...

It’s like OG Battlefront 2 but without boarding action and withobjectives.

>It’s like OG Battlefront 2
it sure as hell is not
>star shit ability cards
>unlock vehicles with points
>can't get into the clone ship with 4 people , 2 being gunners
it's nothing like the OG BF2

I'll get the game when it's on -75% sale in PS-store. Wish I had a better PC so I could pirate more games.

with the "le epic fail XD" am not sure that EA will bring more content to the game
it will have the same fate as andromeda

Broken, I got 13000 battlepoints in 2 minutes by killing AI starfighters in galactic assult

As gay as the first one made by EA and captain sweden.

>star cards
Not a big deal
>unlock vehicles with points
You only unlock hero ships with points in space battles
>can’t use the LAAT
Because they are not ships made for space battles

Anyway, how's your sex life?

It could have been great if they made it a battlefield reskin

BF1 is shit tho

>Not a big deal
you're kidding me
i hate MMO style gameplay where you need to unlock something in every game
original BF2 had nothing like that and was succesful af and fun too

ignoring the commie shills, is it a good game or not?

It’s as good as every other battlefront game, which is to say it’s fun for a few weeks then you never tough it again.

>It’s as good as the first battlefront game, which is to say it’s fun for a few weeks then you never tough it again.

But the first battlefront is the only good battlefront.

You mean they held it back to charge extra later on for the ``DLC'', right?

>better graphics
>better sound design
that is true

It's battlefield with star wars skin but without the large conquest maps.

looks pretty fun and I kinda wanna buy it but not full price

I'm hoping with all the shit it's getting it will drop price before Xmas, and by then maybe they'd have fixed the progression

>take battlefield
>give everyone star wars skins and levels


and wheres my conquest mode

man the OG battlefron 1 was the best. Everything was overpowered due to splash damage it was great.

You dipshits were suppose to boycotte the game but instead caved into your inner autism for meh darkside.

You all voted for this with your wallets. I better not fucking hear you guys bitchmoan about EA practices from now on since you've brought this freeium bullsite first hand as well.

Fucking retarded autistic star wars fags ruining the industry by suppporting this bullshit mechanics with your Neet moneys.

Fuckers all of you.

I wish it was a battlefield skin
>no heath/ammo packs
>railed vehicles
>no destruction
>no multiple soldiers inside a vehicle
>no boarding
>no conquest
>battle points system
>no fucking squads
It could have been so much better

>no conquest
>no proper offline mode
>campaign short, buggy and unfinished
It sucks

Anyone who buys the 80 dollar edition unlocks all the good weapons for the classes immediately, so they can kill you in one second with the BLARGH or cr-2.

>One of the laziest uninspired singleplayer campaigns I have ever played.
>Terrible progression system that refuses to reward good players.
>Regenerating health and infinite ((overheating)) ammo
>Multiplayer is so unbalanced now everyone knows the maps the game rarely reaches the final stage because a hero usually camps the second objective/chokes and no one can get past the bullet sponge
>Grenade spam down chokes/airships camping spawn


makes you wonder why they didn't do that

Imagine if they had the guts to make Iden as twisted as Tanya

Is it bad that playing BF2 has just made me want to buy Battlefield 1 on Black Friday?

I wish it was as least a bf2142 clone with SW skin
>mfw spending $5 to play the trial of bf2 online last weekend

Fuck off shill your game sucks

its amazing
analyst says you get 1 enjoymentfor every 0.04$ you spend on the game


amazing yes buybuyb
